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During war time, FDR had an inaugaration costing $6,000., and served chicken because it was cheap. In 2005, Tsunami victims struggle, Iraq is a mess, our economy sucks, healthcare costs are at all time highs... so what does BUSH do?
have a $6,000 celebration? NO-
NOW we stand at $29 million and counting.
This excludes the $66 million lost for the holiday all federal workers in the Washington area will have.
Here are the details:
60 agencies with command centers with each at least 3 people (I guess): 60 * 3 * $600 = $108,000
Overtime expenses 2000 Washington D.C. police officers: $8.800.000
Overtime and other expenses for 1,000 police officers from other districts: $2.700.000
3000 additional law enforcement officers needed on the 20th: 3000 * $500 = $1,500,000
7200 US troops: 7200 * $400 = $2,880,000
All kinds of emergency teams on standby (biohazard, radiation, hospitals, public works,...): $2,500,000
Several hundred surveillance camera's. Let's say one man can monitor 20. Let's put the number of camera's at 400. That makes 20 mandays. And we should include the tapes (they start filming the day before, max 3 hour per tape, that's 8 tapes per camera = 3200 tapes at $2 = $6,400): 20 * $400 + $6,400 = $14,400
24 dogs with man for three whole days (bombsniffing starts early): 24 * 3 * $800 = $57,600
At least two helicopters with two people in it in the air constantly: 2 * $10,000 + 2 * 2 * $1,000 = $24,000
Harbor patrols. 2 * $10,000 + 2 * 3 * $500 = $26,000
Fighter planes 2 * $20,000 = $40,000
Removing streetlights and welding manholes (and undoing it all): 20 workers * 2 * $200 = $8,000
Setting up and removing 12 entry points for the public: 12 * $1,000 = $12,000
Building viewing stands: $3,000,000
Develop special license tags: $43,260
Cleaning the streets after the festivities: $100,000
Press conference by Homeland Security and "Showing around" by Homeland security (wild guess): $10,000
Closing some metro stations for one day. Planning, instructing and informing people: $10,000
January 16th dress rehearsal with 4000 servicemembers: 4,000 * $300 = $1,200,000
Construction project to spruce up the West Front of the Capitol (where the ceremony will take place $2.800.000
2 people preparing the event starting a year ago (see defenselink): 2 * 200 * $500 = $200,000
Preparing and planning all this. Let's say 1 planner for every 100 people active and that each planner spends at least 10 days planning (conservative estimate). Planners are more expensive. Total people mentioned before 180+6000+7200+700+20+20+4+6+4 = 14134. That makes 140 planners: 140 * 10 * $600 = $840,000
Let's say one manager for every 20 planners (=7) and one overall manager (very expensive). These should start earlier. Let's say 20 days each: 7 * 20 * $1,500 + 1 * 20 * $2,000 = $250,000
Support staff (you can't do without them). One for the managers (20 days) and 5 for the planners (10 days): 1*20 * $300 + 5 * 10 * $300 = $21,000
Public relations officer (20 days): 20 * $600 = $12,000
Software special for this occasion. Wild (but very conservative) guess: $100,000
Computers special for this occasion. Wild (but again very conservative) guess: $50,000
Regular amount of money made available for the formal part of the inauguration (swearing in): $1,250,000
That makes a grand total of: $29,056,260.
--Joshua P. Angell: DEMOCRAT concerned for our Nation please visit my e-headquarters: VOICE OF THE AUSTIN MAJORITY @ Join The Movement... For A Socially Progressive USA "First They ignore you. Then They laugh at you. Then They fight you. Then, You win." ...Gandhi TAKE BACK AMERICA JOIN THE FIGHT! I am EMPOWERED by Howard Dean! As the Wall Street Journal points out, Bush's victory was "the narrowest win for a sitting president since Woodrow Wilson in 1916."