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    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Thursday, September 23, 2004

    Below are the latest Press Releases from Republicans for Kerry and some really good information from Republicans for Kerry!
    I highly recommend Republicans for Kerry because this is a nationwide and fast growing organization that is doing much good for John Kerry.
    They are also one of the best chances that we have to win over the majority of disillusioned Republicans, Independents, and undecided swing voters that we need to get to win this election! Please let people know about the Republicans for Kerry organization so that they will clearly see that there are many mainstream thinking Republicans who are supporting John Kerry because they want their Party back from the extreme neocon leadership of Bush and want new Republican Party leadership that will be in the mainstream!
    Check out their website at
    Check out their yahoo group at where they currently have 763 members and are growing fast.
    Check out their online forums at Tovey's comparison of Bush rhetoric to actual results, excellent information on the real Bush coming from Republicans for Kerry.
    Tell the Republican Party to "Come Back to the Mainstream!"Republican Leaders Speak OutIn a statement published August 30 in The New York Times, seventeen leaders and former elected officials called on the Republican Party to come back to the mainstream, including... These links and the Press Releases below contain some really important information that is highly relevant to the main issues of this election. It is nice to see that Bush has some serious opposition coming from within the Republican Party!
    Mitch DworkinCampaign Manager, Gary R. Page for Congress, Texas Congressional District 24 Official Kerry campaign press releases on the issues so that we can define what John Kerry is really for and to clear up the distortions of John Kerry from the Bush campaign, their surrogates, the RNC, and the Republican Convention! Gary R. Page for Congress Website. Please check us out and consider helping us to be a voice for John Kerry's agenda in Congress against Bush's agenda!--------------------
    Subj: press release: Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago? Date: 9/22/2004 10:02:34 PM Central Standard Time From:
    To: Sent from the Internet (Details) Greetings. You're receiving this message because you expressed an interest in press releases, or your name was suggested to us for distribution of press material. The release appears below as a link to as well as inline text.If you wish to be removed from the press release distribution list, please simply reply to this email and let us know. We make every effort to remove duplicate addresses, but if you receive more than one copy, please let us know as well.Regards,The R4K04 Team
    Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?On October 28, 1980, in the second presidential debate, Ronald Reagan asked a question that resonated throughout the campaign that year: "Are you better off than you were four years ago? During this election season, many members of “Republicans for Kerry are asking themselves the same question:
    Hilliard, OH (PRWEB) September 17, 2004 -- Veronica Reynolds, age 80, a registered Republican and a retired local high school secretary, will vote for John Kerry this year. When asked for her reasons, she quotes a question that Reagan asked 24 years ago. "Are you better off than you were four years ago? Four years ago, I took a wonderful trip to New Zealand,Reynolds tells, and now I can no longer afford to travel out of this country. In fact, I have six children, four of whom live in states other than Ohio. It concerns me when I pay for the air fare to visit them.Like many retired people, Reynolds has suffered a tremendous loss in her retirement savings over the past three years.Also, like many older citizens, Reynolds takes prescription drugs for a medical condition in her case, a chronic pre-cancerous condition for which she takes two tablets three times a day. She opted not to participate in what she called worthless prescription help for Medicare,however. I had to laugh, sadly, when the pharmaceutical companies raised their prices,she says, adding that she was appalled at media reports that Bush new plan will reduce her Social Security benefits by 17%, and increase her Medicare premiums in 2005.At a personal level, Reynolds knows that she is worse off than she was four years ago, but she is even more fearful for the nation if Bush is given four more years in office. He will continue to destroy our country,she says, noting that if we disagree with his policies, we are accused of being un-American or not supporting our troops. Separation of church and state is on its way out. Foolish amendments to the Constitution are on their way in.In a neighboring state, 46-year-old Republican Debra Vanderpool, her husband, and their sixteen-year-old daughter, live in Towanda, in northeastern Pennsylvania. Like Reynolds, the Vanderpools are struggling day by day. We wonder sometimes where we are going to get the money for groceries next week, Vanderpool says. Four years ago, we had less money a month then we had now,she recalls, and we were making ends meet. We were getting groceries and paying bills and getting to go out to dinner or a movies once a while. So I ask myself am I better off than I was 4 years ago. Well the answer is no.Vanderpool is also concerned that the US entered into the war in Iraq under false pretenses, and believes that has destroyed our relationship with our allies. Our brave soldiers are dying everyday For what?†she asks. Many people were for the war because we believed in the existence of the WMD. Bush has lied to the people of this country. There are many reservists and Guard families out there that are about to lose everything because their spouses are out fighting in Iraq…. They and their families are clearly much worse off than they were four years ago.
