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    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Thursday, February 24, 2005

    Red State Alert: Rove-Orchestrated GOP Says Gay Prostitution is Fine With Them
    To paraphrase Bill Maher, Gannon/Guckert had two jobs: he had a seedy, sleazy one and then he had his business as a gay prostitute. The Rove shills, such as Washington Post mole Howard Kurtz and a variety of Right Wing homophobes, are filling the airwaves. What's the Rovian spin?Well, that evil left wing bloggers are delving into "the personal life" of Gannon/Guckert and upsetting his "family." "Personal life" -- excuse us, but prostitution, gay or otherwise, is illegal in the District of Columbia. And what about all those Internet nude photos of Gannon/Guckert (he's "cut" he wants the kiddies to know) that America's children could have been exposed to?Indeed, this is quite a milestone for the Republican Party to be defending Gay Internet Prostitution. In fact, it's a revolutionary turn around from an election in which they rode the homophobic horse as their twin issue, paired with scaring the nation half to death (what ever suddenly happened to all those terror alerts AFTER the election?).We can't imagine how the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today have not yet written any editorials commenting on the new White House orchestrated position that considers gay prostitution aprivate matter. This is indeed such an unprecedented change in their faux "moral values" that it should be noted on the editorial pages of every newspaper in the nation -- as well as 24/7 on cable television.Yes, Rove has sent his message points out on Gannon/Guckert to thousands of right wing Stepford media moles -- and the word is that only liberals would discriminate against a gay prostitute trying to make his name as White House stenographer for Rove. Yes, and the usual diversions have started to pop: an American citizen suddenly being "unrendered" from the torture chambers of Saudi Arabia and charged with plotting to kill President Bush three years ago! And we have the odd so-called pre-election tapes popping up, which reveal nothing other than that they can grab some headlines from the Gannon/Guckert scandal. Oh, and that Bush oddly said in them that he wouldn't condemn gays, because he was a sinner too, whatever that meant, since he rides atop homophobia like a bunking bronco. But the real issue here is that the White House Republican noise machine has now come out in defense of prostitution -- and gay prostitution inparticular -- as a private issue, which Republicans are entitled to practice without being exposed by mean bloggers. Maybe the White House is scared of Gannon's little black book filled with client names? Or we've just always misunderstood that they were earnest and committed supporters of gay hookers. So, let's hear one for the Republicans, the hobgoblins of hypocrisy. Who would have thought that they would have embraced gay prostitution as a personal choice and privacy issue? Who said Rove isn't full of surprises? Maybe there are even more of his"positions" that will come to light. Now that it's out in the open, will someone please tell the grassroots evangelicals that their fearless leader and his spokespeople in the media hinterlands now support gay prostitution as a personal right. Let the word spread into the fundamentalist Bush base like wildfire. Gay prostitution and gay prostitution websites are sanctioned by the RepublicanParty. Let the pitchfork rebellion commence! The red state homophobes have done been had. The GOP leadership has laid down the line: only the Democrats would criticize gay prostitution. The Republican Party considers whatever consenting adults do in their bedrooms, even if it involves paying a "Bulldog" for sex, is fine with them .We hope the red state newspapers are reporting the Republican message points on Gannon/Guckert and letting their readers see some of his more personal features evidenced in photos on his websites (which he is now, apparently,trying to sell for a profit). And if their readers are outraged, just tell them that they know it's all part of the White House scene. And that for this to unfold, as it has, Gannon had access to more than classified information. So, they should write Rove and Scottie McClellan and ask, "Hey, bros, what's up with that?" But that's okay with the GOP, because Gannon/Guckert's prostitution business was entrepreneurial -- and the man knew how to take orders. A good military man, so to speak. And his services were in need. In the profiteering-oriented Republican Party, it's simply an issue o fsupply and demand.

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