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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Sunday, December 12, 2004

    Developer Richard Huffman Banks On The Backs Of The Working Poor
    Heritage Village- Austin Texas (Want to See Heritage Village?-East-Austin, at 183 and MLK first left on Regency, then right on Parliament.)
    I am one pissed-off homeowner. I live in Heritage Village, (east Austin), a new community of homeowners that have been taken advantage of!I have "anonymously" circulated the follwing letter to all of the homeowner's in the Heritage Village HOA. I will also be mailing copies to the Austin City Council, the HOA President, KVUE News, and Austin Area Radio Stations, not to mention The Austin American- Statesman.DON"T GET SCAMMED BY THE FAST TALKING REPUBLICAN HOA PRESIDENT!Were You told when you bought your home here in Heritage Village that section 8 housing would be your neighbor?Overwhelmingly, the answer is no.We were taken advantage of as new home buyers with middle class incomes.We were offered incentives to own our homes in East Austin. We were promised a "Hyde Park style community"- WE DID NOT GET THIS!Do you wonder why homes are not selling as fast as when you bought your house?If you have lived here any length of time, you have seen a nice little community turn into an East Austin nice-looking slum.Who is to blame for this?Have you had to call the police lately? Most of us have. Some of the Government Subsidized Rentals here have been causing violence, noise disturbance, harassment, car break- ins, and drug activity.Have you complained to our President Richard Huffman?Has anything really been done?Where has your $$$$$ gone that you have paid to the Home Owners Association?Are the roads kept clean? Or are there non- running automobiles sitting in front of homes and in yards?Has anybody knocked on your door lately begging for money or alchohol?Have you complained and it still happens?Can you honestly say you are PROUD to live in Heritage Village?Is it everything you were promised?Would have bought here if you knew there were going to be Section 8 Rentals?We were promised a community that would be professionally managed.Are you getting your money’s worth?Call Richard Huffman today and DEMAND he turn over his Presidency of the Home Owner’s Association to a PROFESSIONAL firm. Call the REALTOR that sold you the home and DEMAND their backing!After all, if they clean up the problems in this new community, they will be able to sell their homes and we will have decent neighbors. Our property will go up in value in the community is well- maintained. We will be able to walk our streets and in our yards without the fear of gang and drug activity.Don’t think there is any gang or drug activity going on here? Knock door to door and ask your neighbor what they have seen!Let’s work together to make this neighborhood the safe neighborhood in East Austin.Section 8 Tax Credits are a program of the Internal Revenue Service, where landlords obtain tax benefits for renting to low income households.If you are aware of fraud, waste, and abuse in SECTION 8 HUD programs and operations, report it to HUD's Inspector General Hotline!(Don’t know what what homes are Section 8 in Heritage Village?- Call Heritage Village HOA President Richard Huffmann.)What kinds of things should you report? Mismanagement or violations of law, rules, or regulations by HUD employees or program participants.Your complaint will be kept confidential if it is received on the phone, through the mail, or in person. We cannot guarantee confidentiality if you send your complaint by e-mail.Laws protect you from reprisals (any action taken against you because you filed this complaint).You can submit your complaint one of 4 ways:Online, through e-mail. Remember: if you submit your complaint online (through e-mail), it is possible - though unlikely - that others could read it since the internet is not secure.By Phone:Call toll free: 1-800-347-3735TDD: 202- 708-2451By Fax: 202- 708-4829By Mail:Department of Housing & Urban DevelopmentOffice of Inspector General HotlineAssistant Inspector General for Investigations451 7th Street, S.W., Room 8270,Washington, DC 20410

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