    Contact # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Republicans Say Cheney’s Remarks Undermine DemocracyMembers of Republicans for Kerry are outraged by Dick Cheney’s remark in Iowa two days ago, and they believe that it is an intentional attempt to create fear among Americans to undermine the democratic process of this national election:Mesa Arizona, September 9, 2004Harry Wettig, a lifelong Republican and retired public servant of 34 years who served in the Army Air Corps as a twin engine pilot in WW II, is outraged by Vice President Cheney's remarks two days ago in Iowa. Wettig says, "Dick Cheney made the ultimate threat to the American people when he said, 'If we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.'" In Wettig's view Cheney was really saying "If you don't vote for George and me, it is your fault when you get hit by the terrorists again."Wettig asks "Mr. Vice President, how much more terror can you hope to inspire? Your remark is trying to undermine the democratic system of this country. It is clearly un-American." Wettig operates the web site "" that has been tracking Bush administration actions and policies on issues important to moderate Republicans, including security. He believes that there is nothing in the Department of Homeland Security's current plans, or in the words of Bush or Cheney to make the American people feel any safer. “All we hear from them is that the level of terror for today is ‘orange’. That is not protection”Rich Fletcher, of Durango, CO, who calls himself “another Republican for common sense,” agrees with Wettig. “Imagine the temerity of two draft-dodgers calling their Vietnam veteran opponent a threat to national security!” Fletcher believes that the writings of White House insiders like Richard Clarke and Paul O’Neill show that in the period leading up to the 9-11 attacks, the administration’s attention was focused mainly on planning a Cold War-style strategic missile program, and as a result terrorists slipped past them. “Then when Mr. Bush used 9-11 as an excuse to launch America’s first unprovoked attack—against a nation that hadn’t had a hand in 9-11 and was under intense surveillance and inspections—he generated unprecedented hatred in the world toward the United States,” Fletcher suggests. “Did that decision make us safer?””Today I'm fighting to see that the Bush-Cheney ticket doesn't win on its second attempt,“ says Fletcher. “I'm deeply concerned about the current direction and lack of ethics represented by Bush-Cheney. As far as I can tell, they have no moral compass and absolutely no shame….True Republicans would never set out, as they have, to dismantle the very republic after which our party is named.” Echoing the sentiments of many Republicans for Kerry, Wettig concludes in a recent essay, “We live in terror not because of any threat from the hard-working Muslim family down the block, but from the terror-mongering of the Bush-Cheney camp. Never before have the words of Franklin Roosevelt, a Democratic President but one who cared deeply about the average American, rung so true to the moderate Republicans of this country: ‘Our greatest fear is fear itself.’ I hope the nation shows Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush that they can’t threaten their way into another disastrous four years.” [For additional information contact # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Election, It Isn't Easy Being Christian
    Christians object to their faith being appropriated for political purposes; preaching anger and revenge in the name of Christianity ignores the New Testament messages of grace, love, and inclusiveness:Indianapolis, IN, (PRWEB) September 9, 2004 -- As the 2004 election approaches, many Christians believe their fellow Christians are deserting the principles of their faith to follow a banner of anger, revenge, and punishment.One of those is Gregg Hodgson, 67, an Indiana businessman and former banker who has served as campaign manager for Republican political candidates. A self-described "quiet Christian," Hodgson has devoted his recent years to helping people plan their own small businesses. "I've worked, one-on-one, with nearly 2,000 small businesses," he says. "It's the talent I've been given, and I try to make a difference with it before my own Judgment Day arrives.“Today, Hodgson has decided to back the Kerry-Edwards ticket. "I'm rather conservative," he explains, "so I can't possibly support an administration that throws away a nice surplus and turns it into the worst deficit we've ever seen, in four years. The worst part of the deficit – which is being called our first 'permanent deficit' – was caused by Mr. Bush's lavish tax-breaks to the wealthy,” says Hodgson. “Even ignoring the way he exalts the rich, which of course isn't a Christian principle, what do we have to show for all that wasted money? Virtually nothing. It'll get even worse for the not-so-rich, too. Our treasury is broke, so we'll have to slash education, health-care and environmental programs.”Hodgson also decries the Bush administration’s way of governing and campaigning, which he labels, "fear-based manipulation, with nothing behind it." He suggests that politicians who appeal to our primitive fears, angers, and desires for revenge are stuck in the Old Testament, and are forgetting the New Testament messages of inclusion and love.Hodgson acknowledges that there was a political aspect to the decision by the early Christians to build on the Old Testament. But he worries when he sees modern-day Pharisees attempting to hijack Christianity for political purposes."The Old Testament can be handy for bad guys," Hodgson observes. "Whenever they want to appear 'righteous' while exalting the rich, bullying the poor, passing judgment on others, or attacking others with vengeful anger,” they usually invoke the Old Testament.Real Christians should not be fooled, Hodgson warns. "We've seen plenty of demagogues in our time, wrapping themselves in the flags of Christianity or patriotism so they could gain power. Christ repudiated the vengeful aspects of the Old Testament in very strong language. He ordered us to treat others as we'd want them to treat us – the toughest lesson anyone has ever tried to teach human beings. That's why he accompanied it with blanket forgiveness. He knew we'd often fail at it!""Angry, judgmental, revenge-filled people may call themselves 'Christians,' or even 'Fundamentalist Christians,'" Hodgson concludes, "but the Prince of Peace would know them as the very people he came to save! He'd forgive them, of course, but he'd weep bitterly at the harm they do in his name."For a copy of John Bugay’s “The Christian Right Need Not Fear a Kerry Presidency” and other articles on this topic, contact # #

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