Bush and Cheney are having many problems right now and we need to be talking about them as much as possible!
Below are three transcripts with excellent credible information about Bush and Cheney and their big problems. The first transcript below is David Gergen and Wolf Blitzer talking about how Bush openly defied the Republican platform on supporting civil unions and then goes into more of Bush's big problems.Please show this to religious right leaning people who plan on voting for Bush on the only issues of abortion and gay rights. That should be a huge turn off to them and should cost Bush some of their votes! Please also tell them that Bush will NOT totally ban abortion like they think he will because he is quoted on record as saying on 10/28/03:
http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.adp?id=20031028131409990025&_mpc=news%2e10%2e2 Bush Says U.S. Not Ready for Total Abortion Ban"Yes, I'll sign the ban on partial birth abortion," Bush said at a White House news conference. "And no, I don't think the culture has changed to the extent that the American people or the Congress would totally ban abortions."The transcript below that is about Cheney where Aaron Brown comments on him recently saying about his saying that "Iraq has been a remarkable success." Brown comments on that by respectfully saying that "There is real concern the Iraqi security forces are heavily infiltrated. More American troops are going to be sent in the weeks ahead. Someday we may get to remarkable success and given the cost in lives, Iraqi and American, we can only hope we do but with all due respect to the vice president we aren't even close to remarkable success yet."Below that is the transcript of a CNN interview with Senators Saxby Chambliss and Joe Biden on the missing weapons in Iraq issue that is dominating the news right now but is not really hurting Bush like it should be. Chambliss just gives lame excuses in his part of the interview while Biden gives substantive answers in his part!Please forward this documentation on to all people far and wide. These are very big problems for Bush and Cheney that are credibly documented and as many people as possible need to see this and be aware of this before election day!A vote for Bush is just a vote for more of the same of these problems!Mitch Dworkin
http://www.johnkerry.com/index.html http://blog.johnkerry.com/rapidresponse/ John Kerry Rapid Response Center: Here is where you can see the truth about John Kerry and the issues through the Bush campaign's distortions!
http://www.johnkerry.com/pressroom/releases/ Official Kerry campaign press releases on the issues so that we can define what John Kerry is really for and to clear up the distortions of John Kerry from the Bush campaign, their surrogates, and the RNC!
http://blog.johnkerry.com/blog/archives/cat_what_would_bush_learn.htmlWhat Would Bush Learn If He Read the Paper Today?This link contains excellent documentation of Bush's lousy record! --------------------
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0410/26/wbr.01.html Open up this link for the full transcript of this program!CNN WOLF BLITZER REPORTSAired October 26, 2004 - 17:00 ETBLITZER: Splitting from his party. On a highly sensitive issue, President Bush makes some surprising remarks on the issue of same sex civil unions. We'll have details. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)BLITZER: A surprise split between President Bush and his own party. In an interview earlier with ABC News, the president, who wants a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage said he isn't opposed to same sex civil unions. That's in direct conflict with the Republican party platform, which opposes any legal recognition or benefits for same-sex couples. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BUSH: I don't think we should deny people rights to a civil union, a legal arrangement, if that's what a state chooses to do so. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Republican platform opposes it. BUSH: Well, I don't. I view the definition of marriage different from legal arrangements that enable people to have rights. I strongly believe that marriage ought to be defined as between -- a union between a man and a woman. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, the Republican platform on that, as far as you're concerned on that point is wrong? BUSH: Right. (END VIDEOTAPE)BLITZER: Let's talk a little bit about that and other subjects with David Gergen. He's a former adviser to presidents Nixon, Reagan, Ford, and Clinton. He is currently editor-at-large for "U.S. News & World Report." He's joining us now live from Boston. He also teaches at Harvard. He's a very busy guy. David, thanks very much for joining us. What do you make of the president going against his own party platform on this issue of same-sex civil unions? DAVID GERGEN, "U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT": Well, I have to say, it's very surprising. It seems to come from a genuine place and a place of caring. So, it's