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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    Well, today in the life as a Certified Nurse Assistant pretty much sucked.
    It's always surprising when you get backstabbed for no reason.- But, in the line of work that I do, you have to get used to this. There are a whole lot of Nurse's out there that are simply out to get you, just because they are having their own bad day. What's sad, is that when this power struggle and backstabbing takes place, the residents/patients are undoubtedly the ones who have to see that the healthcare system in Texas is pretty much a sham. Take that back, it has to be the worst run healtcare system in the nation. Just take a look at the Nationwide Nursing Home Watchlist, and you'll see what I am talking about...

    Wednesday, September 27, 2006

    George W. Bush secret Gay sex life in 1984 Bush's secret life in 1984
    The Truth about George W. Bush
    Here you will find out the little known truth concerning President George W. Bush, Victor Ashe, the current American ambassador to Poland (formerly mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee and Exec. V.P.; C.F.O. of Fannie Mae), and their adulterous-bisexual relationship with a Las Vegas woman in 1984.
    This situation took place in 1984 in the State of Tennessee. It concerns a 41 year old woman [currently residing in Las Vegas], Victor Ashe and George Bush's encounter in 1984 during the senate debates between Al Gore, Jr., Victor Ashe and Ed McAteer. She was invited to come to Tennessee by Victor Ashe. While attending one of these debates she spoke briefly with Ed McAteer (Senatorial candidate in 1984 who debated alongside Al Gore, Jr. and Victor Ashe, and was responsible in part for the emergence of the Religious Right).
    Members of the mainstream media (CNN, FOX/news, Chicago Tribune) have known about this Las Vegas woman [well known in the BDSM underground] since September of 2003 yet they have done little if anything to get to the bottom of it. Like Bush's national guard service records they've given him a free pass concerning the what, where and when of his participation in the Texas Air National Guard.
    We believe if the whereabouts and war-time behavior of Senator Kerry during his tour in Vietnam in the early 70's are matters of importance to the American people [according to Sinclair Broadcasting and Swift Boat Vets for Truth] then the past behavior of this President and his involvement in a homosexual situation with another man in the mid 80's is of equal importance.
    When this Las Vegas woman told us about her conversation with Ed McAteer we thought it was something that should be looked into. He was being treated for cancer so we had to move quickly to open a dialogue. We believed obtaining a death bed declaration [if it came down to that] of a man of Ed McAteer's stature in the Christian community [he was called the Godfather of the Religious Right] would have held tremendous weight.?Ed [finally] coming forward to say what he witnessed or knew concerning this matter would have been unimpeachable. Ed was a staunch supporter of the state of Israel and quietly lobbied for the post of U.S. ambassador to Israel back in 2001 but was turned down for the position by none other than George W. Bush. It seems in George W. Bush's isolated bubble, ambassadorships are rewards set aside for friends and lovers only.
    We initially contacted Mr. McAteer back in May of this year. He mentioned at that time Victor Ashe's sexual shenanigans were no secret in Tennessee. He seemed resentful of his party's choice to back a 'sodomite' which is why he ran as an independent. Ed was on chemotherapy and it was extremely difficult for him to talk so we deferred until late August at which time his wife [Faye] informed us he wanted to talk further but was under doctors orders to refrain from all strenuous activity. Sadly, Ed McAteer passed away on Oct. 5, 2004, before we could do a follow-up interview, he was 78. For Ed's sake [and that of his family] we hope his departure was natural [God's will], however, the timing of it all seems rather untimely in our opinion.?It bares looking into by the Tennessee authorities.?
    When he passed way another writer contacted Faye and she imparted to him that Ed seemed upset upon returning from the debate in Chattanooga back in 1984. Was Ed aware of Victor Ashe and George W. Bush's bisexual behavior? Perhaps that is what upset him so.
    Unfortunately he didn't get the chance to tell us what he witnessed that night that upset him or if he remembered talking with the Las Vegas woman.
    The Las Vegas woman was paid $15,000 to arrange sexual liaisons involving bisexual men for George W. Bush (then private citizen) and Victor Ashe (then a Tennessee State Senator). These adulterous bisexual affairs (3 encounters in all-3 different cities) took place in the state of Tennessee during the 1984 senate debates between, Al Gore, Jr., Victor Ashe and Ed McAteer. An African-American woman was invited to participate in this adulterous sexual encounter with George W. Bush and Victor Ashe immediately following the Chattanooga senatorial debate. This woman was paid $1,500. A few years later the Las Vegas woman was detained in Washington D.C. with Victor Ashe by the Metro D.C. police. She was released but Victor was taken into custody.
    So confident was this woman that Ed would have remembered her [and their meeting] she had finally come forward and was prepared to tell it all. She will swear to the authenticity of what is being imparted here, which is the reason that we built this website so we could get this information out to you.
    Bush & Co. will no doubt tell the world she's insane, politically motivated thus concocting this for smear reasons. She is of sound mind and body and welcomes all inquires from the mainstream media. This woman deeply laments not having come forward back in 2000 when then Governor Bush was running for the highest office in the land against [ironically] Vice President Al Gore, Jr.
    Disclosure of George W. Bush's adulterous bisexual behavior will only happen if the American public demand answers. Contact your local news organizations demanding that this truth be revealed and not go the way of his Texas Air National Guard records.
    Direct all media inquires to
    UPDATE June 5, 2006 The woman in question is Leola McConnell. She is the Liberal Democratic candidate for Governor of Nevada in 2006

    Friday, September 22, 2006

    You heard it here first- Petition being sent to the SEC to Investigate NEW YORK POST REPORTER JOHN MAINELLI- SIGN IT HERE Support Truth & Howard Stern
    I started a petition, because I think it is really awful all the negative spin that has begun swirling, from John Mainelli, about Howard Stern. Hopefully, fans will sign this and justice will be served.... click the link below to sign the petition! -

    Some success has already come, this asswipe John Mainelli got fired today!!!!!!!!!..........

    And here's the story:
    Stern Warning Gets Post Writer Canned
    SternHoward Stern's words may not carry the same weight now that he's on satellite radio, but he's still got enough juice to get a pesky critic fired. John Mainelli, the New York Post writer who irked Stern by reporting a rumor Tuesday that he would return to terrestrial radio with his tail between his legs, has left the paper after receiving an ultimatum from editor in chief Col Allan.
    Allan told Mainelli Wednesday that he had to choose between his freelance job covering the radio industry for the Post and his lucrative sideline consulting for radio stations and owners. "I consider myself fired," Mainelli tells Radar. "I can't live on what I earn from the Post."
    Mainelli claims he has made no secret of his consulting relationships in the nearly eight years he's worked at the paper and has always been careful to recuse himself from stories that might present a conflict of interest. But Allan, according to a Post spokesman, was not aware of the arrangement, and would have put a stop to it long ago had he known. Stern has been waging war on Mainelli since Tuesday, when Mainelli reported on speculation that Stern might cut a deal to get part of his broadcast back on terrestrial radio. (Since Stern left CBS in January, his show has only been available to Sirius subscribers.)
    Though Mainelli was merely picking up a report from Inside Radio, an industry trade, Stern chose to blast him rather than the source—probably because Mainelli spiced up his story with other damaging details, such as a rumor that Stern was having trouble booking high-profile guests and had lost popularity as an Internet search term. Stern's Howard 100 news team called attention to Mainelli's consulting ties on air, and their reporting was picked up by journalism blog
    Asked whether he's feuded with Stern in the past, Mainelli says, "He's feuded with me," over the number of subscribers Stern has brought to Sirius, among other issues. Nevertheless, Mainelli claims he's been a fan of Stern's—until now.
    "I'm very disappointed, and I'm really pissed at Howard Stern," he says. "From now on, anything I write about him will have to have a disclaimer: John Mainelli has an ax to grind against this man."
    By Jeff Bercovici 09/22/06 7:01 AM File Under:, Fox, Howard Stern, John Mainelli, satellite radio, Sirius, The New York Post

    Wednesday, September 13, 2006

    Former Texas Governor Ann Richards Dies
    Former Texas Governor Ann Richards Dies
    September 13, 2006
    AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Former Gov. Ann Richards, the witty and flamboyant Democrat who went from homemaker to national political celebrity, died Wednesday night after a battle with cancer, a family spokeswoman said. She was 73.
    She died at home surrounded by her family, the spokeswoman said. Richards was found to have esophageal cancer in March and underwent chemotherapy treatments.
    The silver-haired, silver-tongued Richards said she entered politics to help others _ especially women and minorities who were often ignored by Texas' male-dominated establishment.
    "I did not want my tombstone to read, 'She kept a really clean house.' I think I'd like them to remember me by saying, 'She opened government to everyone,'" Richards said shortly before leaving office in January 1995.
    She was governor for one term, losing her re-election bid to Republican George W. Bush.
    She grabbed the national spotlight with her keynote address at the 1988 Democratic National Convention when she was the Texas state treasurer. Richards won cheers from delegates when she reminded them that Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, "only backwards and in high heels."

