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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Monday, August 23, 2004

    Habitat For Humanity :Thru The Eyes of a Non-Habitat For Humanity Homeowner
    Habitat For Humanity. The website to this organization has glorified the Habitat For Humanity Agenda.Recently, especially as a new homeowner, I have seen the way that people in these homes cheat the system.In a typical Habitat home, such as some of them in my neighborhood, you will notice many similaries.A single parent, with more than 3 children, who does not work. Or, A two parent household, with one or both of them on Social Security Disability, for no obvious reason. I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM IF THERE IS A TRUE AND BLATANT REASON TO GET A DISABILITY CHECK, however, if you are ok enough to do yard work and run around the block in the mornings, I do not belive you should be getting a free handout when it comes to a home.In my community, which is only 10 minutes from downtown Austin, Texas; the city had the idea along with the developers to make a community in which there was great diversity. My house, which cost me $115,000 of which I have a thirty year loan, is smaller than some of these Habitat homes that are going up in this community. The Habitat home comes fully landscaped and fenced in. I had to do this on my own. My point is not jealousy. My point is that I work 6 days a week and can barely make ends meet. Have next to nothing left to grocery shop with, and cannott afford decent medical care to to recent cut backs from my insurance plan forcing me into higher prices for meds, etc.When it comes to food for the non- working Habitat homeowner, Capital Area Foodbank in Austin delivers 6 to 7 banana boxes of food so that the family can eat.This floors me.The Habitat homes are purchased only at cost, so for example, a $100,000 home will only cost the Habitat Homeowner about $50,000.On to the topic of Healthcare.Recently the City of Austin was able to get a Hospital District passed, so that tax money can pay the healthcare industry off for these non working individuals needs.To the left of my property, two homes down lies section 8 housing; of which I was not made aware of when I bought my home. the residents in these also receive free food, and a few weeks ago when they had to call an ambulance, who do you think is footing that bill? Me, the worker, all the while the non-workers are getting ahead.Already, if you look at this, I work 6 days a week to pay the bills of my home. I have a $115,000 mortgage I'll pay on for 30 years, with interest.Meanwhile, the Habitat for Humanity home owner will pay on the $50,000 mortage, but INTEREST FREE!It is clear that the system is in need of a cleaning.The question is:Will you go out and vote on local Austin Issues and attend your neighborhood meetings? or, will you sit back, keep your mouth shut, and continue to work, living paycheck to paycheck...While the rich get richer, the poor get rich as well, and the middle class worker stays in the rut.Don't get me wrong, I am just about as Democrat as you get, but when I see corruption in a welfare system I am going to call them out on it.Here is what Habitat for Humanity's website greets you with:For over 25 years, Habitat for Humanity has helped low-income families reach their dreams of a place to call home. Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat constructs and rehabilitates simple, decent houses with the help of the homeowner-partner families. Habitat houses are sold to these families at no profit and financed with affordable, no-interest loans. The homeowners' monthly mortgage payments are used to build even more Habitat houses.If you belive this is a good thing, I challenge you to come to Heritage Village subdivison, in Austin (183 and MLK)... and observe for a day which cars remain at home and which cars leave for work. Of course it will be the homes with the metal roofs. Why metal roofs? This is what Habitat for Humanity uses. Drive around the subdivison, and take note: The homes with shingles above are homes that were not handed to us on a silver platter, and our cars are gone because we are at work.It is time to clean the Non- Profit industry. Serious Reform is a must.There is one honarable way to own a home: work, and get it on your own!

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