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- Name: Joshua P. Angell
- Location: Austin, Texas, United States
Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".
View my complete profile
Saturday, April 30, 2005
from Mel White DOBSON FACES MORAL DILEMMAFOLLOWING A SOULFORCE PICNIC AND RALLY AT FOCUS ON THE FAMILY WORLD HEADQUARTERS ON SUNDAY MAY 1, VOLUNTEERS TRAINED IN NONVIOLENCE WILL CREATE A DIFFICULT MORAL CHOICE FOR JAMES DOBSON On Monday, May 2, 2005, James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family will have to make a moral decision. Will he receive a Soulforce delegation of gay and lesbian people of faith and families, friends, and clergy into his massive world headquarters? Or will he lock them out? Monday, May 2, is a normal workday for more than 1,000 Focus on the Family employees. Soulforce volunteers, trained in relentless nonviolent resistance, are determined to deliver to Dobson and his staff thousands of letters that illustrate the tragic consequences of the anti-gay rhetoric of Dobson and other fundamentalist Christian leaders. "If we are locked out of Focus on the Family," says Jeff Lutes, MS, LPC, a psychologist and family counselor from Austin, Texas, who is heading up this nonviolent intervention, "the nation will see clearly that the truth about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people is being locked out with us." Over 1000 people of faith from Colorado and all across the country will be joining with Soulforce in Colorado Springs outside of James Dobson's organizational headquarters at Focus on the Family. Just outside the entrance to Focus on the Family on May 1, there will be a press conference at 12:45pm, a family picnic, and a rally with speakers and entertainment. During the rally, cards will be passed out on which people can write their letter to James Dobson to add to the thousands already collected to be delivered the next business day, May 2. "On Monday, May 1, James Dobson has to make a moral decision," explains the Rev. Dr. Mel White, Executive Director of Soulforce. "Does he welcome this delegation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people with supportive clergy and other people of faith? Or does he lock us out and force us to risk nonviolent civil disobedience and arrest? We can't just go away and ignore the terrible consequences of Dobson's ignorance and bigotry." "If Dr. Dobson denies the opportunity for interaction and dialogue by locking us out, he is saying that he is not open to the latest scientific and biblical evidence that homosexuality is simply another example of God's glorious and diverse creation," said Reverend Robyn Murphy, staff pastor at Pikes Peak Metropolitan Community Church in Colorado Springs. "We are calling this a family intervention, as we are all really part of the same family," Jeff Lutes explains. "As a member of the human family, James Dobson is our brother who has become a dangerous and misleading force to millions. We are coming to Colorado Springs to show him that his refusal to hear the truth about God's gay children leads to wasted lives and ruined families. We pray that this time, James Dobson will hear us." Soulforce has documented many of the hurtful words of James Dobson, in a booklet entitled A FALSE FOCUS ON MY FAMILY: Why every person of faith should be deeply troubled by Dr. James Dobson's dangerous and misleading words about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. purpose of Soulforce is freedom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people from religious and political oppression through the practice of relentless nonviolent resistance.