    Richards sealed her partisan reputation with a blast at George H. Bush, a fellow Texan who was vice president at the time: "Poor George, he can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth."
    Four years later, she was chairwoman of the Democratic convention that nominated Bill Clinton for president.
    Richards rose to the governorship with a come-from-behind victory over millionaire cowboy Clayton Williams in 1990. She cracked a half-century male grip on the governor's mansion and celebrated by holding up a T-shirt that showed the state Capitol and read: "A woman's place is in the dome."
    In four years as governor, Richards championed what she called the "New Texas," appointing more women and more minorities to state posts than any of her predecessors.
    She appointed the first black University of Texas regent; the first crime victim to join the state Criminal Justice Board; the first disabled person to serve on the human services board; and the first teacher to lead the State Board of Education. Under Richards, the fabled Texas Rangers pinned stars on their first black and female officers.
    She polished Texas' image, courted movie producers, championed the North American Free Trade Agreement, oversaw an expansion of the state prison system, and presided over rising student achievement scores and plunging dropout rates.
    She took time out to celebrate her 60th birthday by earning her motorcycle driver's license.
    Throughout her years in office, her personal popularity remained high. One poll put it at more than 60 percent the year she lost to Bush.
    "I may have lost the race," Richards said after the defeat. "But I don't think I lost the good feelings that people have about me in this state. That's tremendously reassuring to me."
    Richards went on to give speeches, work as a commentator for CNN and serve as a senior adviser in the New York office of Public Strategies Inc., an Austin-based consulting firm.
    Richards grew up near Waco, married civil rights lawyer David Richards, volunteered in campaigns and raised four children. She and her husband later divorced.
    In the early 1960s, she helped form the North Dallas Democratic Women, "basically to allow us to have something substantive to do; the regular Democratic Party and its organization was run by men who looked on women as little more than machine parts."
    Richards served on the Travis County Commissioners Court in Austin for six years before jumping to a bigger arena in 1982. Her election as state treasurer made her the first woman elected statewide in nearly 50 years.
    But politics took a toll. It helped break up her marriage. And public life forced her to be remarkably candid about her 1980 treatment for alcoholism.
    "I had seen the very bottom of life," she once recalled. "I was so afraid I wouldn't be funny anymore. I just knew that I would lose my zaniness and my sense of humor. But I didn't. Recovery turned out to be a wonderful thing."
    The 1990 election was rough. Her Democratic primary opponent, then-Attorney General Jim Mattox, accused her of using illegal drugs. Williams, an oilman, banker and rancher, spent millions of his own money on the race she narrowly won.
    After her unsuccessful re-election campaign against Bush, Richards said she never missed being in public office.
    Asked once what she might have done differently had she known she was going to be a one-term governor, Richards grinned.
    "Oh, I would probably have raised more hell."

    Former Texas Governor Ann Richards dies at age 73
    Former governor Richards dies at 73
    Rest In Peace... Gone now, but her life's work will live on..AUSTIN _ Former Texas Governor Ann Richards -- the witty and flamboyant Democrat who went from homemaker to national political celebrity -- has died at her Austin home. She was 73. Her Family says Richards died tonight surrounded by her family after a battle with cancer.

    Dorothy Ann Richards 1933- 2006

    Iran Says U.S. Departure Would Calm Iraq
    TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Supreme Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told the visiting Iraqi prime minister Wednesday that the way to end instability in Iraq is for U.S. forces to withdraw.
    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was on the second day of his first visit to Iran since he taking office in May, looking to a close ally of his Shiite-led government for help in calming the violence tearing apart Iraq and in developing Iraq's troubled oil industry.
    He told Khamenei the Iranian governments must stop outside influences that are having a "negative" impact on Iraq's security, the Iraqi leader's spokesman said.
    With Iraq torn by sectarian violence between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, as well as a Sunni-led insurgency, the United States has frequently accused the Iranian regime of interfering in Iraqi politics and allowing insurgents to cross the border. Tehran denies that.
    Khamenei told al-Maliki that Iran "considers it an obligation to support the Iraqi government in practical ways," Iran's state news agency said.
    But Khamenei _ who holds the final word in all political matters in Iran _ made clear Iran wants to see the withdrawal of U.S. troops, which he blamed in part for the turmoil plaguing Iraq.
    "Part of (Iraq's) sufferings have been due to the actions of the former regime and part is due to the presence of occupiers in Iraq," Khamenei told al-Maliki, according to the Iranian state news agency and state television.
    "We hope a day will come when the Iraqi people reach the stage they deserve and that, by cutting the hands of the foreigners, its wealth will come to serve the Iraqi people," Khamenei said.
    State TV quoted al-Maliki as saying instability was Iraq's biggest challenge and he blamed the violence mainly on supporters of Saddam's old regime.
    No public mention was made of outside meddling in Iraqi affairs. In Baghdad, however, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said al-Maliki underlined that Iraq wants good relations with Iran, but also that "we don't want interference in our internal affairs."
    Al-Dabbagh suggested money was flowing from elements in Iran to groups in Iraq, which he did not identify.
    It is believed some Shiite parties with militias accused of involvement in sectarian killings have support from groups in Iran, a predominantly Shiite nation. Those parties are also allied to al-Maliki's government, which has struggled to rein in the militias.
    "There is interference coming from neighboring countries and it has negative implications for the situation in Iraq," al-Dabbagh told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Baghdad. "We want to bar financing for certain parties."
    "Iran has shown it will help, and we want to see implementation of that," he added.
    The comments reflect the complex relationship between Iran and Iraq, which is backed by the United States _ Tehran's top enemy. Al-Maliki's Dawa Party is closely allied with Iran as are other Shiite parties in his government, and al-Maliki lived in Iran for part of his long exile during Saddam's rule.
    In a meeting with Ali Larijani, Iran's top nuclear negotiator, al-Maliki thanked Iran for giving haven to Iraqi leaders opposed to Saddam's rule.
    "Iraq is Iran's natural ally," state TV quoted Larijani as telling al-Maliki.
    In the latest sign of increasing cooperation, the two countries reached a deal for jointly developing oil fields straddling their border, and eventually Iraq will send crude oil to refineries in Iran for processing, Iraq's Oil Ministry said Wednesday.
    Iran is also helping Iraq in its chronic shortages of petroleum products. Under a deal reached last month, Iraq will sell crude oil to its neighbor, which will sell back kerosene, and an Iranian-Turkish company will deliver gasoline, Iraqi Oil Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad told AP.

    Lynn Samuels SIMPLY THE BEST female Radio Show Host On Earth
    If you haven't discovered her yet, now is the time to check her out. And who is she? Lynn Samuels, that's who.

    Here are some links to get you started to finding out more!

    Lynn Samuels - HOMENews updates and commentary by New York radio personality Lynn Samuels. - 16k - Cached - Similar pages Lynn Samuels - LYNN SAMUELSNews updates and commentary by New York radio personality Lynn Samuels. - 7k - Cached - Similar pages Lynn Samuels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLynn Samuels (born 1942);is a liberal radio personality based in New York City who ... Lynn Samuels is known for her unique voice, thick accent and honest ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages SIRIUS Satellite Radio - Liberal Talk Radio, Liberal Radio, Left ...Lynn Samuels, the fiercely liberal NYC talk radio legend, now speaks her mind five days a week…exclusively on SIRIUS Left! Lynn's loyal audience knows her ... - 37k - Cached - Similar pages SIRIUS Satellite Radio - Liberal Talk Radio Station – Listen to ...Born in Niagara Falls and raised in Queens, Lynn Samuels has New York in her blood …even though she really wants to move somewhere warmer. ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages Veteran Liberal Talk Show Host Lynn Samuels Joins SIRIUSLiberal Radio host, Lynn Samuels, joins SIRIUS Satellite Radio in October with her own show. Read more. - 31k - Cached - Similar pages BuzzFlash Interviews Lynn Samuels, Radio Talk Show HostOn Saturday, August 17, 2002, Lynn Samuels, a liberal talk show personality ... had an opportunity to interview Lynn Samuels about why another ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages Lynn Samuels (II)Lynn Samuels (II) - Filmography, Awards, Biography, Agent, Discussions, Photos, News Articles, Fan Sites. - 26k - Cached - Similar pages Lynn Samuels (I)Lynn Samuels (I) - Filmography, Awards, Biography, Agent, Discussions, Photos, News Articles, Fan Sites. - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

    Charges Possible in Death of Smith's Son
    Charges Possible in Death of Smith's Son

    Authorities are leaving open the possibility that criminal charges will be filed in the death of the 20-year-old son of Anna Nicole Smith, the Bahamas coroner said Wednesday.

    Her Majesty's Coroner Linda P. Virgill told The Associated Press that authorities believe they know what killed Daniel Wayne Smith, but are awaiting a toxicology report to confirm the findings.

    "We do know the cause of death," Virgill said. "But we need to confirm it with a toxicology report."

    She declined to disclose details but said there was no sign of physical injury to Smith, who died while visiting his mother, a reality TV star and former Playboy playmate, in a hospital three days after she gave birth to a baby girl.

    Deepening the mystery, Virgill said there was at least one other person in the room when Smith died. She refused to elaborate.

    "I can confirm that there was definitely a third person in the room at the time of death and I do know who that person is," she said. "But I am unwilling to reveal that information at this time for various reasons."

    A formal inquiry may be launched, in which case officials will not publicly disclose their findings until after it is completed, Virgill said in an interview.

    Meanwhile, police were reconstructing Smith's steps since his arrival Saturday in the Bahamas, said Reginald Ferguson, the assistant commissioner of the Royal Bahamian Police Force.

    Ferguson told the AP that no drug paraphernalia or traces of illegal drugs were found on Daniel Smith, in the hospital room or near the room.

    "We haven't found any illegal drugs or anything of that nature in the course of this investigation," he said.

    Police believe Smith went directly to Doctors Hospital in Nassau, where his mother was, after flying in to the Bahamas, Ferguson said.

    Daniel Smith was the son of Anna Nicole and Bill Smith, who married in 1985 and divorced two years later. The son had small roles in her movies "Skyscraper" and "To the Limit." He also appeared several times on the E! reality series "The Anna Nicole Show."

    Anna Nicole Smith married Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II in 1994, when she was 26 and he was 89. He died the following year.

    She then feuded with Marshall's son, Pierce Marshall, over her entitlement to the tycoon's estate before he died in June at age 67.

