From: DriveDemocracy
In this media-saturated age, sound bites stand in for truth, and image becomes reality. By virtue of the bully pulpit of his presidency, George W. Bush has become the image of Texas, and it appears to the nation--even to the world--that this man is the very ethos of the Texas mind and heart. Too many people believe that the President defines what it means to be a Texan, that his walk is our walk, that his talk is our talk, his politics are our politics, his values are our values.
After two years of brag and bluster, yesterday George W. Bush admitted on the Today Show that he can't win the war on terror. Many Texans who remember how Bush's "education miracle" vanished like a mirage or how his irresponsible tax cuts left the state with a crushing deficit won't be surprised that he's failing again.
DriveDemocracy is proud to support a bold group of Texas artists who aren't afraid to point out that W. is "all hat and no cattle." We're only on the second day of our four day fundraising effort to help the Texas Arts Community and DriveDemocracy members are over half-way to our fundraising goal!
To contribute to the effort and help us meet our $10,000 goal, click here:
Today we're continuing our convention special with an essay from best-selling mystery author David Lindsey. The full essay can be read at the DriveDemocracy homepage.thank you for your courage and committment,
Glenn Smith,