Friday, April 29, 2005
This is a little long but it is wonderful. But please please read this and pray for people to not necessarily understand why, but to do the right thing just because it's the right thing!!!Not to discriminate, and it doesn't matter who anyone else loves. You may comment on this by using the blog this feature .VOICE OF THE AUSTIN MAJORITY http://angell4austin.blogspot.comHJR 6 Speech by Representative Senfronia ThompsonI have been a member of this august body for three decades, and today is one of the all-time low points. We are going in the wrong direction, in the direction of hate and fear and discrimination. Members, we all know what this is about, this is the politics of divisiveness at its worst, a wedge issue that is meant to divide. Members, this issue is a distraction from the real things we need to be working on. At the end of this session, this Legislature, this Leadership will not be able to deliver the people of Texas, fundamental and fair answers to the pressing issues of our day.Let's look at what this amendment does not do: It does not give oneTexas citizen meaningful tax relief. It does not reform or fully fund our education system. It does not restore one child to CHIP, who was cut from health insurance last session. It does not put one dime into raising Texas' Third World access to health care. It does not do one thing to care for or protect one elderly person or one child in this state. In fact, it does not even do anything to protect one marriage. Members, this bill is about hate and fear and discrimination. I know something about hate and fear and discrimination. When I was a small girl, white folks used to talk about "protecting the institution ofmarriage" as well. What they meant was if people of my color tried to marry people of Mr.Chisum's color, you'd often find the people of my color hanging from a tree.That's what the white folks did back then to "protect marriage." Fifty years ago, white folks thought inter-racial marriages were a "threat to the institution of marriage." Members, I'm a Christian and a proud Christian. I read the good book, and do my best to live by it. I have never read the verse where it says, "gay people can't marry." I have never read the verse where it says, "thow shalt discriminate against those not like me." I have never read the verse where it says, "let's base our public policy on hate and fear and discrimination." Christianity to me is love and hope and faith and forgiveness- not hate and discrimination. I have served in this body a lot of years-and I have seen a lot of promises broken. I should be up here demanding my 40 acres and a mule because that's another promise you broke. You used a wealthy white minister cloaked in the cloth to ease the stench of that form of discrimination. So, now that blacks and women can vote, and now that blacks and women have equal rights-you turn your hatred to homosexuals- and you still use your misguided reading of the Bible to justify your hatred. You want to pass this ridiculous amendment so you can go home and brag...brag about what? Declare that you saved the people of Texas from what? Persons ofthe same sex cannot get married in this State now. Texas does not now recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions, religious unions, domestic partnerships, contractual arrangements or Christian blessings entered into in this State- or anywhere else on this planet Earth. If you want to make your hateful political statements then that is one thing, but the Chisum amendment does real harm. It repeals the contracts that many single people have paid thousands of dollars to purchase to obtain medical powers of attorney, powers of attorney, hospital visitation, joint ownership and support agreements. You have lost your way- this is obscene. Today, you are playing to the lowest common denominator- you are putting aside the real issues of substance that we need to address so that you can instead play on the public's fears and prejudices to deceive and manipulate voters into thinking that we have done something important. I realize that gay rights are not the same as civil rights-but I can guarantee you we are going in the wrong direction. I can not hide my skin color. In fact, in most of the South, people as pink as Rep. Wayne Smith were still Black by law if they had a great grandparent who was African. I was unable to attend an integrated and equally funded school until I got my Master of Laws degree. There were separate and unequal facilities for nearly everything. I got second-hand textbooks even worse than the kind you're trying to pass off on every public school student next year. I had to ride to school on the back of the bus. I had to quench my thirst from filthy coloreds-only drinking fountains. I had to enter restaurants from the kitchen door. I was banned from entering most public accommodations, even from serving on a jury. I had to live with the fear that getting too uppity could get you killed--- or worse. I know what third-class citizenship feels like. In my first term, one of my colleagues walked up and down this aisle muttering about how "Nigras" should be back in the field picking cotton instead of picking out committees. So, I have to wonder about Rep. Chisum's 3/5 of a person amendment. Some of you folks hid behind your Bible then, too, to justify your cultural prejudices, your denial of liberty, and your gunpoint robbery of human dignity.We have worked hard at putting our prejudices against homosexuals in law. We have denied them basic job protections. We have denied them and their children freedom from bullying and harassment at school. We have tried to criminalize their very existence. But, we have also absolved them of all family duties and responsibilities: to care for and support their spouses and children, to count their family's assets in determining public assistance, to obtain health insurance for dependents, to make end-of-life or necessary medical decisions for their life partners---sometimes even to visit in the hospital, even to defend our own country. And then, we can stand on our two hind legs and proclaim, "See, I told you homosexual families are unstable." And nearly every one of you on this Floor has a homosexual in their extended families. Some of you have shunned and isolated these family members. Some of you, even some of the joint co-authors, have embraced them within your own family for the essence of Christianity is love. Yet, you are now poised to constitutionalize discrimination against a particular class ofpeople. I thought we would be debating real issues: education, health care for kids, teacher's health insurance, health care for the elderly, protecting survivors of sexual assault, protecting the pensions of seniors in nursing homes. I thought we would be debating economic development, property tax relief, protecting seniors pensions and stem cell research, to save lives of Texans who are waiting for a more abundant life. Instead we are wasting this body's time with this political stunt that is nothing more than constitutionalizing discrimination. The prejudices exhibited by members of this body disgust me.Last week, Republicans used a political wedge issue to pull kids -sweet little vulnerable kids- out of the homes of loving parents and put them back in a state orphanage just because those parents are gay. That's disgusting.Today, we are telling homosexuals that just like people of my ilk, whenI was a small child, they too are second class citizens. I have listened to all the arguments. I have listened to all of the crap. Mr. Chisum is a person who I consider my good friend and revere. But, I want you to know that this amendment is blowing smoke to fuel the hell-fire flames of bigotry. You are trying to protect your constituents from danger. This amendment is a CYB amendment for you to go home and talk about. --Joshua P. Angell: DEMOCRAT concerned for our Nation please visit my e-headquarters: VOICE OF THE AUSTIN MAJORITY @ Join The Movement... For A Socially Progressive USA "First They ignore you. Then They laugh at you. Then They fight you. Then, You win." ...Gandhi TAKE BACK AMERICA JOIN THE FIGHT! I am EMPOWERED by Howard Dean! As the Wall Street Journal points out, Bush's victory was "the narrowest win for a sitting president since Woodrow Wilson in 1916."