    Smith won a $474 million judgment, which was cut to about $89 million, and eventually reduced to zero. In May, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Smith could continue to pursue her claim in federal courts in California, despite a Texas state court ruling that Marshall's youngest son was the sole heir.

    On the Net:

    Kinky Friedman criticized for Katrina comments
    Kinky Friedman criticized for Katrina comments
    Associated Press
    AUSTIN -- A Houston-area lawmaker said today that she is "vehemently insulted" by independent gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman's derogatory comments about Hurricane Katrina evacuees.
    Friedman last week attributed a spike in Houston's crime rate to the "crackheads and thugs" who evacuated New Orleans.
    "He has demonstrated a total lack of human sensitivity," said state Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston. "The people of Katrina have lost everything and are suffering not only from the loss of loved ones, but the trauma of the event itself. What has precipitated from this tragedy is behavior that results from a disastrous event."
    A spokesman for the Friedman campaign did not immediately return calls to The Associated Press.
    "Kinky Friedman has called himself a 'compassionate redneck,' " said Thompson, chairwoman of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus. "He would do well henceforth to highlight his compassion while de-emphasizing his redneck tendencies."
    Houston police have reported that 59 of the 262 Houston murders between Jan. 1 and Aug. 26 involved Katrina evacuees, either as victims or suspects.
    Friedman, a comedian running as an independent in the four-way governor race, later said there were "some good people among the evacuees."
    Friedman earlier this week also said that we would not pander to different ethnic groups while campaigning for governor.
    "I don't eat tamales in the barrio, I don't eat fried chicken in the ghetto, I don't eat bagels with the Jews for breakfast," said Friedman, who is Jewish. "That to me is true racism."

    Air America To Declare Bankruptcy
    Air America To Declare Bankruptcy, But Progressive Radio Remains Strong
    Air America Radio will announce a major restructuring on Friday, which is expected to include a bankruptcy filing, three independent sources have told ThinkProgress.
    Air America could remain on the air under the deal, but significant personnel changes are already in the works. Sources say five Air America employees were laid off yesterday and were told there would be no severance without capital infusion or bankruptcy. Also, Air America has ended its relationship with host Jerry Springer.
    The right wing is sure to seize on Air America’s financial woes as a sign that progressive talk radio is unpopular. In fact, Air America succeeded at creating something that didn’t exist: the progressive talk radio format. That format is now established and strong and will continue with or without Air America. Indeed, many of the country’s most successful and widely-syndicated progressive talk hosts —and the best Lynn Samuels ( now on Sirius ,
    Ed Schultz and Stephanie Miller, for instance — aren’t even associated with Air America.
    Radio giant Clear Channel is so committed to progressive talk radio that, this week, it will announce a partnership with the Center for American Progress and MSS Inc. to conduct a nationwide search for the next Progressive Talk Radio Star.
    UPDATE: Air America responds.
    If Air America had filed for bankruptcy every time someone rumored it to be doing so, we would have ceased to exist long ago; it may be frustrating to some that this hasn’t happened. No decision has been taken to make any filing of any kind, we are not sure of the source of these rumors and frankly can not respond to every rumor in the marketplace.

    65 Tortured Bodies Found Around Baghdad
    BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The leader of Iraq's biggest Sunni Arab group demanded Wednesday that the beleaguered Shiite-led government take steps to disarm militias after police said the bodies of 65 tortured men were dumped in and around Baghdad.
    On a violent day even by the standards of Baghdad, car bombs, mortars and other attacks also killed at least 39 people and wounded dozens. Two U.S. soldiers also were killed, one in enemy action in restive Anbar province on Monday and the other in a roadside bombing south of Baghdad on Tuesday, the U.S. military command said.
    The attacks have been unrelenting despite a security crackdown around the capital by 12,000 U.S. and Iraqi troops. The more than 1,500 violent deaths last month at the height of the joint operation speak to the difficulties in restoring any semblance of security to this sprawling city of 6 million people.
    Although Sunni Arabs operate some death squads, the vast majority are run by Shiite militias and gangs.

    Shiite political groups, including those in power, claim that armed militias have nothing to do with them and that their own military wings were disarmed months ago and turned into social and humanitarian groups. They claim that armed groups and militias are "rogue" elements beyond their control, but many Sunni Arabs contend that they are in fact controlled by Shiite politicians and clerics.
    Adnan al-Dulaimi, a Sunni who heads the Iraqi Accordance Front political party, called on Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, to take a first step by honoring a pledge to disband militias.
    "We hope the government carries out what it pledged and disbands militias and considers them terrorist organizations," al-Dulaimi told The Associated Press. His party is Iraq's largest Sunni Arab political bloc and holds 44 seats in the 275-member parliament.
    "Their presence is deteriorating the situation and bringing more troubles to the political atmosphere," al-Dulaimi said of militias. "We call upon all religious authorities to raise their voices and demand militias be disarmed."
    Police said 60 of the bodies were found overnight around Baghdad, with the majority dumped in predominantly Sunni Arab neighborhoods.
    All the bodies were bound, bore signs of torture and had been shot, police said. Such killings are usually the work of death squads who kidnap people and usually torture them with power drills, or beat them, before shooting them execution-style with a bullet to the head.
    The U.S. military said it could not confirm all the executions and that their body count so far was lower than that reported by police.
    "It is looking like about a 50 percent discrepancy on execution-style killings so far," said Maj. Josslyn Aberle, chief of the media relations division for the Multi-National Corps-Iraq.
    The reason for the difference was not immediately clear. The confusion over numbers underscores the difficulty of obtaining accurate death tolls in Iraq, which lacks the reporting and tracking systems of most modern nations. Also, counts by the U.S. military often lag behind those of the police.
    According to Iraqi police, 45 of the bodies were discovered in predominantly Sunni Arab parts of western Baghdad. Fifteen were found in predominantly Shiite areas of eastern Baghdad. And five were found floating down the Tigris river in Suwayrah, just south of Baghdad.
    In the two bloodiest attacks in the capital, a car bombing killed at least 19 people and wounded more than 62 in a large square used mostly as a parking lot near the main headquarters of Baghdad's traffic police department.
    In eastern Baghdad, a parked car bomb exploded next to an Iraqi police patrol in the Zayona neighborhood, killing at least 12 people and wounding 34.
    It is believed that some Shiite parties with militias accused of involvement in sectarian killings have support from neighboring Iran. Those parties are also allied with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government.
    Al-Maliki, on a visit to Iran on Wednesday, pressed Tehran to stop interference that is having a "negative" impact on his country's security, his spokesman said in an unusual criticism of an ally with which Baghdad's ties are getting closer.
    As al-Maliki met with Iranian leaders for a second day, no public mention was made on the issue of interference. Instead, the Iraqi prime minister and Iranian officials exchanged warm vows of growing friendship.
    In Baghdad, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said al-Maliki underlined that "we want the best of relations with Iran and we don't want interference in our internal affairs."
    Al-Dabbagh suggested that funding was coming from Iran to groups in Iraq, which he did not identify.
    "There is interference coming from neighboring countries and it has negative implications for the situation in Iraq," he told the AP in a telephone interview. "We want to bar financing for certain parties."
    "Iran has shown it will help, and we want to see implementation of that," he said.
    Sunni Arabs fear more sectarian violence will break out if the largest Shiite political bloc in parliament moves to establish autonomous regions as part of a federal Iraq.
    Iraq's parliament speaker, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, urged that a bill drafted by the dominant Shiite United Iraqi Alliance not be submitted until parliament amends the country's new constitution, a process that could drag on for months.
    American, British and U.N. officials were also said to be urging a postponement.
    Sunni Arabs vehemently oppose the bill, saying it could split the country into three distinct sectarian and ethnic regions that would deprive them of the country's oil wealth.
    Federalism is already part of Iraq's new constitution and there is an autonomous Kurdish region in the north. However, special legislation and a referendum would be needed to turn Iraq into a full federation.
    Shiite leaders of the United Iraqi Alliance were sending delegations to Najaf to meet with radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and other prominent Shiites who do not fully support the legislation _ but for different reasons than the Sunnis'. Al-Sadr, for example, wants the issue to be discussed only after U.S. troops leave Iraq.
    Associated Press reporters Sameer N. Yacoub and Sinan Salaheddin in Baghdad and Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Cairo, Egypt, contributed to this report.

    U.S. Declines Taliban Funeral Target


    WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. military acknowledged Wednesday that it considered bombing a group of more than 100 Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan but decided not to after determining they were on the grounds of a cemetery.

    The decision came to light after an NBC News correspondent's blog carried a photograph of the insurgents. Defense department officials first tried to block further publication of the photo, then struggled to explain what it depicted.

    NBC News claimed U.S. Army officers wanted to attack the ceremony with missiles carried by an unmanned Predator drone but were prevented under rules of battlefield engagement that bar attacks on cemeteries.

    In a statement released Wednesday, the U.S. military in Afghanistan said the picture _ a grainy black-and-white photo taken in July _ was given to a journalist to show that Taliban insurgents were congregating in large groups. The statement said U.S. forces considered attacking.

    "During the observation of the group over a significant period of time, it was determined that the group was located on the grounds of (the) cemetery and were likely conducting a funeral for Taliban insurgents killed in a coalition operation nearby earlier in the day," the statement said. "A decision was made not to strike this group of insurgents at that specific location and time."

    While not giving a reason for the decision, the military concluded the statement saying that while Taliban forces have killed innocent civilians during a funeral, coalition forces "hold themselves to a higher moral and ethical standard than their enemies."

    The photo shows what NBC News says are 190 Taliban militants standing in several rows near a vehicle in an open area of land. Gunsight-like brackets were positioned over the group in the photo.

