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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    Yeah, Today Is One Of those Days I Want To Go Home!
    So, not for the first time ever, but strangely realizing it was feeling like 120 degress, I went outside of my house. If you understand how much I truly hate Texas, I think you'll understand why I don't particularly enjoy going outside outside here, unless I am in my own little area, my oasis if you will... I think it's a combination of fear of rednecks, hatred of heat, the low paying non-union jobs and the following:

    A: Being shot by some psycho republican after he cuts me off and slams on his old truck's brakes right before I flip him off
    B: Being crushed by some seadonkey of a thing on the road who thinks that EVERYTHING in Texas has to be fucking gigantic.
    C: Getting drunk and telling some cowboy that his tight jeans are most likely responsible for the small size of their genitals and the hysterical ignorance, low IQ, and mental blindness of several people in the area, and then him going out to the truck and getting a gun off the rack in the back next to the cooler full of deer meat they scraped off the road, and drive-thru beer, and shooting me with it, and then the cops coming and arresting me for public intoxication and bleeding in a high-traffic area (which is apparently illegal if you're from out of state)
    D: Catching the crappiness/brain damage (the kind that slowly eats away your standards) that is apparently contagious here.Anyway, my fears are apparently justified, and not just some delusional conjuration of my diseased brain, as I was dangerously close to experiencing all these things. Fortunately, I avoided being too drunk, getting shot, crushed, run off the road, and catching the crapitude prevalent in the area (although I think I may have contracted some sort of version of the latter for allowing my employer to screw me for years)
    I also heard the song "god blessed texas" and thought to myself...dead grass,low pay, Rednecks, Republicans, highest incidence of alcohol related driving fatalaties, highest number of
    death penalties executed(by about 250)...yeah, god "blessed" texas just like he "chose" the, I'm pretty sure god hates Texas just as much as I do...
    1. George W. Bush, (and he isn't really from here, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth on the EAST COAST! What's up with that horrible fake souther accent?)
    2. Pick-up trucks plague the streets

    3. The people in the pick-up trucks
    4. Constant heat; no wind
    5. The Pro-Government Pro-Oil Pro- Wal Mart Republicans....Gawd!
    6. Everything has to be BIG- except for people's paychecks and chances for ever attaining a civilized life.
    7. Mormon boys wearing white shirts and black pants and a geeky bicycle helmet on a cheap bicycle showing up with a name tag on and telling you how to get "saved"
    8. Homeless people begging for money at every intersection, and the sad thing is, 99 percent of them are veterans! Imagine what this shithole will look like after everyone comes home from Iraq?!? Yeah, and most of the pick-up trucks here dawn a yellow ribbon "support our troops".

    9. Baptists
    10. Knowing that I will be in this state until I can get it together and get the hell OUT!!!!

    The only place I will live here is in Austin! It is an oasis of liberalism, but once you venture farther and farther away from Central or Central East Austin (where I live), forget it!!!

    And that's how I have been doing lately...But, it makes me really, really appreciate that fact that I am not a Texan, I am bones and blood Northern Illinois. Now that I have vented, it's time to have a drink.-- Josh

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