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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Sunday, November 21, 2004

    Rewriting Ethics History ,
    Mr. Tom "my way or the highway" Delay
    IN THE PAST few months, the previously somnolent House ethics committee has
    roused itself to admonish Majority Leader Tom DeLay (D-Tex.) for various ethical
    missteps. "Beyond the bounds of acceptable conduct," the committee's Republican
    chairman, Rep. Joel Hefley (Colo.), and Democratic vice chairman, Alan B.
    Mollohan (W.Va.), summed it up in a letter to the leader.

    The committee found that Mr. DeLay's holding a golf fundraiser for energy
    companies just as the House was to consider energy legislation was
    "objectionable . . . because, at a minimum, [it] created an appearance that
    donors were being provided special access to you regarding the then-pending
    energy legislation." It also concluded that Mr. DeLay's drafting of Federal
    Aviation Administration officials to hunt down fleeing Democratic Texas state
    legislators who were foiling the leader's redistricting plans "raises serious
    concerns" about misusing government resources for partisan purposes. It said
    that Mr. DeLay improperly offered to endorse the son of retiring Rep. Nick Smith
    (R-Mich.) in exchange for Mr. Smith's vote on the Medicare prescription drug
    bill. And it cautioned the majority leader, "In view of the number of instances
    to date in which the Committee has found it necessary to comment on conduct in
    which you have engaged, it is clearly necessary for you to temper your future
    actions. . . . "

    Mr. DeLay responded with his customary sensitivity to ethical concerns,
    crowing that -- despite the tough language -- he had been cleared because the
    committee had not found a specific violation of House rules. Yesterday, though,
    Mr. DeLay and his allies held a triumphal news conference that made his previous
    statements look like a model of contrition. The occasion was the ethics
    committee's finding that Rep. Chris Bell (D-Tex.), the lame-duck lawmaker who
    summoned up the courage to file a complaint against the majority leader, had
    himself violated ethics rules because of the document's "excessive" and
    "inflammatory" charges. "I am grateful today that we finally have vindication of
    Mr. DeLay, and we have placed the blame where it properly belongs," said Rep.
    John T. Doolittle (R-Calif.). Rep. Henry Bonilla (R-Tex.) absurdly termed the
    Bell complaint "one of the greatest abuses of the ethics process that the House
    of Representatives has ever seen" -- as if the ethics committee had not found
    grounds to admonish Mr. DeLay. Mr. DeLay himself insisted that he had simply
    been given a routine "mild warning" from the ethics committee. This transparent
    effort to rewrite history doesn't withstand scrutiny.

    In truth, the ethics committee had grounds to criticize both Mr. DeLay and Mr.
    Bell. The Bell complaint was replete with hyperbolic language and extreme
    accusations. But it also prodded the ethics committee finally to conduct the
    investigation of Mr. DeLay that it should have been doing on its own.. The
    committee has closed its doors to complaints filed by outside groups, meaning
    that only a brave lawmaker can file a complaint. Now its action against Mr.
    Bell, with its explicit and chilling warning to lawmakers that they risk being
    disciplined themselves for filing such complaints, means that only the bravest
    of lawmakers will dare. The committee added that it didn't intend "to inhibit
    any member from filing a complaint that he or she believes in good faith
    warrants consideration," but it's hard to see how it could avoid having such an
    effect. Meantime, the rules for the 109th Congress may be rewritten to make it
    even harder or riskier to bring ethics complaints. The last thing the House
    ethics process needs is less vigor.

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