    The photo appeared on NBC News correspondent Kerry Sanders' blog. Initially military officials called it an unauthorized release, but they later said it was given to the journalist.

    NBC News had quoted one Army officer who was involved with the spy mission as saying "we were so excited" that the group had been spotted and was in the sights of a U.S. drone. But the network quoted the officer, who was not identified, as saying that frustration soon set in after the officers realized they couldn't bomb the funeral under the military's rules of engagement.

    Defense Department officials have said repeatedly that while they try to be mindful of religious and cultural sensitivities, they make no promises that such sites can always be avoided in battle because militants often seek cover in those and other civilian sites.

    Mosques and similar locations have become frequent sites of violence in the U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they have often been targets of insurgents and sectarian fighting in Iraq.

    Lawyer says Anna Nicole Smith had to be sedated after son's death
    The Associated Press
    Anna Nicole Smith frantically tried to revive her son and had to be sedated after he died, her attorney said Wednesday. Authorities termed the death "suspicious" and said criminal charges could be filed.
    "The devastation and grief over Daniel's sudden death coupled with the sedation has been so extreme that Anna Nicole experienced memory loss of the event," attorney Michael Scott said.
    The chief inspector of the Bahamas coroner's office on Wednesday called the death of 20-year-old Daniel Smith "suspicious" and a formal inquiry that could lead to criminal charges was scheduled for next month.
    Smith died Sunday while visiting his mother, a reality TV star and former Playboy playmate, in her hospital room three days after she gave birth to a baby girl.
    Police on Wednesday revealed that a third person was in the hospital room at the time of the death.
    But Scott said that the third person was another one of Anna Nicole Smith's attorneys, Howard K. Stern.
    He said Anna Nicole Smith and Stern continued efforts to revive Smith even after he had been proclaimed dead by staff at Doctors Hospital in Nassau, Scott said.
    "Anna Nicole was so distraught at the loss of Daniel that she refused to leave his side and it was necessary to sedate her in order to check her out of the hospital," Scott read from a prepared statement.
    He said she suffered memory loss and that it "was necessary for Howard to tell Anna again that Daniel had passed away," he added.
    Authorities said they believe they know what killed Smith three days after his mother gave birth to a baby girl, but they were waiting for a toxicology report to confirm the findings.
    Anna Nicole Smith, a reality TV star and former Playboy model who went to the U.S. Supreme Court this year to sue for an inheritance, was in seclusion in the Bahamas with family and friends, said Michael Scott, her Bahamian attorney.
    "You would expect any parent who sustained this kind of loss" to seek seclusion, Scott said.
    A jury inquest, which will be open to the public, is scheduled to start Oct. 23, and Anna Nicole Smith will be required to attend, coroner Linda P. Virgill said.
    "Whenever there is a suspicious death we would have an inquest to determine how the person died," Bradley Neely, chief inspector of the coroner's office, told Associated Press Television News.
    The autopsy and toxicology reports will not be made public until the inquest is held, to avoid prejudicing the jury, Virgill said.
    Jurors will meet in a courtroom inside a weathered, pink-pastel judicial building in the seaside capital, Nassau. If the inquest, which will be open to the public, determines a crime was committed, the case would be sent to the attorney general's office.
    Virgill said there was no sign of physical injury to Smith, who was seen helping make his 38-year-old mother comfortable before he died. Anna Nicole Smith noticed him slumped in a chair Sunday morning and called for help. Hospital staff unsuccessfully tried CPR and other measures to revive him.
    Scott dismissed media reports that Anna Nicole Smith's son had antidepressants or other drugs in his system.
    "It's sheer speculation. It's irresponsible speculation, may I point out," he told reporters.
    Ferguson, the assistant police commissioner, told the AP that no drug paraphernalia or traces of illegal drugs were found on Daniel Smith, in the hospital room or near the room.
    Police believe Daniel Smith went directly to Doctors Hospital in Nassau after arriving in the Bahamas by plane, Ferguson said.
    Daniel Smith was the son of Anna Nicole and Bill Smith, who married in 1985 and divorced two years later. The son had small roles in her movies Skyscraper and To the Limit. He also appeared on the E! reality series The Anna Nicole Show.
    Anna Nicole Smith married Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II in 1994, when she was 26 and he was 89. He died the following year.
    She then feuded with Marshall's son, Pierce Marshall, over her entitlement to the tycoon's estate before he died in June at age 67.
    Smith won a $474 million judgment, which was cut to about $89 million, and eventually reduced to zero. In May, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Smith could continue to pursue her claim in federal courts in California, despite a Texas state court ruling that Marshall's youngest son was the sole heir.

    Tuesday, September 12, 2006


    30 million cars now record drivers' behavior
    Ford, GM, Honda and Toyota Spy on Motorists
    Big Brother Behind The Wheel To Watch Drivers
    95.2% Opposed to California DMV Plan Track & Tax
    Big brother is watching ... motorists
    Total Surveillance Behind the Wheel
    Experimental License-plate Scanners Track Cars on Highways
    Update: 2,000 Cameras To Watch Chicago
    Behind traffic cameras lurk less noble motives
    Homeland Security Surveillance Cameras Hit Baltimore
    Chicago To Expand Video Surveillance System
    Google exposes web surveillance cams
    Waiting for the Gun
    Another Small Town to Install Surveillance Cameras Downtown
    LAPD Studies Facial Recognition Software
    Licence-plate cameras to trap "criminals"
    Listening Microphones Hit the Streets
    School Systems Deploy Latest Surveillance Technology
    China Plans to Have Over 100 Eyes in the Sky by 2020
    Big brother fears over police GPS tracker system
    Bus drivers on GPS plan: Get lost!
    GPS lets law’s long arm grow
    Parents, Bosses Call On GPS Tracking Cell Phones
    New Spy Plan Said to Involve Satellite System
    Federal judge's ruling on use of GPS worries privacy advocates
    People-tracking closer to reality Deal forged to equip VeriChip with global positioning satellite
    Satellite to Track New Toll Motorway
    Spy Project Threatens Security
    Facing a Future without Anonymity
    The Eyes Have It
    Fingerprinting Plays Key Role in Biometrics Boom
    Homeland Security Border Biometrics Installed
    Biometric ATMs Give Bank Cards the Finger
    Big Brother wants national ID cards
    Propaganda: Do we need a national ID card?
    Driver's Licenses As National ID?
    Rep. Paul Denounces National ID
    National ID Cards: Immigration fix or civil rights hit?
    Propaganda: Full speed ahead on ID cards that are 'good for you'
    U.S. edges closer to national ID card
    Propaganda: Americans Support ID Cards “To Catch Terrorists”

    President Bush says Nine-Eleven has changed all of us...

    WASHINGTON — Republicans and Democrats tore into each over war policy Tuesday, set off by a presidential speech the White House insisted was nonpolitical. A GOP leader said Democrats seemed "more interested in protecting the terrorists" than shielding fellow Americans.
    The Democrats contended the president had used a prime-time address commemorating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to make partisan arguments bolstering support for the Iraq war.
    "I wonder if they are more interested in protecting the terrorists than protecting the American people," said House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. "They certainly do not want to take the terrorists on and defeat them."
    Trading barbs, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, who had criticized the president's speech as inappropriately political, called Boehner's criticism "cynical tactics."
    "Rather than try to defend their own failed record, Republicans have resorted to the desperation politics of fear," said Pelosi, D-Calif. "It is long past time for Republicans to be honest with American people and stop questioning the patriotism of those who recognize that the president's Iraq policy has not worked, is making us less safe and must be changed."
    The White House tried to steer clear of the tussle. In fact, Bush spokesman Tony Snow took issue with Boehner's contention that Democrats may be looking out for the terrorists' interests.
    Snow said it was unfortunate but perhaps inevitable that "there will be some name calling" in the months before this fall's election as Republicans and Democrats battle for control of Congress.
    At the same time, the White House vigorously defended Bush against Democratic charges that the president inappropriately used Monday's televised speech, marking the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, to try to bolster support for the divisive war in Iraq.
    Snow said very little of the president's 17-minute address contained controversial statements, and that "this was not an attempt to stir the hornet's nest."
    Democratic leaders called the speech a political argument trying to justify the war by linking it to the terrorists responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. The Democrats contend mismanagement of the war calls for a change in congressional leadership.
    "The president spoke for his administration, not for the nation," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. "This was a political move, designed to tap the overwhelming public sentiment to destroy al-Qaida as a way to bolster sagging public support for the war in Iraq."
    Reid and Pelosi circulated a letter they sent to the television networks and cable news channels asking for equal coverage of Democratic viewpoints on terrorism and Iraq. "There has been a complete absence of balance in the news coverage of national security issues," they wrote.
    In response, representatives for ABC and CBS said the networks cover news fairly and accurately and will continue to do so.
    Bush's address paid tribute to the nearly 3,000 victims of the Sept. 11 attacks and described the enemy as a global network of extremists who hate freedom and tolerance. "The war against this enemy is more than a military conflict," he said. "It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century, and the calling of our generation."
    Much of the speech described the administration's foreign policy following the attack and the decision to go after enemies before they could harm Americans.
    "I am often asked why we are in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was not responsible for the 9/11 attacks," Bush said. "The answer is that the regime of Saddam Hussein was a clear threat."
    Bush contended disaster could result if the United States pulled out of the war, emboldening terrorists.
    The liberal planned to air a cable television ad this week accusing Bush and congressional Republicans of politicizing Sept. 11 by exploiting the attacks to invade Iraq and win re-election. Two conservative groups, Progress for America and the Center for Security Policy, started running their own ads last week backing Bush's policy and telling viewers to vote "as if your life depends on it."
    Republicans and Democrats in Congress showed other cracks in the unity they espoused for Monday's Sept. 11 remembrance, arguing over language in a commemorative resolution scheduled for debate Wednesday.
    Democrats asked Republican leaders to delete a portion that names a series of laws, including the USA Patriot Act, that Congress passed in the wake of the terrorist attacks.
    Boehner indicated the GOP leadership didn't plan to change the resolution. "I, for the life of me, I have no idea what the objection is," he told reporters. "At the end of the day, the majority has to do what the majority has to do."
    The White House, meanwhile, pushed Congress to enact new anti-terrorism laws, but the administration faced stiff resistance from some senators and House leaders — including some Republicans — who said they would not give the White House a blank check.
    That threw into question whether the White House could win its anti-terror measures before the midterm elections. The administration wants legislation to allow for easier prosecution of terror suspects and tracking by electronic surveillance.

