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- Name: Joshua P. Angell
- Location: Austin, Texas, United States
Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".
View my complete profile
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Take A Look At Some Hate Mail That Democratic Activist Websites Are Getting In Their Inbox These Days:Some of the republican hate mail sites have generated :(sent to following tirades are from the same folks that brought us Pat Robertson, Rush and Dubya.... I am publishing the latest- I promise to update the site and to make it easier to read. Following is an example of the bullshit I get every day and my response. by the way he would not even accept by response via email so here it is!!!!!!!!!!! From: Joe Jackson []Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 6:12 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: The Rabid Hate Of Radical Left WingersOne rarely sees this kind of hate emanating from Republicans. Of course your predicted response will be Rush, O'reilly, Fox News, and any others that pointout the lies of the left. Fortunately, yourwrong sided views are in the minority, albeit a very vocal and well financed minority. It's been my experience that those at the low end of the IQ spectrum tend to think along the lines of the items you are selling and some of extremely gullible even think Fahrenheit 911 was a documentary rather than a huge smear campaign. Those on the left have historically been on the wrong side of history and have always been the easy targets of enemy infiltrators. One only has to research the Democratic party to see how many times foreign operatives have not only operated freely from within, but were encouraged and then defended when caught.You mentioned something about Republicans at least being smart enough to turn on a computer, and I'll respond by stating that Republicans can also make web sites that wrap content so the viewer doesn't have to scroll like one must do here. -- From: info [] Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 10:42 PM To: 'Joe Jackson' Subject: RE: The Rabid Hate Of Radical Left Wingers Let’s see, hate emanating from Republicans. Rush, Fox News, all of the other day time talk radio dicks – if that is not enough give me a minute and I can start talking about the hate mongers that are in the papers 0 that probably being paid by the white house or the RNC. What about the 8 years Clinton was in the White house and the witch hunts! As far as minorities, I remember 2000 when the white house was STOLEN from the Democrats, who by the way had a majority! I do not consider, bush’s second win, by pushing fear and hatred, a mandate. It is still my right and obligation to object to the right wing bull shit! I have been corrected by a few people that have objected to my title for this page. Not all of the following is hate mail, some of it is just interesting. Also, this is not an all inclusive list. Some email I'm too embrassed for the writer to even publish- goes to show even idiots can turn on a computer.... From: Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 1:41 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Get over it Get over it! Thank me I voted for From: GcMcD []Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 12:02 PMTo: Bet ya 10 bucks your a New York Blood Sucking Liberal Jew Bastard.. -- Grant From: Dahl Doug []Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 3:04 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Ranting? I was reading your "ranting" section of your site. (There were a couple of curses, but for the most part it sounds RIGHT to me!) I can, with a clear conscience and without ranting, tell you that the people have spoken. The majority are not "dumb". The elitist minority seem to be. HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT JESUS WAS A LIBERAL WHEN YOU WANT TO CHANGE OUR LAWS TO VIOLATE HIS? That's the epitomy of hypocracy!! The real reason Kerry lost is that he had no "plan". To say: "I have a plan", and not give even a clue as to what his plan was didn't help him. The bottom line is the majority of americans do not agree with a liberal agenda. Don't take it so personal. I didn't hear or see anyone say that the dem voters were dumb. Heck, if the dems could actually come up w/ a candidate I could believe in, I might even vote for them. But NEVER would I vote for Hanoi John!! I'm surprised he even made it to senator! From: Norton Wheeler III []Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 9:15 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: America the Beautiful It is time to stand with the majority of America and thank our armed forces and the Commander in Chief for their sacrifices and courage. Their resolve is the reason you sleep at night. Thank you From: David Still []Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 5:09 PMTo: whoever atSubject: losersHi Losers, Guess what? You lost the election. 