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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Wednesday, March 23, 2005

    Republican Grandstanding

    Let's use the momentum that uses OUR tax dollars to counter their lies and hypocrisy!

    Terri Schiavo "compassion" and sanctity of life
    Social SecurityThe Republicans are forcing our hand by raising and sustaining momentum on these 2 items and we should use their grandstanding to make our point! Let's create volume to the media and to Congress on these matters!
    Best of all, let's complain loudly to the GAO (Government Accountability Office).

    1. Terri Schiavo "compassion" and sanctity of life:
    We need to document the hypocrisy and infamy of using this poor woman and her family as a political pawn and try to get them to stop. There are so many ways to try to embarrass them and make the point. You can just choose one or a few points and write an opinion letter urging (or taunting or threatening) the media to prove they are not as biased as they seem and to point out the hypocrisy of this movement by Bush and the Republican party.
    While governor from 1995 to 2000, Bush did not push for the sanctity of life. IIn 2000, the state set a U.S. record with 40 executions, including that of Gary Graham, whose guilt was hotly contested and became an international controversy.
    Bush and his self-proclaimed moral compassionate Republican party, have pursued a mean-spirited merciless massive destruction of services and protections for the poor, the sick, the needy, the disabled, the injured of this country by slashing numerous programs that provide a safety net of basics for the less fortunate.
    The party that has trumpeted its devotion to reducing the size and interference of federal government and has claimed to defend states' rights and the sanctity of marriage has suddenly broken its platform and party slogans to overstep the rule of law to pursue this transgression, this trampling over states' rights, state law, state courts, and the sanctity of marriage using majority and mob rule to create an emergency law applicable to 1 person! This after 15 years and countless hearings and legal procedures already done for this case. Where were they for 15 years ? This battle has happened before. There are thousands of other cases like it and have been for years. And get this! The Senate passed the bill Sunday afternoon by "unanimous consent", with only three senators present! Are you afraid yet?
    The thuggish behavior of the Republicans is being used daily to force toxic legislation through Congress and now is being exercised to interfere in a private family decision. This behavior includes trying and re-trying the same case as many times as it takes, until they get their way, legal or not. What these unethical people are doing is shopping around for an activist partisan judge who will rule their way. This is a travesty of rule of law.
    It happens that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush are both potential candidates for a future Republican presidential nomination and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's numerous ethics travesties have come to light and put him in a bad light and this could be his ticket to improve his image with some voters.
    DELAY VOTED TO SLASH FUNDING THAT PAID FOR SCHIAVO'S CARE: At every opportunity, Tom DeLay has sanctimoniously proclaimed his concern for the well-being of Terri Schiavo, saying he is only trying to ensure she has the chance
    "we all deserve." Schiavo's medications are paid for by Medicaid. Just last week, DeLay marshaled a budget resolution through the House of Representatives that would cut funding for Medicaid by at least $15 billion, threatening the quality of care for people like Terri Schiavo. Because the Senate voted to restore the funding, DeLay is threatening to hold up the entire budget process if he doesn't get his way.
    According to polls, the public is OVERWHELMINGLY opposed to congressional meddling.
    Again, please compose a nice letter using some of this information and send it to all national press and national TV news shows and to your local TV and local newspapers and to your Senators and your Representative. Ask the media to stop running the 4-year-old video of the poor lady.
    If we all do this during the rest of March and into April, maybe we can force a crack of truth through the mass media.

    Grandstanding and hypocrisy about Terri Schiavo and the sanctity of life: Congress oversteps its bounds Husband's lawyer denounces congressional 'thuggery',3566,151093,00.html
    Morality mixes with Politics,0,5500726.story?coll=la-home-headlines illegal law the "bill" Federal Judge Refuses to Order Feeding Tube Reinserted Bush's Texas Law at Odds with "Sanctity of Life",2933,151112,00.html Judge rejects appeal discussions on hypocrisy Instapoll at bottom right of this page

    Use these contacts to tell the GAO (Government Accountability Office) that Congress is overstepping its boundaries and that you demand that they stop! ALSO DEMAND that Congress be sanctioned in the strongest terms for over-stepping their boundaries in the Schiavo case!!! They should not be allowed to set a precedent to overstep their boundaries! Governor Jeb Bush should also stop interfering with Florida state law!
    These contacts are to report fraud, waste and abuse by the government:

    e-mail: ,
    fax: FraudNet at 202-512-3086,
    write: GAO FraudNET, 441 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20548

    Here are links to national and local media.

    GOP/RNC activity page- has great links to local newspapers, and to representatives. Just input your zipcode to get to the lists and their email addresses:

    DNC Alert the Media page allows you to send the same letter to 5 media outlets at a time- both local and national

    Other ways to reach your representatives: 1-202-224-3121

    2. Social Security- President Bush and Republicans are so committed to "fix" Social Security, that they are using up our taxpayer money on propaganda and grandstanding across the country to force this issue. All remedies such as private accounts, cutting benefits, raising the payroll tax rate, postponing retirement- have all been turned down by one party or the other and would probably be political suicide. However, the one remedy that has not gotten immediately turned down is changing the cap! This is the one solution that will win. We should remove the one roadblock that has artificially stopped the tax at the arbitrary cap of $90,000 annual income. People making more than this cap have been artificially spared from getting taxed on their earnings above this cap. Bush can still obtain a "victory" by creating add-on optional personal accounts for investment outside of the Social Security system and thus achieve "ownership" he wants so badly. And we can win by pushing a solution that will make Social Security stronger.

    Let's all bombard the media and our representatives over the rest of March and into April with the message REMOVE THE CAP! I suggest that we each compose a nice letter with some talking points and then push the mantra REMOVE THE CAP. Send this opinion letter to all national press and national TV news shows and to your local TV and local newspapers and to your Senators and your Representative.

    Social Security and illegal waste of taxpayer money on propaganda links to articles: Some Barred From Bush's townmeetings
    Social Security Administration Dept Propaganda
    "Shaken by raucous protests at open 'town hall'-style meetings last month, House Republican Conference Chairwoman Deborah Pryce of Ohio and other GOP leaders are urging lawmakers to hold lower-profile events this time."
    "This month, Republican leaders say they are chucking the open town-hall format. They plan to visit newspaper editorial boards and talk to constituents at Rotary Club lunches, senior citizen centers, chambers of commerce meetings and local businesses. In those settings, 'there isn't an opportunity for it to disintegrate into something that's less desirable,' says Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, chairman of the Senate Republican Conference." [USA Today, 03/17/05] AARP on Social Security

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