    Dear Anna Nicole Smith, on the death of your son Daniel...
    Dear Anna,
    in the small chance that you may actually read these threads, I want to let you know that I am a big fan of yours... Today, as always, I was listening to the Howard Stern Show, and heard the tragic news about your son. Howard and Robin Quivers and his whole staff were very sad to hear the news. I was shocked. I wanted to tell you that I am happy you have been blessed with a beautiful new baby girl. I can't imagine the happiness of a new baby and then the tragic loss of your son. My heart goes out to you.
    Your Friend,
    Josh Angell
    Austin, Tx.

    Anna Nicole Smith... Son DEAD at 20.
    Anna Nicole's son found dead

    Officials say Anna Nicole Smith's son Daniel Wayne Smith, seen here with his mother in 2004, died in a Bahamas hospital where he'd gone to visit the reality TV star shortly after the birth of her daughter.
    An autopsy is underway on the body of Anna Nicole Smith's 20-year-old son, Daniel, who was found dead Sunday in her room at Doctors Hospital in Nassau, police in the Bahamas said Monday.
    Daniel arrived Saturday and went to the hospital where his mother had given birth days earlier, and he spent the night, Reginald Ferguson of the Royal Bahamian Police Force told the Associated Press. "The mother... saw him in the chair, and he appeared to be sound asleep," he said. "She tried to wake him up, he was unresponsive, and she sounded the alarm." He was pronounced dead at the scene.
    Daniel arrived in Nassau Saturday "to share in the joy of his baby sister," says the former Playboy playmate's official website ( Anna Nicole gave birth to a 6-pound, 9-ounce girl on Thursday, the site says.
    Anna Nicole, 38, "is absolutely devastated," the statement says. The post adds that neither alcohol nor drugs are believed to be a factor.
    Her estranged father, Donald Hogan, learned of his grandson's death from TV's The Insider. "I wish I knew what was going on," he told Insider, adding that he met Daniel a handful of times. Daniel's father, Billy Smith, told TV's Extra he was in shock. He said he hadn't seen his son since 1988.