59 million votes for W cannot be totally wrong. You may not agree, and GOD bless you *AND* me for your right to dissent, but you are wrong. I hope you continue to sell tons of your moron merchandise, proudly claiming a vote for Kerry. Oh yeah... Did I mention? You are losers. W won. Be sure to post your loser picture on . Also, don't forget to move to Canada. Good riddance, me. ______________________________ From: Ryan King []Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 11:00 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Democrat....why? You democrats make yourselves sound more and more stupid each and every day dont you realize it? nobody cares about you people, get over it bush won 4 more years, please show me your tears ;( From: A_Kansan []Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 5:03 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Re: Jesus was a Liberal Excuse me, but Jesus didn't believe in government, so he wasn't a liberal. His answer, "Render unto Caesar . . ." was a retort to a trick question. Kind of like, "Have you stopped beating your wife?" Jesus believed that we should take care of the poor with our own money. He didn't believe that we should form some over powering bureaucracy that would take under threat of force our wages. Remember he instructed the tax collectors to only tax what was rightfully theirs. Usually that was 10%. Last time I checked, my direct tax was 34%, (Income = 28% and FICA = 7.65%) and that didn't include the taxes we pay indirectly on the goods we purchase. __________________________________ From: Timothy Donahue []Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 8:57 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Don't Blame me website Your website reminds me too much of the aftermath of the 1972 election (the first one I was eligible to vote in). All over town I saw bumper stickers that said "Don't Blame Me I Voted For George Wallace". So the concept seems pretty stale to me and, worse, lifted from disgruntled right-wing bigots. I read what you referred to as "Hate Mail" from Republicans and there was a much better idea in one of the letters. It said (I'm paraphrasing) "Don't blame me for voting for Kerry, blame the beer". Change Kerry to Bush and I'd even buy it. P.S. I held my nose and voted for Kerry only because Bush was a worse alternative. The Democrats need much better candidates. From: JackSchrier1@cs.comSent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 3:52 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Thanks Thanks for continuing to do your small part to undo democracy and foster mindless hatred in this greatest nation in world history. Disagreement is one thing but you and your ilk are politicoterrorists who need to leave the country -- quickly -- before you bring it down around our ears. The 2004 election is over, and you should get over it. You lost, we won. If you do not understand what the war against terror is about, ask some of mu friends who lost family members and friends on September 11. Have a nice day. From: brenttsnotclever@netscape.netSent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 10:42 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: qusetions NOT hate mail good morning. today i viewed you site and just wanted to ask (considereing that i am 20 years old and did not vote due to that fact that both major candidates had too many flaws) why you think that it is okay to abort children, or as they are scientificaly called, fetuses? also why is okay to mock God, who is the holiest of all and the being who created both you and i? i want to make it clear that this is not hate mail and that i DO understand that there was more to this past election. however i am sending this to you not as a rhetorical question, but i do want to and will, as openly as possible, listen to what you have to say. Godbless you and your family this holiday season, brentt cumbaa. ps - i thank you for your time. From: tob9360 []Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 9:01 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: You've overstepped your rights again Dear Sir or Ma'am,I am offended by your Christian references in your bumper stickers: 1- Forgive them Father..., 2- Jesus was a liberal..., 3- The righteous were wrong... I respectfully request you take down these three. You have neither the wisdom, knowledge, common sense, or religious education and facts to make such remarks. These statements show your thinking is as erroneous as the leaders in Jesus time. You think only your point of view can be correct. Shame on you. Sincerely,Dan T. From: KEVIN MCCOOL []Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 12:51 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: some of the republican hate mail our site has generated Well it seems that even a few of your fellow Dems disapprove of this bullshit website also....hmmm...I know you jokers have money/time/dreams and whatever else wrapped up in this venture but this is a very piss poor way to make a buck.....jeez...why don't you listen to some of thier comments....they make sense. This website is based on a destructive and negative concept (contempt for a standing President in a time of war and his Party). Whats new for 2008...."dont blame me I voted 4 Hillary" many recounts then, huh?? I surmise that you really are more concerned with the bottom line....