LETTERS Radio's Air America Is Finding an AudienceRe "Why the Liberals Can't Keep Air America From Spiraling In," Commentary, April 18: Brian Anderson's attack on Air America Radio is petulant and inaccurate, an indication that conservatives are having a hard time dealing with a robust alternative to the monopoly they had on talk radio since the 1980s. Regardless of how much Anderson and his ilk whistle past the graveyard, there is a large and growing audience for liberal talk. Every one of the original stations that picked up Air America has experienced dramatic increases in ratings. Our audience more than quadrupled what it was just nine months ago. We are on in 53 markets, including 16 of the top 20. A recent study by the independent Paragon Media showed that in markets where we are on the air, the names Al Franken and Air America have a greater familiarity than any other talk-radio names except Rush Limbaugh. Our Internet stream reaches 1.3 million separate listeners a week, more than any conservative show. Is Air America having an impact? Ask Tom DeLay.Danny GoldbergCEO, Air America RadioNew York*Here's what the lying right is spinning:"Liberals would be best advised to stick to the quarterlies, Web logs and National Public Radio, where they can preach to the choir in a setting more attuned (no pun intended) to their base. Talk radio's rise came from the right, where the listener base was searching for some place — anyplace — in the media to have its views validated and reinforced. When Anderson cites the point "that liberals don't need talk radio because they've got the big three networks, most national and local daily newspapers and NPR," he is hitting the core of the issue. Air America is still message-based, not entertainment-based. And love him or hate him, Rush Limbaugh (and those who have followed him) understand that the message must be based in a lively, entertaining format. By liberalism's very nature, this is the antithesis of how to put forward ideas. When the most entertaining segment of a show is an interview with Al Gore, you know they are in for a fall. Even hip comedians like Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo give Air America an air of superiority. And the bottom line is that most of us "crude and simplistic" listeners don't want to be patronized." Robert McArthur Los Angeles* Anderson's negative rant was a reckless manipulation of facts and a large dose of truth stretching. It is not fair to compare conservative pundit Bill Bennett's talk show's success with that of Air America. There are several hundred conservative talk stations across the U.S., and for Bennett, an established name in conservative circles, to land on 124 of them is not that big a deal. For Air America programming to be heard on any radio station, that station must first take the significant step of changing its format. Stations have switched from all-Caribbean formats (WLIB in New York) or all-sports (KTLK in L.A.) or nostalgia (KQKE in San Francisco) to carry the Air America programming. Anderson wrote: "In the liberal meccas of San Francisco and Los Angeles, Air America is doing lousier still." The truth is in San Francisco KQKE AM has been on the air only six months and has shown steady increases in a market with the some of the strongest talk radio competition. In L.A., KTLK AM has not been on the air for a full ratings period, thus making the "lousy" claim a bit premature. * The truth is, like it or not, Air America and Progressive Talk radio are here, they are flourishing and this is only the beginning. John Quinlan Station Manager, KTLK Burbank
Thursday, April 28, 2005
MORE NEWS FROM OUR FASCIST REGIME:House Passes Budget That Cuts Medicaid By MARY DALRYMPLE WASHINGTON (AP) - The House narrowly passed a $2.6 trillion budget Thursday evening that would cut back the Medicaid health care program for the poor for the first time since 1997 in a step toward trimming federal deficits. The 214-211 vote approved a blueprint that instructs lawmakers to freeze or cut spending in many domestic programs outside defense and homeland security and restrain farm, student loan, pension and some other government programs that grow automatically from year to year. The Senate simultaneously debated the measure and moved toward a vote Thursday night. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said it's time to look closely at benefit programs that are "popular but rife with waste." "These entitlement programs deserve reform," he said. "The Medicaid system is antiquated and the quality of care is not being brought to the people that need it." Democrats blasted the planned cuts and expressed doubt that the budget's projections of shrinking deficits would happen.