    Monday, September 11, 2006

    An outline in simple talking points ... This overview is in development. If you use the search function with key words, you will discover that is home to articles backing virtually every point made below. Much of the basic research is available at the Complete 9/11 Timeline (hosted by, the 9/11 Reading Room (, and the Spitzer petition and complaint ( For physical evidence discussion, see Point 7. THE DAY ITSELF - EVIDENCE OF COMPLICITY1) AWOL Chain of Commanda. It is well documented that the officials topping the chain of command for response to a domestic attack - George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers, Montague Winfield - all found reason to do something else during the actual attacks, other than assuming their duties as decision-makers. b. Who was actually in charge? Dick Cheney, Richard Clarke, Norman Mineta and the 9/11 Commission directly conflict in their accounts of top-level response to the unfolding events, such that several (or all) of them must be lying.2) Air Defense Failuresa. The US air defense system failed to follow standard procedures for responding to diverted passenger flights. b. Timelines: The various responsible agencies - NORAD, FAA, Pentagon, USAF, as well as the 9/11 Commission - gave radically different explanations for the failure (in some cases upheld for years), such that several officials must have lied; but none were held accountable. c. Was there an air defense standdown?3) Pentagon StrikeHow was it possible the Pentagon was hit 1 hour and 20 minutes after the attacks began? Why was there no response from Andrews Air Force Base, just 10 miles away and home to Air National Guard units charged with defending the skies above the nation's capital? How did Hani Hanjour, a man who failed as a Cessna pilot on his first flight in a Boeing, execute a difficult aerobatic maneuver to strike the Pentagon? Why did the attack strike the just-renovated side, which was largely empty and opposite from the high command? 4) Wargamesa. US military and other authorities planned or actually rehearsed defensive response to all elements of the 9/11 scenario during the year prior to the attack - including multiple hijackings, suicide crashbombings, and a strike on the Pentagon. b. The multiple military wargames planned long in advance and held on the morning of September 11th included scenarios of a domestic air crisis, a plane crashing into a government building, and a large-scale emergency in New York. If this was only an incredible series of coincidences, why did the official investigations avoid the issue? There is evidence that the wargames created confusion as to whether the unfolding events were "real world or exercise." Did wargames serve as the cover for air defense sabotage, and/or the execution of an "inside job"?5) Flight 93Did the Shanksville crash occur at 10:06 (according to a seismic report) or 10:03 (according to the 9/11 Commission)? Does the Commission wish to hide what happened in the last three minutes of the flight, and if so, why? Was Flight 93 shot down, as indicated by the scattering of debris over a trail of several miles?THE DAY - POSSIBLE SMOKING GUNS6) Did cell phones work at 30,000 feet in 2001? How many hijackings were attempted? How many flights were diverted?7) Demolition HypothesisWhat caused the collapse of a third skyscraper, WTC 7, which was not hit by a plane? Were the Twin Towers and WTC 7 brought down by explosives? (See "The Case for Demolitions," the websites and, and the influential article by physicist Steven Jones. See also items no. 16 and 24, below.) FOREKNOWLEDGE & THE ALLEGED HIJACKERS 8) What did officials know? How did they know it?a. Multiple allied foreign agencies informed the US government of a coming attack in detail, including the manner and likely targets of the attack, the name of the operation (the "Big Wedding"), and the names of certain men later identified as being among the perpetrators.b. Various individuals came into possession of specific advance knowledge, and some of them tried to warn the US prior to September 11th.c. Certain prominent persons received warnings not to fly on the week or on the day of September 11th.9) Able Danger, Plus - Surveillance of Alleged Hijackersa. The men identified as the 9/11 ringleaders were under surveillance for years beforehand, on the suspicion they were terrorists, by a variety of US and allied authorities - including the CIA, the US military's "Able Danger" program, the German authorities, Israeli intelligence and others. b. Two of the alleged ringleaders who were known to be under surveillance by the CIA also lived with an FBI asset in San Diego, but this is supposed to be yet another a coincidence.10) Obstruction of FBI Investigations prior to 9/11A group of FBI officials in New York systematically suppressed field investigations of potential terrorists that might have uncovered the alleged hijackers - as the Moussaoui case once again showed. The stories of Sibel Edmonds, Robert Wright, Coleen Rowley and Harry Samit, the "Phoenix Memo," David Schippers, the 199i orders restricting investigations, the Bush administration's order to back off the Bin Ladin family, the reaction to the "Bojinka" plot, and John O'Neil do not, when considered in sum, indicate mere incompetence, but high-level corruption and protection of criminal networks, including the network of the alleged 9/11 conspirators. (Nearly all of these examples were omitted from or relegated to fleeting footnotes in The 9/11 Commission Report.) 11) Insider Tradinga. Unknown speculators allegedly used foreknowledge of the Sept. 11th events to profiteer on many markets internationally - including but not limited to "put options" placed to short-sell the two airlines, WTC tenants, and WTC re-insurance companies in Chicago and London. b. In addition, suspicious monetary transactions worth hundreds of millions were conducted through offices at the Twin Towers during the actual attacks. c. Initial reports on these trades were suppressed and forgotten, and only years later did the 9/11 Commission and SEC provide a partial, but untenable explanation for only a small number of transactions (covering only the airline put options through the Chicago Board of Exchange). 12) Who were the perpetrators?a. Much of the evidence establishing who did the crime is dubious and miraculous: bags full of incriminating material that happened to miss the flight or were left in a van; the "magic passport" of an alleged hijacker, found at Ground Zero; documents found at motels where the alleged perpetrators had stayed days and weeks before 9/11. b. The identities of the alleged hijackers remain unresolved, there are contradictions in official accounts of their actions and travels, and there is evidence several of them had "doubles," all of which is omitted from official investigations.c. What happened to initial claims by the government that 50 people involved in the attacks had been identified, including the 19 alleged hijackers, with 10 still at large (suggesting that 20 had been apprehended)?,0,1825231.storyTHE 9/11 COVER-UP, 2001-200613) Who Is Osama Bin Ladin?a. Who judges which of the many conflicting and dubious statements and videos attributed to Osama Bin Ladin are genuine, and which are fake? The most important Osama Bin Ladin video (Nov. 2001), in which he supposedly confesses to masterminding 9/11, appears to be a fake. In any event, the State Department's translation of it is fraudulent.b. Did Osama Bin Ladin visit Dubai and meet a CIA agent in July 2001 (Le Figaro)? Was he receiving dyalisis in a Pakistani military hospital on the night of September 10, 2001 (CBS)?c. Whether by Bush or Clinton: Why is Osama always allowed to escape?d. The terror network associated with Osama, known as the "data base" (al-Qaeda), originated in the CIA-sponsored 1980s anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan. When did this network stop serving as an asset to covert operations by US intelligence and allied agencies? What were its operatives doing in Kosovo, Bosnia and Chechnya in the years prior to 9/11? 14) All the Signs of a Systematic 9/11 Cover-upa. Airplane black boxes were found at Ground Zero, according to two first responders and an unnamed NTSB official, but they were "disappeared" and their existence is denied in The 9/11 Commission Report. b. US officials consistently suppressed and destroyed evidence (like the tapes recorded by air traffic controllers who handled the New York flights).c. Whistleblowers (like Sibel Edmonds and Anthony Shaffer) were intimidated, gagged and sanctioned, sending a clear signal to others who might be thinking about speaking out. d. Officials who "failed" (like Myers and Eberhard, as well as Frasca, Maltbie and Bowman of the FBI) were given promotions.15) Poisoning New YorkThe White House deliberately pressured the EPA into giving false public assurances that the toxic air at Ground Zero was safe to breathe. This knowingly contributed to an as-yet unknown number of health cases and fatalities, and demonstrates that the administration does consider the lives of American citizens to be expendable on behalf of certain interests.16) Disposing of the Crime Scene The rapid and illegal scrapping of the WTC ruins at Ground Zero disposed of almost all of the structural steel indispensable to any investigation of the collapse mechanics. (See also item no. 23, below.)17) AnthraxMailings of weapons-grade anthrax - which caused a practical suspension of the 9/11 investigations - were traced back to US military stock. Soon after the attacks began in October 2001, the FBI approved the destruction of the original samples of the Ames strain, disposing of perhaps the most important evidence in identifying the source of the pathogens used in the mailings. Were the anthrax attacks timed to coincide with the Afghanistan invasion? Why were the letters sent only to media figures and to the leaders of the opposition in the Senate (who had just raised objections to the USA PATRIOT Act)?18) The Stonewall a. Colin Powell promised a "white paper" from the State Department to establish the authorship of the attacks by al-Qaeda. This was never forthcoming, and was instead replaced by a paper from Tony Blair, which presented only circumstantial evidence, with very few points actually relating to September 11th.b. Bush and Cheney pressured the (freshly-anthraxed) leadership of the Congressional opposition into delaying the 9/11 investigation for months. The administration fought against the creation of an independent investigation for more than a year. c. The White House thereupon attempted to appoint Henry Kissinger as the chief investigator, and acted to underfund and obstruct the 9/11 Commission.19) A Record of Official Lies a. "No one could have imagined planes into buildings" - a transparent falsehood upheld repeatedly by Rice, Rumsfeld and Bush. b. "Iraq was connected to 9/11" - The most "outrageous conspiracy theory" of all, with the most disastrous impact.20) Pakistani Connection - Congressional Connectiona. The Pakistani intelligence agency ISI, creator of the Taliban and close ally to both the CIA and "al-Qaeda," allegedly wired $100,000 to Mohamed Atta just prior to September 11th, reportedly through the ISI asset Omar Saeed Sheikh (later arrested for the killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was investigating ISI connections to "al-Qaeda.") b. This was ignored by the congressional 9/11 investigation, although the senator and congressman who ran the probe (Bob Graham and Porter Goss) were meeting with the ISI chief, Mahmud Ahmed, on Capitol Hill on the morning of September 11th.c. About 25 percent of the report of the Congressional Joint Inquiry was redacted, including long passages regarding how the attack (or the network allegedly behind it) was financed. Graham later said foreign allies were involved in financing the alleged terror network, but that this would only come out in 30 years.21) Unanswered Questions and the "Final Fraud" of the 9/11 Commission: a. The September 11th families who fought for and gained an independent investigation (the 9/11 Commission) posed 400-plus questions, which the 9/11 Commission adopted as its roadmap. The vast majority of these questions were completely ignored in the Commission hearings and the final report. b. The membership and staff of the 9/11 Commission displayed awesome conflicts of interest. The families called for the resignation of Executive Director Philip Zelikow, a Bush administration member and close associate of "star witness" Condoleezza Rice, and were snubbed. Commission member Max Cleland resigned, condemning the entire exercise as a "scam" and "whitewash." c.The 9/11 Commission Report is notable mainly for its obvious omissions, distortions and outright falsehoods - ignoring anything incompatible with the official story, banishing the issues to footnotes, and even dismissing the still-unresolved question of who financed 9/11 as being "of little practical significance."22) Crown Witnesses Held at Undisclosed Locations The alleged masterminds of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohamed (KSM) and Ramzi Binalshibh, are reported to have been captured in 2002 and 2003, although one Pakistani newspaper said KSM was killed in an attempted capture. They have been held at undisclosed locations and their supposed testimonies, as provided in transcript form by the government, form much of the basis for The 9/11 Commission Report (although the Commission's request to see them in person was denied). After holding them for years, why doesn't the government produce these men and put them to trial? 23) Spitzer Redux a. Eliot Spitzer, attorney general of New York State, snubbed pleas by New York citizens to open 9/11 as a criminal case ( b. Spitzer also refused to allow his employee, former 9/11 Commission staff member Dietrich Snell, to testify to the Congress about his (Snell's) role in keeping "Able Danger" entirely out of The 9/11 Commission Report.24) NIST OmissionsAfter the destruction of the WTC structural steel, the official Twin Towers collapse investigation was left with almost no forensic evidence, and thus could only provide dubious computer models of ultimately unprovable hypotheses. It failed to even test for the possibility of explosives. (Why not clear this up?)25) Radio SilenceThe 9/11 Commission and NIST both allowed the continuing cover-up of how Motorola's faulty radios, purchased by the Giuliani administration, caused firefighter deaths at the WTC - once again showing the expendability, even of the first responders.26) The Legal Catch-22a. Hush Money - Accepting victims' compensation barred September 11th families from pursuing discovery through litigation.b. Judge Hallerstein - Those who refused compensation to pursue litigation and discovery had their cases consolidated under the same judge (and as a rule dismissed).27) Saudi Connectionsa. The 9/11 investigations made light of the "Bin Ladin Airlift" during the no-fly period, and ignored the long-standing Bush family business ties to the Bin Ladin family fortune. (A company in which both families held interests, the Carlyle Group, was holding its annual meeting on September 11th, with George Bush Sr., James Baker, and two brothers of Osama Bin Ladin in attendance.) b. The issue of Ptech.28) Media Blackout of Prominent DoubtersThe official story has been questioned and many of the above points were raised by members of the US Congress, retired high-ranking officers of the US military, the three leading third-party candidates for President in the 2004 election, a member of the 9/11 Commission who resigned in protest, a former high-ranking adviser to the George W. Bush administration, former ministers to the German, British and Canadian governments, the commander-in-chief of the Russian air force, 100 luminaries who signed the "9/11 Truth Statement," and the presidents of Iran and Venezuela. Not all of these people agree fully with each other, but all would normally be considered newsworthy. Why has the corporate-owned US mass media remained silent about these statements, granting due coverage only to the comments of actor Charlie Sheen?GEOPOLITICS, TIMING AND POSSIBLE MOTIVES29) "The Great Game" The Afghanistan invasion was ready for Bush's go-ahead on September 9, 2001, with US and UK force deployments to the region already in place or underway. This followed the failure earlier that year of backdoor diplomacy with the Taliban (including payments of $125 million in US government aid to Afghanistan), in an attempt to secure a unity government for that country as a prerequisite to a Central Asian pipeline deal.30) The Need for a "New Pearl Harbor"Principals in US foreign policy under the current Bush administration (including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle and others) have been instrumental in developing long-running plans for worldwide military hegemony, including an invasion of the Middle East, dating back to the Ford, Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations. They reiterated these plans in the late 1990s as members of the "Project for a New American Century," and stated a clear intent to invade Iraq for the purpose of "regime change." After 9/11, they lost no time in their attempt to tie Iraq to the attacks.31) Perpetual "War on Terror"9/11 is supposed to provide carte-blanche for an open-ended, global and perpetual "War on Terror," against any enemy, foreign or domestic, that the executive branch chooses to designate, and regardless of whether evidence exists to actually connect these enemies to 9/11.32) Attacking the Constitutiona. The USA PATRIOT Act was written before 9/11, Homeland Security and the "Shadow Government" were developed long before 9/11, and plans for rounding up dissidents as a means for suppressing civil disturbance have been in the works for decades.b. 9/11 was used as the pretext to create a new, extra-constitutional executive authority to declare anyone an "enemy combatant" (including American citizens), to detain persons indefinitely without habeas corpus, and to "render" such persons to secret prisons where torture is practiced.33) Legal Trillions9/11 triggers a predictable shift of public spending to war, and boosts public and private spending in the "new" New Economy of "Homeland Security," biometrics, universal surveillance, prisons, civil defense, secured enclaves, security, etc.34) Plundered Trillions?On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced a "war on waste" after an internal audit found that the Pentagon was "missing" 2.3 trillion dollars in unaccounted assets. On September 11th, this was as good as forgotten.35) Did 9/11 prevent a stock market crash? Did anyone benefit from the destruction of the Securities and Exchange Commission offices at WTC 7, and the resultant crippling of hundreds of fraud investigations?36) Resource Wars a. What was discussed in the Energy Task Force meetings under Dick Cheney in 2001? Why is the documentation of these meetings still being suppressed? b. Is Peak Oil a motive for 9/11 as inside job?37) The "Little Game"Why was the WTC privatized just before its destruction?HISTORY38) "Al-CIA-da?" The longstanding relationship between US intelligence networks and radical Islamists, including the network surrounding Osama Bin Ladin. (See also point 13d.)39) Historical Precedents for "Synthetic Terror" a. In the past many states, including the US government, have sponsored attacks on their own people, fabricated the "cause for war," created (and armed) their own enemies of convenience, and sacrificed their own citizens for "reasons of state." b. Was 9/11 an update of the Pentagon-approved "Project Northwoods" plan for conducting self-inflicted, false-flag terror attacks in the United States, and blaming them on a foreign enemy?40) Secret Government a. The record of criminality and sponsorship of coups around the world by the covert networks based within the US intelligence complex.b. Specifically also: The evidence of crime by Bush administration principals and their associates, from October Surprise to Iran-Contra and the S&L plunder to PNAC, Enron/Halliburton and beyond.REASON NUMBER 41:RELATED MOVEMENTS AND PARALLEL ISSUESGround Zero aftermath movements: - Justice for the air-poisoning cover-up ( "Radio Silence" ( Skyscraper Safety ( fraud and black box voting, 2000 to 2004. ( to justify the invasion of Iraq. ( of depleted uranium and its multi-generational consequences on human health and the environment.Longstanding development of contingency plans for civil disturbance and military rule in the USA (See, "The War at Home")Oklahoma City Truth movement. ( you call it "Globalization" or "The New World Order" - An unsustainable system of permanent growth ultimately requires warfare, fraud, and mass manipulation. GOING FORWARD ..."But an inside job would involve thousands of people! How could they keep a secret?" Counter-arguments, red herrings, speculations and false information.Selected essays, books and websites that make the case for 9/11 as inside job. (See Resources)Demanding a real investigation of the September crimes - Not just a patriotic duty, but a matter of survival.