$$$$$.....much like corporations you all bitch about. Haliburten,.....thats a staple in your diet of Liberal one liners. In WWII we as a nation stood together in a time of war, we put aside disagreements and such for after the war. You and the Liberal left in the Democrat party however are becoming what is known as the enemy within....politics/power first and national security somewhere waaaaay below Gay marriage, the U.N. and higher taxes. Traitors?? Sounds harsh but not as much as your product and attitude. As I've told some of your Fecal brain zombies that email me.....theres always Canada, please feel free to leave. From: Holly []Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:04 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: CommentDear Reader, I was on your site "" and I was outraged to see you twist scripture in the Bible to something so negative. I am a seventeen year old Christian and I know that not many people like Christians but you have most definatly offended me by twisting God's word into something else that it isn't. Please feel free to email me back. I am very interested in hearing what you have to say. In Christ Jesus My Lord,An Outraged Teen._____ From: chefsteve []Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 5:38 PMTo: Dear Don"t Blame Me:You are a loooooser. Yu back a loser and you will always be a loser. Thank you for your kind attention to these words. Very truly yoursChefsteve From: Mike []Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 7:21 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: hate mail Hey where can I send some hate mail to ?Mike From: Claude Matson []Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:44 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: not too smart! I feel so sorry for you mis-guided liberals, you are so freaking confused! You morons would vote for a lying, ignorant, hating, man like Kerry instead of Bush, it just doesn't make sense! Sure, Bush has done some things wrong (border security, timing of Iraq), but you people just don't get it. Your man Clinton is the sole cause of 9/11, can't you see that? Clinton allowed US soldiers to be murdered by Bin Laden's terrorists 7 times, and did nothing but drop one bomb! HE SHOULD OF FOUND BIN LADEN AND HAD HIM KILLED!!!!!! But because Clinton wanted to kiss the rest of the worlds butt, and make Europe happy, he let it go! Clinton let our men and women be murdered with no consequences!!!! If he would of done the right thing and not sit on his lying butt being passive, we probably could of stopped 9/11 because we would of been on the offensive. The "offensive" is something you morons don't understand, it means going after murderers and terrorists where ever they are, not waiting for us to be attacked, even if countries like Germany, Russia, and France (who were all getting our billions from the food for oil scandal from Sadam) don't like it. We finally have a president who has it right, he has a deep belief in our one and only creator, he believes that lying to the public (Clinton in a congressional hearing! He should of went to jail!!!) is wrong, he believes that we need to be responsible for ourselves and that giving us more of our hard earned money if better for the economy! Bush believes in the sanctity of marriage!!!! Bush is for the morals (you libs better look up this word in the dictionary) and ethics that this country was founded on. Let me just say this in closing, the farther we get from Godly values, pushing God out of our country, electing immoral presidents (clinton), and moving to the left, the worse things will get for all of us. Mark my words and remember! God save us from Hillary! I will pray that orgs like you will figure it out and come to the right side! From: Claude Matson []Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:44 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: not too smart! I feel so sorry for you mis-guided liberals, you are so freaking confused! You morons would vote for a lying, ignorant, hating, man like Kerry instead of Bush, it just doesn't make sense! Sure, Bush has done some things wrong (border security, timing of Iraq), but you people just don't get it. Your man Clinton is the sole cause of 9/11, can't you see that? Clinton allowed US soldiers to be murdered by Bin Laden's terrorists 7 times, and did nothing but drop one bomb! HE SHOULD OF FOUND BIN LADEN AND HAD HIM KILLED!!!!!! But because Clinton wanted to kiss the rest of the worlds butt, and make Europe happy, he let it go! Clinton let our men and women be murdered with no consequences!!!! If he would of done the right thing and not sit on his lying butt being passive, we probably could of stopped 9/11 because we would of been on the offensive. The "offensive" is something you morons don't understand, it means going after murderers and terrorists where ever they are, not waiting for us to be attacked, even if countries like Germany, Russia, and France (who were all getting our billions from the food for oil scandal from Sadam) don't like it. We finally have a president who has it right, he has a deep belief in our one and only creator, he believes that lying to the public (Clinton in a congressional hearing! He should of went to jail!!!) is wrong, he believes that we need to be