authentic on his part, but just a week before the election when the Republicans are trying very hard to get all the evangelicals out to vote and people who oppose this and of course the president has been doing better among black conservatives partly over this issue. It's a surprise to see him now state a week before the election a view that's in contradiction to his own platform. BLITZER: Let's talk about some other issues out there. The former president of the United States, the man you once worked for, Bill Clinton, stomping now for John Kerry. Is it going to help or hurt? GERGEN: I don't think there's any question it's going to help this time around. If Al Gore had wrapped himself around Clinton, I think he might be president today. The huge crowd that came out in Philadelphia yesterday I think is going to have an impact in the Pennsylvania race, which of course is one of the critical battlegrounds. And now for the president to go into a few things -- it's odd, isn't it, that if Clinton (UNINTELLIGIBLE) something for him, you know, all fall, I think he would have less impact in coming out in this way. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) when people feel in such a nostalgic mood about him, to come out in this way almost as a rock star, I think helps John Kerry. And what it's adding up to, Wolf, from the president's point of view, the president maintains a continuing lead in the national polls, but the lead is narrowing some and Kerry is gaining momentum this week, not only from the Clinton visit, but from the news itself. The events have taken a bad turn for the president this week. BLITZER: Well, some of those events like those missing explosives certainly, are bad news. But there's other events. Ayad Allawi today saying U.S.-led negligence resulted in that massacre of Iraqi troops, 50 of them or so over the weekend. There are series of bad news events for the president.GERGEN: Mr. Allawi did his friend, George Bush, no favors today by talking about gross negligence on part of the coalition forces, which are, of course, led by United States forces. It seems to me, he could have curbed those comments and helped his friend Mr. Bush. But that kind of comment coming 24 hours after there's a whole allegation of negligence on the part of the U.S. coalition provisional authority with regard to the 360 tons of explosives, those two things coming together and then you have on top of that today the story that leaks out that the administration wants at least $70 to $75 billion in additional spending next year in Iraq and Afghanistan, partly because of this insurgency and rising oil prices, that combination, Wolf, is exactly what a challenger like John Kerry needs to pump momentum into his campaign. On top of that, today, to have new consumer confidence numbers coming out, third month in a row in which they're down. They're down to a seven-month low altogether. That is providing as I say the ammunition that a challenger like John Kerry needs. The president needs to find a way to produce some fresh news of his own to change this momentum, because this race is tightening on him in ways that must be extremely uncomfortable and is very encouraging for the Kerry forces. BLITZER: David Gergen as usual, thanks very much for joining us. GERGEN: Thank you, Wolf. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0410/26/asb.01.html Open up this link for the full transcript of this program! CNN NEWSNIGHT AARON BROWNMissing Explosives Controversy ContinuesAired October 26, 2004 - 22:00 ETAARON BROWN, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening again everyone.In case you missed it yesterday the vice president, while on the campaign, asserted that Iraq has been a remarkable success. Now, in fairness to the vice president, he did acknowledge that things aren't easy right now and won't be but then he added that overall it's been a remarkable success.Even given the hyperbole that is inherent in a political campaign, remarkable success seems a bit over the top to me. The insurgency is growing not shrinking according to the Pentagon. Attacks on Americans and Iraqis have become so routine most don't even get reported anymore.There is real concern the Iraqi security forces are heavily infiltrated. More American troops are going to be sent in the weeks ahead. Someday we may get to remarkable success and given the cost in lives, Iraqi and American, we can only hope we do but with all due respect to the vice president we aren't even close to remarkable success yet.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0410/27/ltm.01.html Open up this link for the full transcript of this program! AMERICAN MORNINGAired October 27, 2004 - 07:00 ETO'BRIEN: Nearly 400 tons of missing explosives in Iraq has given Senator Kerry some powerful ammunition in the campaign's final days. Joining us to talk about it this morning is Georgia's Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss. He's in Moultrie, Georgia. And I asked him why the president had not made any statements on this particular issue. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)SEN. SAXBY CHAMBLISS (R), GEORGIA: Well, the fact of the matter, Soledad, is this is a non-story. I mean, we have members of the press who happen to be embedded with 101st Airborne when they went into this area of Iraq on the 10th of April, 2003, and both NBC and Fox are both reporting that these weapons were not seen by them. So you know, this is a situation where John Kerry is once again taken the facts and tried to twist them, and politicize an issue that simply is a nonissue, and that's why the president is not -- doesn't see any reason to respond to questions on this. O'BRIEN: But the commander of the 101st Airborne actually said that his mission was not securing any explosives. So they didn't do the kind of detailed search that might be required to confirm or deny that there are any explosives there. He says that it wasn't their goal in the first place. So don't those reports lack a little heft.CHAMBLISS: Well, that's right. But the fact of the matter is that he did find and the news report confirms the fact there were an extensive amount of weapons there, artillery shells and other items that they did find, but there was absolutely no evidence or no indication that RMX, HDX or PETN, which are the 380 tons of explosives that are now claimed to have been looted or stolen, were there. So there is no story here because there was no indication they were there, and when they went missing, we don't know. O'BRIEN: Senator, Dick Cheney has said this. I want to play a small clip of what he said in Pensacola, Florida. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)DICK CHENEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It is not at all clear that those explosives were even at the weapons facility when our troops arrived in the area of Baghdad. John Kerry doesn't mention that, nor does he mention the 400,000 tons of weapons and explosives that are troops have captured and are destroying. (END VIDEO CLIP)O'BRIEN: Let's grant that 400,000 tons of weapons and explosives is a really large number. But at the same time, the IAEA is calling this one site that was not secured one of the most important sites in and around Baghdad. So isn't the vice president kind of missing the point here? CHAMBLISS: No. What the vice president saying is that John Kerry is totally politicizing an issue where he is misconstruing the facts. You know, he fails to mention the fact that we did secure 400,000 tons of weapons similar to this. And we have destroyed those weapons. We removed the ability from Saddam Hussein to utilize those weapons to kill and harm Americans. Now John Kerry is taking a myth, the supposed looting or stealing of 380 tons of weapons, and even his own people, like Richard Holbrooke, say we have no idea whether those weapons were there or how they went missing, and he's trying to twist that and turn that to use it to his political advantage, and I think the vice president's exactly right in what he says. O'BRIEN: But isn't it concerning the idea that you have no idea, or the administration has no idea where those weapons are and when they went missing, when again, the IAEA says this is one of the most important and critical sites in Iraq? CHAMBLISS: Soledad, let me tell you what is concerning about this to me. Two points, you have the Democrats, John Kerry in particular, coming out now and talking about these weapons going missing. At the same time, John Kerry is an individual who has been so critical of this administration for saying that you went into Iraq knowing that there were no weapons of mass destruction. You cannot have it both ways. Secondly, we simply don't know when these weapons went missing. And they were under the control of the IAEA, which is an arm of the United Nations, the same organization that has carried out corrupt practices with respect to the oil-and-food program, and they are coming under fire for that. Is this a deflection away by the United Nations from that issue? Who knows, but it certainly was not a professional -- not very professional conduct on the part of the IAEA the way they have handled this. O'BRIEN: Do you find the timing suspicious. Several weeks this has been known about, but of course it's only becoming public days before the election? CHAMBLISS: Well, it's pretty interesting the story broke in "The New York Times," which is so pro-John Kerry it's unbelievable. And that also the "Times" broke it in advance of "60 Minutes," which we know is pretty incredible right now with respect to the reporting that they do, and they intended to air this on Sunday night before the election on Tuesday. So I don't think there's any question about what politics is involved here. And that's why it's so unfortunate that facts which are just simply wrong are being used to politicize this issue by folks like John Kerry. O'BRIEN: Senator, Saxby Chambliss joining us this morning. Nice to see you, sir. Thanks for your time.CHAMBLISS: Good to see you. Congratulations on your children. (END VIDEOTAPE)O'BRIEN: Thank you to the senator for that. Let's turn to the Democrats now. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware is in Wilmington this morning. Let's get right to the statement that Senator Kerry released on Monday. And he basically said, after being warned about the danger of major stockpiles, the administration failed to guard those stockpiles, where these 380 tons of explosives were kept. It's unclear, isn't it, actually who failed to guard them. It's unclear if even U.S. troops were in Iraq when these explosives went missing. Isn't the senator wrong on this? SEN. JOSEPH BIDEN (D), DELAWARE: No, let's talk about the facts. I wish we were discussing this the day after this election, because it's so politicized, as has been stated here. The facts are that the International Atomic International Atomic Energy Commission and Mr. El Baradei on the -- in late 2002 and 2003 warned the United States and reported to the security council the existence of these weapons. They actually put them under seal. They actually put a seal on the door. No. 2, on July 9, 2003, there's explicit warning to the United States, if you go in these facilities there, it has this HMX and RDX. No. 3, on May of 2004, in a report from the international community that we -- to us, it said that we, quote, may be helping -- the terrorists, quote, may be helping themselves to the greatest explosive bonanza in history. Now, whose fault is this? I don't care whose fault it is. It's not the fault of our military troops. The commander who was on site who was in -- quoted today in the newspaper, said they never went in. They stop there. They never broke the seal. They did not know what was in there. And you know why they didn't? Not because of irresponsible, but because they had to move on to Baghdad, because they had too few troops. O'BRIEN: Forgive me for interrupting you, but you say you don't care whose fault it is, but actually John Kerry is very clearly pointing his finger at the administration. BIDEN: It is obviously the president's fault. There isn't any question. Look, the fact is -- let me read you what General Abizaid said just a year ago when he came into the United States Senate, he said, quote -- "There is more ammunition in Iraq than any place I've ever seen in my life, and it's not securable. I wish I could tell you we had it under control, but we don't." He went on to say, "There is certainly not enough forces anywhere to guard the ammunition in Iraq." O'BRIEN: But people would argue the IAEA, as you just pointed out, put a seal on these explosives. BIDEN: Right. O'BRIEN: Why seal them when you could destroy them? BIDEN: Oh, come on. Give me a break. Look, this is not the responsibility of the IAEA to destroy the weapons. They were in there as inspectors under a U.N. mandate. They went around looking for weapons of mass destruction. They said, look, this is what they have in this spot right here. We then said, you better get out of there, we're going to war. They got out of there. We went to war. We went to war. We're able to secure the oil fields, the oil ministry, we sent in commandos early for that reason. We sent in commandos for other places we thought were secure. The irony here is we went to stop weapons of mass destruction, and we probably proliferated more weapons of conventional capability than any time in history. It's not the fault of our military. Our military asked for 380,000 forces to go into Iraq. The secretary of defense said we only need 40. They settled on 250. And we ended up only being able to send 150. Now, that's not our military's fault. The fact is...O'BRIEN: Senator Chambliss would say, you know what, in all of this, the timing is very suspicious, just coming days before the election.BIDEN: John Kerry didn't know about this until it was reported in the press. Look, I was on CNN about a year and a half -- a year ago last August. I came back with two of my colleagues from being on site, two Republican colleagues, in Baghdad. We were paying $500 to anyone who would bring in a shoulder-held rocket launcher. I was told by one young captain of a guy coming up to him, paid him $500 for one rocket launcher, and the young guy said to him, can I bring in anymore. He said, yes, you can bring in as many as you want. He brought in a pickup truck full of these rocket launchers. General Abizaid testified in September of last year, the commander of all our forces there, that there are 650,000 tons, and I don't have enough troops to guard them. John McCain and Joe Biden said, send more troops, we need more troops. John Kerry said we need more troops to secure this. None of that was done because of the ideology of the Defense Department saying we don't need these troops. Look, no matter whether it's HMX, RDX, shoulder-held rocket launchers, there are still stockpiles we haven't been able to guard. There are the facts.O'BRIEN: Senator Biden, we are out of time. Thank you for joining us this morning. Nice to see you.BIDEN: Thank you. Thank you.Quick break. We're back in a moment.