Mary Beth Cahill: "the result of this presidential election will be decided by a slim margin in a few states..."
We all know the harsh realities of Iraq. Unfortunately, George Bush has no plan to get us out of Iraq. Now George Bush thinks the future of Iraq is brighter than the future of America. He actually said that yesterday, "I saw a poll that said the right track/wrong track in Iraq was better than here in America."
We don't need to tell you how important this election is and why you need to be involved. The news speaks for itself. Online supporters like you have supported this campaign and the Democratic Party with your contributions. We'll need your help with next week's deadline and we also need you to take action in other ways.
The result of this presidential election will be decided by slim margins in a few states. A vote-by-vote battle is now shaping up that will decide the winner on Election Day.
Now the Democratic Party is putting in place the largest and most aggressive field program ever. Tens of thousands of people are working every day, but more help is needed.
What do we need the most? The maximum number of volunteers working on the ground in "battleground" states every day until Election Day. And you can help us make that happen.
There are two ways you can help:
Join the new "Phone Corps" to activate volunteers in swing states by making phone calls. We need your help to call and schedule volunteers for shifts to go door-to-door and perform other tasks. Every volunteer you schedule will make dozens of voter contacts.
Go to a swing state! Battleground states are ready to put out-of-state volunteers to work for a weekend or even full time from now until Election Day. Change your life for the next six weeks and move to a swing state -- organizers even have housing ready for a limited number of volunteers. Or get together with a few friends and make a weekend trip.
In 2000, Al Gore won Iowa by 4,000 votes -- that's two per precinct! He won New Mexico by 400 votes. The Democratic Party's "road trippers" and the Kerry Phone Corps will move more votes than that in 2004.
You've known all along what's at stake in this election. With less than seven weeks left, now is the time to get active to guarantee that we take back the White House.
Please sign up for
Road Trip to Victory or for the
Kerry Phone Corps today.
Thank you,
Mary Beth Cahill Campaign Manager