responsible for ourselves and that giving us more of our hard earned money if better for the economy! Bush believes in the sanctity of marriage!!!! Bush is for the morals (you libs better look up this word in the dictionary) and ethics that this country was founded on. Let me just say this in closing, the farther we get from Godly values, pushing God out of our country, electing immoral presidents (clinton), and moving to the left, the worse things will get for all of us. Mark my words and remember! God save us from Hillary! I will pray that orgs like you will figure it out and come to the right side! From: ron poole []Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 3:02 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: you lost I am sure the same type of material was available when Clinton won the erection(excuse me election). I hope you make a lot of money selling this stuff. If you do make a lot of money maybe you will become a thinking Conservative. There is nothing like having the money you earned redistributed to the 40 Million or so that do not pay taxes. Ron From: Marvin []Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 3:06 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Don't blame me.Hi Tony, Was checking out your site. You really do hate G.W. don't you. Have you made much money selling your Bumper stickers, caps etc? Now for me I did vote for G.W. and the main reason was, I am a Vietnam War Vet and John F. Kerry betrayed me and the other Vietnam Vets. I am not knocking you for voting for Kerry, that was your right to do. Isn't it great that we have a system in the United States that give us the choice to vote for who we believe in? If John F. Kerry had won, I would not have change my way that I live, well maybe some, paying more taxes, living in fear of another terrorist attack, sucking up to the U.N. and France. Now I won't say HAHAHA like some others have email you. I respect your rights to vote for the Democratic Party, heck, I voted the Democratic Party for years. Then after Jimmy Carter was elected, I got wise and change my party to the GOP. I couldn't live on the peanuts that he was handing out to me. I wish that I knew how old you are, I am 75 and have been around for awhile. Don't claim to know all of the answers, only 99% of them. So you can see that I am not perfect. Tony, in closing let me wish you a very happy "Chanukah" and/or "Merry Christmas" and a safer New Year in 2005, 2006. 2007 2008. GySgt Marvin Bush USMC Retired From: Ron L Jackson []Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 3:05 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: web site Damn, got a kick out of the fact that you really can make a good living off of fools. So, how liberal are you, through and through or just when it comes to trying to make a dollar by selling sleaze? Your man lost because he is an incompetent nitwit, but, when compared to the others that were running in the Democratic primary, he truly may have been the lesser of the evils. You go from one whore monger as your hero to a coward who hasn't the brains to come in out of the rain. A lower GPA than Dubya, less education, has to marry his money (ugly at that) and had JFK as his hero? Wow, thank God for the people of Massachusetts for giving him a job and keeping him off of the welfare rolls. Not to worry though, once all of the power truly shifts to the right-wing zealots, we truly will let some of you come over to our side. See how generous we are, why hold a grudge like you seem to be doing. Ron Jackson From: James Riedl []Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:26 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: how about these bumper stickers How about a bumper sticker that reads: "Quit your crying all you bleeding heart liberals" or Who's the dumb-ass? "You lost" or "No one likes a crying Demee" My point is this, you people need to stop your crying and acting like 2 year olds and move on. If Kerry would have won, thank God he did not. The Republicans would have gotten behind him and moved forward with the country. Trying to improve our way of life. But you people are so paranoid and with your conspiratress attitude have to dwell on this issue. One last choice for your bumper sticker " Grow up " From: Al Ciammaichella []Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 8:00 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Liberal If you hate this country so much, why dont you just leave? The rest of the country really would be much better off. From: Pilot-Doofy []Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 1:02 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Seems you're merely a cry baby.. You can say that only stupid people vote for Bush but the fact is Democrats can't let their loss go. They can't quit crying about it, instead they have to say everyone is stupid. If Bush was such a horrible leader he wouldn't have won the most popular vote in History would he? I think that Democrats need to accept the fact that Kerry was rejected, not elected. If Kerry was truly the better man he would've won. All people can say about "Dubya" is that he is stupid. Why don't you find proof other than the lies that Michael Moore