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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Sunday, December 12, 2004

    Jay Writes:
    Hello, Everyone!I went to the Re-Defeat Bush Rally today in front of the White House on Lafayette Park!David Lytel, founder of the Committee to Redefeat the President; Bill Moss, Columbus School Board Member and lead plaintiff in the lawsuits against George Walker Bush and J. Kenneth Blackwell; and countless others spoke. Mr. Lytel, well aware this will be an up-hill battle to get people on our side who don't really want to hear such, requested that everyone use the following list to blast mails to their respective contact lists.Can you use the talking points on this "Talk Back FAQ" to notify everyone you know about alleged election 2004 fraud?Best regards,J.Electoral Coup 2004 Talk Back F.A.Q.What evidence do you have of a conspiracy to steal the presidential election?We believe that the deliberate misadministration of the election by Republican state officials in Ohio and Florida, and possibly other states as well, has been used to secure Kerry's concession and the planned reinauguration of George W. Bush, who once again received less support from the American people than his opponent. We believe that the recounts to be conducted at the instigation of the Green and Libertarian Parties and the Nader campaign in OH, FL, NH, NM and NV will confirm what statistical analysis done by numerous objective analysts has already pointed out -- that the voting machinery sold to election administrators by Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia and other companies gave Bush a 5 to 15% bonus beyond the number of votes he received from actual voters. Voting machines were distributed by Republican election officials to gain partisan advantage -- deliberately holding back voting machines from heavily Democratic areas in both FL and OH. According to a reputable analysis of the impact of just this one vote suppression technique in Ohio, it cost John Kerry approximately 50,000 votes or close to half of Bush's margin of victory. There are also highly dubious results in a number of counties in both states that suggest improper counting of the votes after the polls had closed. If these irregularities and the patterns among them can be brought to light it will show that Bush received fewer popular votes and fewer electoral votes than Kerry and that Kerry, not Bush, was elected president on November 2, 2004.But the difference in the popular vote between Bush and Kerry is an insurmountable 3M votes. Even if there was some shenanigans how can winning a narrow victory for Kerry in Ohio or Florida possibly be a democratically justified outcome if more Americans wanted Bush to be their president?Just because the margin of victory secured by Bush is in millions rather than the thousands does not mean his margin was lawfully secured. We believe that a nationwide investigation would find significant vote suppression activities and vote count irregularities in IN, NC and other states as well and that these are the basis of the margin of victory Bush is credited with having received in the popular vote.You only get a few hundred people at your demonstrations. If you were really right about this, wouldn't there be tens of thousands protesting, like in Ukraine?The international arms of the Democratic and Republican parties spent over $40M mobilizing citizens in Ukraine to oppose the results of the presidential election there, so while it may appear spontaneous, the opposition forces have been organizing this outpouring of anguish for many weeks beforehand in anticipation of such an outcome. They now have the attention of the world, including for the first time equal standing and recognition in the Ukrainian media. In the U.S., there are no large organizations spending significant sums mobilizing people and the allegations of vote suppression and vote count manipulation have either been ignored or ridiculed by the commercial news media. As the truth comes out, more people will join our protests.Both Democrats and Republicans work to maximize their vote and minimize the votes received by their opponents all the time. Aren't you just sore losers who can't accept the outcome?There was not in 2004, nor to our knowledge has there ever been, a concerted effort by the Democratic Party or its elected officials to inhibit voting by Republicans. The Republicans, on the other hand, have expanded their efforts to distribute false information to voters on the time, place and manner of voting in order to sew confusion and chaos. This goes beyond the boundaries of what is permissable in a democracy and must be severely sanctioned. We believe that the exit polls at 8:00 eastern time on election night that showed Kerry winning a popular vote victory of 3% were more correct than the results recorded on the voting machines and announced as official results, so yes, we do not accept the legitimacy of the official outcome.You are never going to be satisfied that it was a fair election unless your candidate wins, what could be more anti-democratic than that?We are prepared to accept a Bush victory if that is truly what the American people turned out on November 2nd to indicate. However, until and unless there is an open and transparent voting process managed by impartial observers that can be monitored and verified by an independent news media we do not believe the election of George W. Bush to be legitimate.But even the leaders of your own party have accepted a Kerry defeat. Why can't you get over it already?The Democratic celebrities on television and the Democratic National Committee are willing to accept a far higher level of fraud than we are, and with all due respect to Senator Kerry, securing a fair election is a matter that involves all Americans. His decision to end his quest for the presidency stems from his acceptance of a set of facts that have been mistated by the commercial news media, and in particular by the commercially-sponsored right wing partisan advocates they employ and whose careers they promote. Senator Kerry can not accept a fraudulent election on behalf of the people who voted for him any more than the manager of a bank can announce that he accepts the theft of millions of dollars and does not wish to pursue the burglars. This matter is now one for law enforcement, not politicians.So what do you want to happen if it is found that people did manipulate vote counting and engage in widespread vote suppression activities?We have until January 6th to sort this out since that is the date that Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes and recognize the winner. We want at least one Democratic Senator to stand with the members of the Congressional Black Caucus to challenge the award of Florida and Ohio's electoral votes to Bush, and for the Democratic Members of the House Judiciary Committee to be prepared to state their case for all to hear. We want criminal prosecutions of the treasonous conspirators involved, ranging from Republican operatives on the precinct level to Republican state office holders to the president himself and his closest political advisors. The leaders of a conspiracy to commit crimes of this magnitude should be charged with treason against the United States. And we want the affidavits of citizens whose ability to vote was, to use the phrase in the Constitution, "in any way impaired," must be collected, tabulated and published. In states in which there were 550,000 or more attempts to prevent people from voting or count their votes honestly, those states should lose a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, which is the penalty for fraudulent elections specified in the Constitution. This penalty should be invoked at each election in which massive fraud occurs, so that the Congressional delegations of those states shrink if the state is habitually incapable of administering fair elections.Copyright © ReDefeat Bush. All Rights Reserved.

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