Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".
For some of the very best materials that I have seen which properly define and defend John Kerry from myths and distortions about him, please check out the excellent Independents for Kerry website at: Here are some specific links that I have looked at and think will be of great help to us in best defining and defending John Kerry:
Kerry vs Bush side by side comparison: Debunking Page: John Kerry's Statement on Iraq Before the War Please take a look at this material, print out articles that you like and think that people in your area should see, and then forward on this information to every person who you know so that they will see the real John Kerry before election day!Thank you for your time and help spreading this information. These are excellent campaign reference tools to win over undecided swing voters, open minded Independents, and disillusioned Republicans!