stretches? Democrats say they are loving to their neighbor but look at your site and the others in affiliation with it. You all call Republicans rednecks, etc. Well, I'll tell you what, I'll bet you wouldn't come down to a Bush rally or a gun show and tell us that we're all a bunch of rednecks. Don't bother posting this on your stupid "hate mail" section because it isn't hate mail. Jesus teaches us not to hate, but to love and teach. I can't hate you for your difference in opinion, I can only try to teach you the way of God, which is not to vote Liberal. John Kerry supported post-birth abortions. How can you claim that he is a man of God? The Christian aspect is gone when you think about Kerry. You said killing one person is murder but the death of thousands is foreign policy. Well, in retaliation against that how about this. Killing a grown-up adult is murder but killing a defenseless baby before it has a chance to develope enough to defend itself is the mother's choice right? The only one capable of taking a life is God himself. If you are honestly a Christian man you should believe in that. If you believe in that, there is your reason not to vote for Kerry. I pity you. I truly do. On a funnier note I pity your lack of web scripting skills and even lack of markup language skills. Seems you can't even write nicely put together HTML, much less could you wrap up a project in PHP or another scripting language. Let me guess, you hired the work done right? I would take my time to use SQL injections and/or other techniques to bring your website to its knees but I don't have that much spare time on my hands. Just be glad I'm not as upset about the election as you all are. If I was, I'd cry, throw a fit, and completely erase all data on the server that holds your bandwidth-waster you call a website. Enjoy your life. You probably won't live long if you make the choices of a Democrat. ---DanPilot-Doofy From: TennTexan2@aol.comSent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 2:42 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: LOSERS you lib LOSERS cannot get past the fact that most of America disagrees wirh you. That is because you somehow feel you are intellectually superior to more than half of the country. Even if that were true, our country is set up to not let the "intelligentsia" become rulers of your ideal state of Communism. So your true cause is lost. why don't you move on to animal rights or something? From: Robert Paul []Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 8:59 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: More hate mail for you.. LOL In "the small print," you make a couple of statements about where portions of proceeds from sales of your propaganda will go..."PROVIDED IT IS LEGAL." My question to you is...WHY WOULD THAT MATTER??? Democrats have long held to the belief that the law means nothing to them. If you are to remain to true democrat ideals and principles, you will do whatever you want with whatever proceeds you are able to scoop up, and you will have no respect whatsoever for anything the law has to say on the matter. Robert Paul From: Richard Olsen []Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 2:01 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: your web site It's a shame that the only way individuals like you can express yourself is by ridicule. It's a clear demonstration of your own inadequacies. You should try taking a class in debate. That way you may be forced to check out the facts prior to placing half the country into a class you call "stupid". But then, that would take time and effort - which you show you do not have by the name calling because someone doesn't believe the way you do. You are taking the path of 'least resistance' - which is a clear indication of where your values are located. I don't expect you to share this email with your fans as it is written. If anything, you'll probably add a line here and there to make this email sound, well, "stupid". You really need to evaluate yourself and get a grip on reality. What a shame. RichardIt's a shame that the only way individuals like you can express yourself is by ridicule. It's a clear demonstration of your own inadequacies. You should try taking a class in debate. That way you may be forced to check out the facts prior to placing half the country into a class you call "stupid". But then, that would take time and effort - which you show you do not have by the name calling because someone doesn't believe the way you do. You are taking the path of 'least resistance' - which is a clear indication of where your values are located. I don't expect you to share this email with your fans as it is written. If anything, you'll probably add a line here and there to make this email sound, well, "stupid". You really need to evaluate yourself and get a grip on reality. What a shame. Richard From: KEVIN MCCOOL [] Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 8:22 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Products My Dumocrats have quite a high opinion of yourselves...."I think, therefore I am... A Democrat."