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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Wednesday, November 17, 2004

    GOP Voting fraud is being talked about now quite a bit but that will be very difficult to credibly prove and make stick from what I can see right now. Below is what I would consider to be very credible documentation to prove that Bush was endorsed by and clearly received improper help from tax exempt religious organizations. Bush and Karl Rove also had direct contact with these religious groups which is a violation of campaign finance laws concerning 527 groups.The full articles below credibly documents "Bush Seeks Church Membership Data," "Bishops Opposing Kerry," "Rove Tells Graduates Character Matters (at Jerry Falwell's school)," "Evangelicals Say They Led Charge For the GOP," and "Bush campaign's contempt for 'people of faith' (saying Liberals would ban the Bible from American life)."What I think that we need to find out is what was specifically discussed in the conference calls that Karl Rove had with the religious leaders that he talked with? It would be nice to see Karl Rove and these religious leaders have to testify under oath about this and see Rove have to turn over his tapes of these conference calls!Based on the documentation and evidence below, I think that we clearly have at least two legitimate issues that need to be seriously investigated. Investigations should be conducted to find out if Bush and Karl Rove received improper help from tax exempt religious churches. Did these churches violate campaign finance laws for 527 groups by their direct contacts with Bush and Rove, by their open and direct public support for Bush, and by conducting Republican voter registration drives on tax exempt church property?It would be nice to see the scripts that the GOP gave to the church leaders what to tell to their members and to see exactly what was said and done in these churches that helped Bush when these churches are tax exempt and cannot endorse a candidate by law!These religious leaders promoted a political message from Bush and Rove that was based on outright lies, that appealed to people's fears, and that took advantage of people's emotions. That is NOT "compassionate," that is NOT "conservative," that is NOT "moral," and that is NOT "Christian."Religious people need to see and be aware of that. People need to see that their religious leaders violated their trust and confidence that they had in them, used them for political purposes by doing what they did, and that these religious leaders broke the laws of the land which they are supposed to uphold and respect (and that is clearly taught in the Bible). I have some ideas as to what can be done to unbrainwash these religious people so that they will not always vote Republican going forward. I will be happy to discuss them with anyone who is interested. I do not want to permanently lose these religious voters to the GOP going forward if it can be helped. While an investigation like this probably will not change the election results, it will throw the election results into a state of legitimate controversy and that will lessen the impact of "the mandate" that Bush and the GOP think that they received from this election. That will help to keep Bush and the GOP Congress more in check when they try and implement their policies in Bush's second term! Bush and Cheney do not hold firm convictions in what they sold to so many religious people which is called HYPOCRISY in the Bible! I welcome any comments and feedback to this and to the documentation below!

    Updated: 09:41 PM EDT
    Bush Seeks Church Membership Data
    By David Morgan, Reuters
    WASHINGTON (July 1) - President Bush, seeking to mobilize religious conservatives for his reelection campaign, has asked church-going volunteers to turn over church membership directories, campaign officials said on Thursday. "I would not want my church directories being used that way."-The Rev. Richard Land In a move sharply criticized both by religious leaders and civil libertarians, the Bush-Cheney campaign has issued a guide listing about two-dozen "duties" and a series of deadlines for organizing support among conservative church congregations.A copy of the guide directs religious volunteers to send church directories to state campaign committees, identify new churches that can be organized by the Bush campaign and talk to clergy about holding voter registration drives.The document, distributed to campaign coordinators across the country earlier this year, also recommends that volunteers distribute voter guides in church and use Sunday service programs for get-out-the-vote drives."We expect this election to be potentially as close as 2000, so every vote counts and it's important to reach out to every single supporter of President Bush," campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel said. Talk About It ยท Chat Post Messages Top News Boards But the Rev. Richard Land, who deals with ethics and religious liberty issues for the Southern Baptist Convention, a key Bush constituency, said he was "appalled.""First of all, I would not want my church directories being used that way," he said, predicting failure for the Bush plan.The conservative Protestant denomination, whose 16 million members strongly backed Bush in 2000, held regular drives that encouraged church-goers to "vote their values," said Land."But it's one thing for us to do that. It's a totally different thing for a partisan campaign to come in and try to organize a church. A lot of pastors are going to say: 'Wait a minute, bub'," he added.The guide surfaced as a spate of opinion polls showed Bush's reelection campaign facing a tough battle.A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll showed Bush running neck-and-neck with Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry among registered voters, 47 percent of whom said they now believed the president had misled Americans about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq.The Bush campaign has also been spending heavily on television ads, only to see the president's approval ratings slump to new lows.Stanzel said the campaign ended the month of June with $64 million on hand. He had no figures on how much Bush has raised in June. At the end of May, Bush had raised $213.4 million and spent all but $63 million.The latest effort to marshal religious support also drew fire from civil liberties activists concerned about the constitutional separation of church and state."Any coordination between the Bush campaign and church leaders would clearly be illegal," said a statement from the activist group Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

    LINKS TO THE TRUTH: The Despoiling of America: How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State By Katherine Yurica and Laurie Hall*Feb 16, 2004, 13:35 Religious, to a Point; Bush Leaves the Specifics of His Faith to SpeculationBy Alan CoopermanWashington Post Staff WriterThursday, September 16, 2004; Page A01 Updated: 06:15 PM EDT, August 24, 2004Cheney Says He Supports Gay RelationshipsBy TODD DVORAK, AP Updated: 02:00 PM ESTOctober 28, 2003Bush Says U.S. Not Ready for Total Abortion Ban On a Word and a PrayerBy STEVEN WALDMANPublished: November 6, 2004 Furor Continues Over Specter Comments on NomineesBy Susan SchmidtWashington Post Staff WriterMonday, November 8, 2004; Page A02

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