    Order W199I-WF-213589 - FBI hindered in Al-Qaeda investigation
    - US agents told to "back off" Bin Ladens (ANANOVA)- Bush Thwarted FBI probe against Bin Ladens (AFP)- FBI told to "back off" investigating Bin Laden family before the attacks on Sept. 11th: BBC Newsnight Video - Has someone been sitting on the FBI? BBC Newsnight transcript- Bush took FBI Agents of bin Laden family trail (TIMES OF INDIA)- FBI claims Bin Laden inquiry was frustrated (LONDON GUARDIAN)- FBI 'was told to back off bin Laden family' (SYDNEY MORNING HERALD)- Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle on 9-11- FBI agent: I was stymied in terror probe- Whistleblower Complains of FBI Obstruction- Judicial Watch press conference featuring special FBI agent Robert Wright - impeded from terrorist investigations- Scandal Inside the FBI: Did G-Men Miss the Boat on 9-11?- SECTION OF W199I DOCUMENT FROM GREG PALAST'S BOOK 'THE BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY'- MINNESOTA FBI AGENTS WERE OBSTRUCTED IN PRE-SEPT. 11 TERRORIST INVESTIGATION BY 'HIGHER-UPS'- FBI Lawyer Tells of Terror 'Roadblock'- Minneapolis agent says FBI headquarters rewrote requests for search warrants for Moussaoui- Agent Claims FBI Supervisor Thwarted Probe- Agent blasts FBI over 11 September 'cover-up'- Angry FBI agents joked about al Qaeda mole at HQ- Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle - New evidence that the Bureau quashed another terror probe before 9/11- FBI Agent: Bureau Prevented Terror Probe- The ignored warning: FBI officer prevented from prosecuting future 9/11 hijacker- FBI AGENT ROBERT WRIGHT SAYS FBI AGENTS ASSIGNED TO INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS CONTINUE TO PROTECT TERRORISTS FROM CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS
    Terrorists trained at US flight schools
    - Venice Airport Used for Covert Ops: What they're hiding down in Venice, Florida - MadCowMorningNews coverage of Venice flight schools - Pensacola NAS Link Faces More Scrutiny- Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained At US Bases- FBI Knew Terrorists were Using Flight Schools- Did Terrorist Pilots Train at U.S. Military Schools?- Visas for terrorist pilots surface- Six months later, hijackers' visas arrive at flight school- 6 Months Late, I.N.S. Notifies Flight School of Hijackers' Visas- Bush 'displeased' over hijackers' visas- Reaction of Senator Patrick Leahy to FBI warnings about terrorists being trained at US flight schools- Alert FBI agent gave heads-up in July on Arabs in aviation- FBI Warned of Training Before 11th- FBI Agent Warned of Suspicious Flight Students Last Summer- FBI cover-up of Mohamed Atta's last days- Bin Laden: the former CIA 'client' obsessed with training pilots- Hijack Plot Suspicions Raised With FBI in Aug.- Flight school memo wasn't passed on- Senator seeks Sept. 11 FBI investigation - Pre-Attack Memo Cited Bin Laden- Author of FBI Memo Praised for Expertise- F.B.I. Knew for Years About Terror Pilot Training- FBI Pigeonholed Agent's Request - Canvassing of Flight Schools For Al Qaeda Was Rejected- Agent told CIA of flight students- Agent Linked Pilot Trainees, Bin Laden- Terrorist Ties Cited in Memo- Justice Probed FBI on 9/11 Memo- Visa scam at US Embassy allowed terrorists with links to 9/11 to enter country illegally
    Why the attacks occurred on September 11th: '9- 11 Drills'
    - On 9/11, CIA Was Running Simulation of a Plane Crashing into a Building- Agency was to simulate plane crash on 9-11 ( article, Google cache)- Aviation Week's Aviation Week & Space Technology Article (NORAD Drill, Google cache) - The U.S. Government, Not the Hijackers, 'Chose' the Date of the 9-11 Attacks- U.S. SPY Satellite Agency’s Mock 9/11 Drill Exposes Administration Lies
    Protection of Zacarias Moussaoui
    The Moussaoui-Chechen Coverup [1] [2] [3]- Access Denied - Minneapolis FBI agents impeded in terrorist investigations by Justice Department- The '20th' hijacker had been a suspect for years - but he was ignored by intelligence agencies- FAA security took no action against Moussaoui- Flight School Warned F.B.I. of Suspicions- Back in the Lion's Mouth - The INS had two chances to nab Mohamed Atta. It failed both times.- FAA security took no action against Moussaoui- Moussaoui Probe Pushed U.S. Limits- Eagan flight trainer wouldn't let unease about Moussaoui rest- Could It Have Been Stopped? (CBS report on Moussaoui issue)- CIA Learned of Moussaoui Under Alias- Agent Cited WTC Attack Ahead of 9/11
    Terrorist base in UK protected
    - Terror links in Europe: MI5 knew for years of London mosque's role- Warnings on jail Muslims were ignored by ministers- London Mosque Leader: We Warned About Radicals- MI5 blunders over bomber
    Making it easy for the terrorists to attack
    - The Hijackers We Let Escape- Hijackers 'trailed by CIA before attacks'- Report: CIA Knew Two Sept. 11 Hijackers Were in U.S.- September 11 hijacker questioned in January 2001- CIA complicit on September 11? (MICHAEL SPRINGMAN INTERVIEW)- FBI Let Suspected Terrorist Get Away- Anti-terror Prober: OKC Bombing Suspect Worked at 9-11 Airport- Terror Charity Got Fortune 500 Cash- Screening system ignored nationality- INS Action Ruled a Violation of Whistle-Blower Protections (Borders wide open)- Armed pilots banned 2 months before 9-11 - FAA rescinded rule allowing guns in cockpits just before terror attacks- Armed-pilot rule nixed after hijack briefing - Agency removed cockpit gun right despite July al-Qaida warning
    Questionable ties
    - A Qaeda Terrorist worked with FBI - Ex-Silicon Valley Resident Plotted Embassy Attacks- Taliban Defector was a CIA Informant for Years- Bush's Favorite Terrorist Buddy- Bin Laden's Brother in Law 'An Irish Citizen'- Pakistan ISI spy service 'aiding Bin Laden' (Who runs the ISI? Answer - the CIA)- Was it an ‘intelligence failure’ to give red carpet treatment to the ‘money man’ behind the 9-11 terrorists?- Our 'allies' Saudi Arabia and Pakistan both paid £200 million+ in protection money to bin Laden- India helped FBI trace ISI-terrorist links (White House 9/11 attendee Mahmud Ahmad hotwired $100,000 to lead hijacker) - Is there more to Sen. Graham's claim of a 9-11 cover-up than meets the eye?
    Protection of terrorists post-9/11
    - The 'airlift of evil' - Why did we let Pakistan pull ‘volunteers’ out of Kunduz?- THE GETAWAY - Questions surround a secret Pakistani airlift- US helped Taliban to safety, magazine claims- US 'let Taleban men escape'- US rejected Iraq offer to turn over alleged World Trade Center bomber- Nuclear plot suspects freed after mix-up- Arab flight students streaming into U.S.- U.S. delayed blacklisting Pakistani al-Qaida group- Sept. 11 Charity Gave Money to Group Defending Terror Suspects- Bin Laden narrowly escaped US raid in Pak : Report (How convenient)- Blunders that let bin Laden slip away- Amnesty plan helps detainees, foes say (terrorists welcome here)- State Dept.: Terrorists Still Welcome Here- Report: CIA Missed Chance to Nab Terrorist- Sheltering A Puppet Master? - Al-Qaida suspect 'hidden by UK agents'- Don't arrest terrorists, INS tells airport agents- Easing sanctions on bin Laden associates urged- How bin Laden's huge convoy gave American forces the slip - Afghans still marvel that 1,000 cars and lorries escaped
    CIA meeting with bin Laden
    - CIA Agent Met Bin Laden In July (LONDON EVENING STANDARD)- Radio reports new CIA-Bin Laden details (UPI/WASHINGTON TIMES)- Bin Laden Treated in US Hospital (UPI/WASHINGTON TIMES)- La CIA aurait recontre Ben Laden en juillet - Original Le Figaro article in French)- CIA Would Have Met bin Laden in July - Direct Translation From French Le Figaro Article- CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July (LONDON GUARDIAN)- Bin Laden 'met CIA agent before terror attacks' (ANANOVA)- OSAMA BIN LADEN CONTACTED CIA SHORTLY BEFORE TERRORIST ATTACKS (PRAVDA)- Bin Laden Underwent Treatment in July at Dubai American Hospital: Reports (AFP)- CIA Says It Didn't Meet With bin Laden (NEWSMAX/UPI)- Picture of original Le Figaro front page with Bin Laden CIA story
    Operation Bojinka / Planes as Bombs
    - FBI Charged With Ignoring Repeated Warnings Of Plane-As-Bomb Threat- Hijacker's Plans Were Called 'Project Bojinka' - Were KNOWN TO U.S.- Western Intel Knew bin Laden's Plan Since 1995 - German paper- Filipino police uncover 1995 leads to Sept. 11 plot- Operation Bojinka's bombshell- U.S. warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack buildings- Bust and Boom (Operation Bojinka)- U.S. Knew of Suicide Hijack Threat in 1995- Abu’s long-standing ties to global terrorism bared- Probe: U.S. Knew of Jet Terror Plots
    Warnings Ignored
    - MI6 WARNED U.S. OF AL-QAEDA ATTACKS- September 11 attacks called avoidable- America warned two years ago over "September 11": report- NSA Missed A Big Warning- NSA didn't share key pre-Sept. 11 information, sources say- SENATE BIG REVEALS MORE 9/11 WARNINGS- New York Times pulled Al-Qaeda warning- U.S. had agents inside al-Qaeda- Wiretaps May Have Foretold Terror Attacks- Condoleezza Rice Warned Sept. 6 About Imminent Terror Attack (by CFR member Hart)- U.S. Ignored Warnings From French- FBI Was Warned of Sept. 11 Hijacker (Knew phone number, address, car of Hanjour)- Britain warned US to expect September 11 al-Qaeda hijackings- US AUTHORITIES WERE WARNED ABOUT THE TERRORIST ACTS - EVEN BY ARABS- Bulletins warned airports in '98- FAA Warned of bin Laden in 1998- FAA SAT ON PRE-9/11 WARNING- Ashcroft drawn into row over September 11- Bush was given hijack warning by British intelligence- In Sept. 15 interview with NBC, Vice President Dick Cheney acknowledged the administration had received warnings- What Went Wrong: A chilling question - did Sept 11 have to happen?- Washington was 'warned of hijack risk'- GENOA: US and Italian officials alerted to possibility of suicide hijackings - Bush warned directly- 1999 Report Warned of Suicide Hijack- For years, signs suggested 'that something was up'- What did the FBI know?- Bush Administration Explanations for Pre-9-11 Warnings Fail the Smell Test- Bush Told of Possible Hijack Plot Before Sept. 11- Bush Was Told of Hijacking Dangers- Congress Eyes Reaction to Pre-Sept. 11 Warnings- Echelon gave authorities warning of attacks- Alex Jones interview with respected lawyer David Schippers - Government had prior knowledge- Middle East-OKC connection David Schippers tells Metcalf feds 'ignored' warnings of WTC attacks- US Ignored Pending Terror attack Warning Says Former FBI Official- Bin Laden Tipped His Hand- CIA Cited Risk Before Attack- Bush Did Not Heed Several Warnings of Attacks- Skolnick - US Had Prior Knowledge Of Emergency- PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE - 7TH SEPTEMBER (SAYING BIN LADEN WAS ABOUT TO ATTACK)- Egypt Leader Says He Warned America- Egypt Warned U.S. of a Qaeda Plot, Mubarak Asserts- Who Did It? Warnings About bin Laden’s Group- Early Warnings Pre-Sept. 11 Cautions Went Unheeded- CIA 'ignored warning' on al Qaeda- What We Knew: Warning Given......Story Missed- Feds: Evidence suggests hijackers' support in U.S.- CIA, FBI Disagree on Urgency of Warning- FBI Ignored Warnings of Fanatical Student Pilot- German police confirm Iranian deportee phoned warnings- U.S. Commission on National Security warned Bush- U.S. Identified Some Elements of Hijack Plot in Advance- Earlier Hijackings Offered Signals That Were Missed- The failure of government- Warning signs - Should officials have known the terror attacks were coming?- Transcript: Actor James Woods on O'Reilly (9/11 hijackers do a dry run - FBI warned - nothing happens)- The warnings about Sept. 11- FBI 'ignored leads'- Jim Pavitt admits CIA foreknowledge of 9/11 - "We knew and we warned that al Qaeda was planning a major strike."- We've Hit the Targets (Newsweek reports that top Pentagon officials were warned and cancelled flights on September 10th)- Many Say U.S. Planned for Terror but Failed to Take Action- Argentinians Say They Heard Terror Alert Weeks Before 9/11- Canada had hint of trouble pre-Sept. 11- Missed Chance - A wasted FBI asset?- German Intelligence Report warned Bush of exact date of terrorist attack- Moroccan secret agent 'predicted New York attack'- Spy chiefs warned ministers of al-Qaeda attacks- Officials: Sept. 11 attacks were planned since 1998- US Heard 'Tomorrow Is Zero Hour' on Eve of Attacks- NSA Intercepts On Eve of 9/11 Sent a Warning- Panel: '98 meeting foresaw 9/11 attack- Military analyst's terror warning fell on deaf ears- 'Ignorant and inept' FBI failed to heed warning of terrorist attacks- Pilot Said to Boast of Murder Year Before Sept 11 - "In addition the words 'World Trade Center' were mentioned."- Taleban 'warned US of huge attack'- Did the U.S. Ignore Warning of 9-11 Attack? US State Department Official Told by Taliban Aide of Huge and Imminent Attack in July 2001- Prior Knowledge of Sept. 11 Not Just Urban Legend- U.S. Knew of Terror Cell Before 9/11: Probe of Men Began After Return From Afghanistan in 2001- US 'failed to heed' terror warnings- Congress Was Warned Two Months Before 9/11 Attacks- U.S. ignored terror signals, inquiry says- CIA Knew About 3 Hijackers in 2000 - 9/11 Inquiry- Alert on hijackers not 'urgent'- Sept. 11 Hijacker Made Test Flights- In April 2000, a man entered the FBI field office in Newark and detailed how he was involved in a plot by Osama bin Laden to hijack a Boeing 747