??????? You are the most pathetic LOSERS I have ever seen. Your problem is YOU don't think and that's why you're losing again and again. Most people with an ounce of sense understand your message and your views....they just don't buy it anymore. So pleeeeease FUCK OFF AND SHUT UP with your dumbass bumper sticker crap!!!!!! You Dumocrats are dieing a slow death and you know it...... if your so "evolved and intelligent" why cant you morons grasp the fact that America is rejecting you and your're arrogant and foolish and die!! From: robert kench []Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 9:56 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Bitterness Wow. I reviewed your website (didn't buy anything, of course) and am amazed at how bitter you must be. It's actually quite disturbing and unpatriotic in my mind. I didn't piss and moan when Clinton won both elections in the 90's...I moved on and supported our country. Regardless of who wins our elections, it's unfortunate we can't pull together and support the victor uniting as a country. It's my opinion we can do this without losing our individual views and positions which makes our country successful. Nonetheless, your bumper stickers and shirts don't help but only contribute to the division. Do you think you could be creative enough to come up with something positive? _____ From: James Ripley Westmoreland []Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 12:24 PMTo: good luck with your sales. you are just guaranteeing another republican win with your elitist, smarter than thou attitude!!! From: Mira Reinstetle []Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:26 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: See......... See........Bush is helping the economy already........Glad I voted for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From: rma814@tds.netSent: Monday, November 22, 2004 8:03 PMTo: You people are a bunch of shameless, devisive scumbags, whose sole concern seems to be turning a profit, even if you do so at the expense of perpetuating the animosity between left and right in this country. Why don't you find something constructive to do with your time, rather than rehashing an election that is already over? I suppose you are still whining about 2000, too. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, and I hope you all rot in hell. It's sad to think that a significant subset of the American people are so backward-looking that there is actually a market for your trash. Get a job, you losers! Greg From: Advocate7day@aol.comSent: Friday, November 12, 2004 6:43 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Jesus Of one thing I am certain: No part of democrat follows JESUS. You cannot be for homosexual relations, and abortions and claim to follow JESUS. Also those who partake in such activities will definetly not be in the "Eternal Kingdom". They would have the same chance as satan their father. I'll pray for you because you are so obviously decieved. From: Griffith, Joshua D []Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:13 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Why??? I am not coming down on how you may have voted, but this stickers, shirts, hats, etc are not going to help the movement of unity in America. Calling 59 million "DUMB" - this doesn't justify any logical thinking of the future of our country, no matter how someone voted. Majority rules and Electoral Rules and that's the way it is. It is the past. So, let's get started on the future of a closer country by possibly not insulting over half of the voters of United States. Thanks - God Bless America-- From: bjc@att.netSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 9:00 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: don't blame me either You may have voted for Kerry, but at least I voted my conscious. Most "evolved" Democrats didn't. But if you're only in this to make money, got any pro Bush stickers?From: The Crawford's []Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 2:54 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Where's Kerry? Has anybody seen Kerry? Has he fallen off the face of the earth? It goes from Kerry being on every channel on the TV before the election, to looking under ever rock to find him after the election. What a total LOSER! He's not man enough to even show his "french" looking face after taking a beating in the election. LOSER!!! Maybe, you should make a sticker that says "Where's Kerry", or "I can't believe I voted for a LOSER like Kerry." Here's one "Don't blame me for voting for a LOSER like Kerry, blame the beer." From: Ryan Oswald []Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 11:09 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: IdeaMake one that says"Do blame me, If I had my way it would have been even worse!"or "The only people dumber than Bush are the people that voted against him."I think those two would serve you well. From: Jgbunny00@aol.comSent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 9:46 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: (no subject)You must be reeeeally sad...... From: Anthony Pellegrino []Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 10:03 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: in denial Bill Maher and you are pieces of shit. From: Brian Linn []Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 5:17 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: How about - Thank me I voted for BUSH!!I guarantee it will outsell the Kerry stuff :) From: RMath82058@aol.comSent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 11:17 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Give it UP!Instead of being BITTER chip in and GIVE a Hand! HAHAHHAHAHAHBush 2004 From: Gary Simmons []Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 12:30 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: KerryIdiot From: APRIL NEAL []Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 6:01 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: KERRYHOW ABOUT THIS ONE? KERRY SU_KS? GET OVER IT. From: kevin young []Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 11:47 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: not to blame you, but to thank you I stumbled across your website and I am thankful that there is a minority of idiots in this country instead of a majority. -- From: Larry Castell []Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 11:38 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Don't blame me? Don't blame me I voted for Kerry?? I would never blame the mentally handicapped. Even criminals get off "by reason of insanity" so why shouldn't you?My advice to you....SHUT UP, YOU LOST. From: Spencer Carlson []Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 9:59 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: very sad Despite your fervent attempts to mock the president, and your constant attacks on bush as well as the rest of the national media and most singers, President Bush still won. So to coin a phrase from a sticker I saw when Bush lost in ’92.. “He lost, Get over it!”Thank youSpencer CarlsonSpencer CarlsonSupport TechnicianMortgage Investors Group8320 E. Walker Springs Ln.Knoxville, TN 37923 He can't even get the address right. I hear you are getting a lot of these emails.-----Original Message-----From: Justin Cover []Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 5:18 PMTo: nfo@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Kerry did not deserve to win. He is not qualified to run this Country. Bush is a great person and a better leader. Thank goodness for free speech so you can peddle those bumper stickers etc. I hope that the market will put you out of business form lack of sales. This stuff just causes discourse upsets people. We should support Bush even if we disagree. You can vote again in four more years. The economy will be much better then I am confident. Come up with something better to sell that does not divide people.Thank you for your timeAn American as you are. From: Michael Kelley []Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 1:20 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Losers This is how you plan on making money? What a joke.Now if you had hats, and tee shirts that said."Kerry is a loser""And so am I"Now there you have something.Best of luck!!Mike From: Ravens31Fan@aol.comSent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 1:10 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: sore LOSERSSSSSSSSSSSS WOW 2 days after the election and you are back to your old tricks SORE LOSERS!!! Isn't America wonderful that you can benefit from all the stupid people that will buy your junk. Usually Liberals are Blame America first and hate America. From: Majekchance@aol.comSent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 1:00 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: grow up you lost get over it ..................................... Blame you for what? He inherited a recesion . 9/11 would have happened no matter who was in office and president clinton signed NFTA..I dont get the hate for him.. From: Stacey Hall []Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 12:00 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: How does this show support? To Whom it May Concern,Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry? How does this show support? I believe this type of paraphanalia shows great immaturity and willingness to remain a bitter and divided nation. I'm disappointed that you have chosen to go this route, but hey, free country!Sincerely,StaceyVancouver, WA._____ From: Kathryn Joyce []Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 10:53 AMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: comment Why can't you have the option of "I Voted for Kerry" without that silly, childish and provocative " don't blame me"--which I would be ashamed to be seen dead with or in. From: Chris Greene []Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 7:34 PMTo: info@dontblamemeivoted4kerry.comSubject: Bush Won!!! Are you upset? Too bad. Get over it.Chris Greene Oak Ridge, TN (My opinion is not necessarily the opinion of my employer) From: Theresa Cloyd []Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 4:35 PMTo: Your products are ridiculous. Why don't you spend your time doing something positive for the USA instead of continuing such negativity A man such as Kerry who suports infantcide (third term abortions) should not and will never be President.