"This budget is an assault on our values," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California. "This budget we are passing today will pass mountains of debt onto our children and grandchildren." The budget would shave automatically increasing benefit programs by $35 billion over five years while also cutting taxes by as much as $106 billion over the same period. Medicaid, the federal-state health program for needy and disabled Americans, gets marked for the single biggest change, a $10 billion reduction over four years. The changes in Medicaid wouldn't begin until 2007, giving a specially convened commission and the nation's governors time to recommend cost-saving proposals.
ACTIVISM UPDATE: Last Chance to Protect the Arctic Refuge from Oil DrillingWhether you have taken action once, twice or many times before, it's crucial that you take action again TODAY to save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil drilling. The special interests that desperately want to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge have now included language in the Federal budget that would allow for drilling. Both versions of the budget are in conference committee to be reconciled, providing us with our last chance to get the drilling provision removed. Steps 1 & 2 Call each of your senators via the congressional switchboard at 202/224-3121 and urge them to vote against any budget conference report that includes reconciliation instructions that could lead to Arctic Refuge oil drilling. If you don't know who your senators are, you can look them up here. Step 3 Next, call your representative via the congressional switchboard at 202/225-3121 and urge them to vote against any budget conference report that includes reconciliation instructions that could lead to Arctic Refuge oil drilling. If you don't know who your representative is, you can look them up here. Step 4 Finally, send an e-mail to your senators and representative asking them to oppose any and all efforts to open any part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to exploration and drilling by oil and gas interests. Click here to take action!Please call and e-mail your senators and representative today. Thank you.
An ill wind is blowing across this country. That wind blows the seeds of destruction and threatens to undermine the system of checks and balances described in the Constitution and the fundamental rights we hold dear. Our Constitution is the rock of our nation and has withstood every challenge for more than 200 years. But today, the Constitution is under attack and needs your help. Some in the Senate want to bully the American people and force feed us extremist judges. If they don't get their way, they're ready to nuke debate in the Senate and stand the Senate rules on their head by severely restricting the right to filibuster these nominees. They want to change the rules in the middle of the game just because they don't like the score. We cannot let them do it. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) has launched a new campaign opposed to this unprecedented power grab. We need you to stand with us and say no to this so-called "nuclear option." Join us and say no to court packing schemes. Once the "nuclear option" is launched, there's no stopping it. At the bottom of the rubble will lie our freedom of speech and our system of checks and balances – dead, dead, dead. It is up to us to spread the word. You must be the new Paul Revere and tell your friends and neighbors about what is happening in the Senate. Tell them that our free speech is under attack. Tell them that our system of checks and balances is under attack. Tell them that the Senate must not be simply a rubber stamp for extremist judges. Tell them to fight efforts to end the filibuster as we know it by joining our campaign. Tell them there must never be a gag rule for the United States Senate. Some say we don't need 200 years of American history. According to opponents of the filibuster, 200 years of history is a bore. It's simply passé. Old hat. They say the Constitution is nothing more than stale bread. Opponents of free speech see no need to rely on Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, or Hamilton. We know better. We won't be muzzled by those who want to silence us. Delay, deliberation, and debate may be a waste of time to some, but it's free speech and the American way to all of us who love our country and our Constitution. The best way to help defend the Constitution is join our campaign against the "nuclear option" today. We must preserve free speech and the rights of the minority. Join the DSCC today. Sincerely,Robert Byrd
