Weeks after Sen. John McCain asked him to, George Bush still refuses to condemn the lying smears made by a shadowy Republican front group against John Kerry. The attacks made by the so-called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" have been universally condemned by editorial boards across the country:
"An ugly attack... dishonest and indecent." -- St. Petersburg Times
"Shameful... including letting someone else do the dirty work." -- Las Vegas Sun
"A flood of misinformation, rumor, and outright lies." -- St. Louis Post Dispatch
But George W. Bush won't condemn the group's lies. Why? Maybe because one of his top veterans' issue advisers was in one of the ads. Maybe because he has a long history of letting other people do his dirty work for him.
Take Action Now
The Democratic Party is standing up for John Kerry and actively repudiating this vicious smear campaign. Today we took out a full-page advertisement in the New York Times asking readers to join us in this fight -- and we need you to join us as well.
We want to show George W. Bush that the American people aren't going to stand for this kind of negative, lying smear. Sign the Democratic Party's petition today and tell Bush to reject these gutter tactics, and listen to John McCain by smearing the ad.
Tell Your Friends
Spread the word about the vicious lies in this smear ad. Encourage your friends to take action by signing the Democratic Party's petition to George W. Bush.