    - Carl Cameron's Special Report (FOXNews Video)- JINSA Behind Drive To Cover-Up Israeli Spy Scandal- Spies, or students?- Israeli 'Art' Deportees Were IDF Intel, Intercept, Explosives Experts- THE FIVE ARRESTED ISRAELIS: THE FULL STORY- HUNDREDS OF MOSSAD AGENTS CAUGHT RUNNING WILD IN AMERICA!- THE ISRAELI SPY RING SCANDAL- U.S. Army Officers Say: 'Mossad May Blame Arabs'- THE ISRAELI "MOVERS" FILE- ABC News: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?- 9/11: What did Israel know? and when did they tell us?- BBC reports on Israeli spy ring with foreknowledge of 9/11- Odigo says workers were warned of attack- Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack- Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large scale terror attacks- Massive Israeli Spy Ring Linked to Sept. 11- Mossad warned CIA of attacks - report- U.S. Breaks Up Major Israeli Spy Ring; Speculation: Mossad Was Aware of Sept. 11 Preparations- Did Mossad Know?
    Enron / Taliban in Texas
    - ENRON-BUSH-HARVARD-WTC-OIL CONNECTION - Taliban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline- 'Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs.'- Enron-FedGov Corruption: CIA Used in Corp Espionage, Rackets- The Enron Collapse And The Bush/Republican Connections- Finishing the Jigsaw Puzzle
    Highly Suspicious Activity
    - Pre-911 NORAD Exercise Focused on airborne terrorism/planes crashing into buildings- EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 01-261 (Jeb Bush declares martial law 4 days before September 11th)- Five of the hijackers lived in a motel right outside the gates of the NSA - The FBI Informant Who Lived With the Hijackers - Sources: Hijackers' ex-landlord was FBI informant- Pentagon officials cancelled September 11 flying plans day before (10th paragraph down)- Bin Laden's Trail - Rushdie Air Ban (banned from flying from September 3rd)- Willie Brown got low-key warning about air travel- US Pulled Plug On 500 Arab/Muslim Websites Day Before Jetliner Attacks- FBI denies internet raid was anti-Arab- Ashcroft Flying High (Ashcroft told to avoid commercial airliners in Summer of 2001)- Trade Center Warning Baffles Police- Some Got Warning: Don't Go Downtown on Sept. 11- Police: Student spoke of attacks before Sept. 11 - No Prior Warning At WTC On 911? WTC Corporate Casualties Correction Reopens Question of Conspiracy or Complacency- PENTAGON WAS PREPARING FOR CRASH SCENARIO IN NOVEMBER 2000- Bush and Atta Visit Same Resort in the Hours Leading to 9-11
    Insider Trading Immediately Prior to 9-11
    - German Firm Probes Final World Trade Center Deals- Mystery of terror 'insider dealers'- Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Leads Directly Into The CIA's Highest Ranks- PROFITS OF DEATH - INSIDER TRADING AND 9-11- PROFITS OF DEATH - PART 2 - TRADING WITH THE ENEMY- PROFITS OF DEATH - PART 3 - ALL ROADS LEAD TO DEUSTCHEBANK AND HARKEN ENERGY- SHADY TRADER EYED FOR 9/11 TIP- Lawyer: Accused Man Knew of Attacks- What did 'Tony' know on September 10?- Feds: Ex-Agent Had Key Data - Stock scam charges have eerie link- Still Silence From 9-11 Stock Speculation Probe- Stock trader targeted in Sept. 11 probe agrees to return to New York

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