There is no "balance" to be struck between fairness and discrimination Tell Microsoft President Bill Gates and CEO Steve Ballmer that Microsoft should support workplace fairness legislation Dear Friend, We need you to tell Microsoft Corporation to reinstate their support for workplace fairness legislation in Washington State. Earlier this month, Microsoft withdrew support for Washington House Bill 1515, a non-discrimination bill that would have protected GLBT Washingtonians from discrimination in the workplace, housing, and insurance. Shortly after Microsoft's decision, HB 1515 failed in the state senate by one vote. HRC joins our entire community in urging you to voice your disappointment with Microsoft's decision. Send your message to Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer by clicking here. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer commented in the New York Times on April 24, 2005: ''We are thinking hard about what is the right balance to strike -- when should a public company take a position on a broader social issue, and when should it not?'' he wrote. ''What message does the company taking a position send to its employees who have strongly held beliefs on the opposite side of the issue?'' This statement is simply unacceptable. There is no "balance" to be struck between workplace fairness and discrimination. Not only is protecting employees from discrimination the right thing to do, it's good business. That a majority of Fortune 500 companies have non-discrimination policies is clear evidence. As one corporate leader who supports the bill put it - "It's about one word - competitiveness." Microsoft has clearly thought so in the past - they supported this non-discrimination bill for over a decade. So tell Microsoft that you are disappointed with their decision to withdraw support for HB 1515, and urge them to reinstate and publically announce their support when this legislation is introduced in the 2006 legislative session - visit to send your message. Then, tell ten friends to do the same. Thank you for your quick action and for helping us spread the word. Sincerely,Joe Solmonese-President
PLEASE CIRCULATE TO YOUR PROGRESSIVE GROUPS:Like you, I have been extremely concerned that our government isn't concentrating more on preserving our freedoms here in the U.S. Many citizens are genuinely concerned for our democracy and we ask all the time "why don't they get it?" and "what can we do?" - I strongly believe that we need to form a very united front in our efforts, go to the trenches. Perhaps by all of us individually using a simple communication method, easily recognized in pop culture, we can collectively start the changes. Please visit this site: and view the customized wristbands that have been designed with the idea that preservation of our most important of values - freedom - needs to be communicated much more effectively. The items that are available, I hope, will permeate the American culture and restore a sense of pride and honor to those of us who are indeed concerned for our nation, as well as, hopefully, aid in a refocus to the needs here at home. I would very much appreciate your consideration of the site's products, as they are very reasonably priced in an effort to spread a unified message. However, if you choose not to take advantage of these items, please add it as a resource/link to your site and circulate the link to your contacts, other groups, family and friends! Thanks. Owner,
By Elizabeth M. Gillespie, Associated Press Writer Microsoft Branded Corporate Coward for Dropping Support for Gay Rights Bill in Home State of Wash. (SEATTLE)AP) -- Microsoft Corp., one of the earliest companies to extend benefits to gay employees, now finds itself in the crosshairs of angry activists for rescinding support for gay rights legislation in its home state. Critics say the world's No. 1 software maker caved to pressure from an NFL linebacker-turned-local pastor who had threatened to launch a nationwide boycott, and tried to tiptoe away from a bill it had previously supported. Last week, the measure failed in Washington state's Senate by a single vote. Bloggers branded Microsoft a corporate coward, and a prominent gay rights group asked the company to return a civil rights award it had bestowed on the tech giant four years ago. It's an unusually sticky spot for a brainy company that has taken pride in its progressive employment policies. Sensitive to employees as well as image concerns, the company's top executives were forced to do some very public soul-searching. "We are thinking hard about what is the right balance to strike -- when should a public company take a position on a broader social issue, and when should it not?" CEO Steve Ballmer wrote in an e-mail to employees on Friday. "What message does the company taking a position send to its employees who have strongly held beliefs on the opposite side of the issue?" A few days later, Chairman Bill Gates said he was surprised by the negative reaction and said the company may rethink its position. "Well, we didn't expect that kind of visibility for it," Gates told The Seattle Times. "After all, Microsoft's position on a political bill -- has that ever caused something to pass or not pass? Is it good, is it bad? I don't know." Microsoft contends it decided before the current legislative session to take a neutral stance on a gay rights bill it had once championed so it could focus efforts on a shorter list of issues, like computer privacy, education and transportation. Daryl Herrschaft, a deputy director of the workplace project at the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights group, says Microsoft's behavior ran against the grain in the business world. The Boeing Co., Nike, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., Molson Coors Brewing Co., and Levi Strauss & Co., are among businesses that supported the Washington state bill, which would have banned discrimination against homosexuals in housing, employment and insurance. Asked why Hewlett-Packard supported it, John Hassell, the computer maker's director of federal and state governmental affairs said: "One word: competitiveness." HP started offering domestic partner benefits to gay employees in 1996 -- three years after Microsoft did -- and, like Microsoft, has an anti-discrimination policy that protects gays. "It's not just a nice-to-do thing. It's a requirement to be successful in the private sector," Hassell said. Bradley Googins, executive director of the Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College, said he expects more businesses to be faced with the same kind of PR problem that's fallen on Microsoft. "Businesses today are right square in the middle of all sorts of real thorny dilemmas because of the shifting nature between the role of business in society and business in government." The pressure on Microsoft recalls criticism of The Walt Disney Co. by conservative Christian groups for the Gay Days gathering held at the company's theme parks. The groups have since the mid-1990s urged consumers to boycott the company, which cooperates with organizers of the gatherings, but does not sponsor them. Disney has repeatedly refused, though, to disassociate itself from the Gay Days events. Microsoft didn't blink when it had to stare down the U.S. Justice Department on antitrust, which has left many people wondering why the company appears to have gotten nervous about a threatening minister. The local former Seattle Seahawk turned evangelical pastor, Ken Hutcherson, had threatened the boycott in a meeting with Microsoft a few months ago. Hutcherson, who is black, said he never had a problem with Microsoft's own anti-discrimination policies -- even though he believes gays don't belong in the same group as African Americans and other minorities who have fought for equal rights. "When they stepped out and tried to make their policy my policy and other companies' policy and the state's policy, they stepped into a den of snakes and I was the main cobra," Hutcherson said. He's accused the company of lying about when it decided not to support the bill. Microsoft has called it a big misunderstanding. "In hindsight, we clearly should have communicated more proactively about this position," said Microsoft spokesman Mark Murray. And Gates' statement that Microsoft might reconsider its position next year was considered a mixed message by some. "We're going to continue to put pressure on Microsoft until they definitively come out in support of this bill again," said George Cheung, executive director for Equal Rights Washington, the state's largest gay rights group. Tina Podlodowski, a former Seattle City Councilwoman who heads up the Lifelong AIDS Alliance, once worked for Microsoft and helped persuade executives to offer domestic partner benefits to gays and lesbians, like herself. She said she's angry now but hopeful the company will give her a reason to be proud of it again. "I fundamentally believe that this is a company that does the right thing," she said, "not just because it's right but because it's also good for business." AP Business Writer Adam Geller contributed to this story from New York.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
$335,939 DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY CAROL HOKE (RESIGNED) PRESIDENT / CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER $329,959 DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY JESUS GARZA PRESIDENT / CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER $285,723 PROFESSIONAL CONTRACT SERVICES ACE L BURT PRESIDENT $271,549 LUTHERN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH KURT SENSKE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER $263,392 ST. DAVIDS HEALTH NEAL KOCUREK PHD PRESIDENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER $240,779 TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN MILT WRIGHT PRESIDENT $239,607 UNIVERSITY CO-OP GEORGE MITCHELL PRESIDENT $236,307 GOODWILL OF CENTRAL TEXAS GERALD L DAVIS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER $228,388 LUTHERN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH SAMUEL SIPES PRESIDENT COO $226,434 TEXAS ASSN OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE JOSE CAMACHO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR $225,932 UNITED WAY CAPITAL AREA DAVID BALCH PRESIDENT / CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER $214,975 CHILD, INC TOMMY CASSEL COMPTROLLER $209,854 CHILD, INC JAMES STRICKLAND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR $207,713 YMCA OF AUSTIN LARRY SMITH PRESIDENT $202,650 SOUTHWEST EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CORP WESLEY HOOVER PRESIDENT $200,697 CENTRAL TEXAS MEDICAL FOUNDATION DANIEL FINCH MD TRUSTEE $193,298 SPECIAL OLYMPICS MARGARET LARSEN PRESIDENT $188,554 LUTHERN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH DAVID KAHLE VICE PRESIDENT $187,085 SOUTHWEST KEY JUAN JOSE SANCHEZ CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER $185,853 CENTRAL TEXAS MEDICAL FOUNDATION GEORGE EDWARDS MD TRUSTEE $185,106 TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN NEAL COMBS VICE PRESIDENT / CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER $167,359 SETON FUND GENE ATTAL PRESIDENT $167,218 LUTHERN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH JOHN LOFTUS VICE PRESIDENT HUMAN RESOURCES $165,468 TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN LLOYD DODGE VICE PRESIDENT TECHNOLOGY $163,520 TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN SUE MCMILLIN VICE PRESIDENT CUSTOMER SERVICE $163,378 TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN JAMES PATTERSON VICE PRESIDENT ADMINISTRATION $163,311 PROFESSIONAL CONTRACT SERVICES MICHAEL WILKE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER $160,803 TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN RUBEN COLEMAN SENIOR RECOVERY SPECIALIST $159,858 AUSTIN-TRAVIS COUNTY MHMR JAMES VAN NORMAN PSYCHIATRIST $159,499 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA THOMAS VARNELL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR $154,866 LUTHERN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH KIETH ECKELKAMP CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER $151,827 PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY CLINIC LOUIS APPEL MD CONTRACT: MEDICAL SERVICES $149,881 TRAVIS CO MHMR DAVID EVANS PSYCHIATRIST 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Texas Tops In Adults Without Health Insurance A study says Texas has the highest percentage of adults without health insurance of any state. Minnesota has the lowest. The study was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which seeks to promote health coverage for all Americans. It notes that a significant portion of the uninsured in the country are employed. The study uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2003. States with the highest rate of uninsured adults were: Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. Those were the same states with the highest percentages of uninsured adults with jobs. The states with the lowest uninsured rates among all adults were: Minnesota, Hawaii and Delaware. Those also tended to be the states that fared best when it came to the lowest uninsured rates for adults with jobs.
Family Of Man Killed By Police Files Civil Lawsuit The family of a black man fatally shot by a white Austin police officer in 2003 has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit. The suit names the officer, the Austin police department and police chief Stan Knee. Jesse Lee Owens was shot by officer Scott Glasgow in a case in which the officer claimed the use of deadly force was justified to save his own life. Glasgow said he'd stopped Owens for driving a stolen car and that his arm got caught in the door when Owens tried to flee. Owens' parents say their son did not try to drive away. An attorney for Glasgow says no reviews of the shooting found that the officer shot Owens before the victim tried to drive away. Glasgow was indicted on charges of criminally negligent homicide, but those were later dropped. Glasgow was suspended for 90 days without pay for violating department procedures.
Joe Conason:'Bush hides the truth about terror, torture'By Joe Conason, New York ObserverResponding to the most serious questions we confront as a nation, the Bush administration can routinely be expected to hide, obfuscate and deceive. If credible information indicates that high-ranking government and military officials permitted and even encouraged the horrific abuse of foreign detainees, the administration assures us that a few bad soldiers can be blamed. If honest statistics indicate that the "war on terror" is achieving less than advertised, the administration buries the report in which those numbers are traditionally published.Twice within a single week, in a telling coincidence, the administration displayed its dogged commitment to concealment. On April 15, the State Department admitted that it plans to withhold the data on terrorist incidents compiled for the annual, Congressionally mandated report, Patterns of Global Terrorism, which the department must release at the end of the month. And on April 22, the Army celebrated the first anniversary of the exposure of the Abu Ghraib scandal by announcing that an internal investigation had "exonerated" four senior officers responsible for military prisons in Iraq, despite previous findings of culpability. In neither instance was the government's soothing voice believable. In both instances, independent voices spoke out almost instantly to discredit the government's bland assurances. In a free society, lying still incurs at least that much risk.The Army's effort to limit prosecution to a group of enlisted personnel--and to discipline only a single officer, Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski--was thoroughly rebutted by a new report from the diligent, nonpartisan monitors at Human Rights Watch. Their detailed, 95-page report--titled Getting Away with Torture?--was released on April 24. It's well worth reading in its entirety ( reports/2005/us0405/), but its essential message is that while justice is brought to bear on the miscreants at the bottom, a "wall of impunity" protects those at the top. "Evidence is mounting that high-ranking U.S. civilian and military leaders--including Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former CIA Director George Tenet, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, formerly the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Major General Geoffrey Miller, the former commander of the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba--made decisions and issued policies that facilitated serious and widespread violations of the law," the report charges. "The circumstances strongly suggest that they either knew or should have known that such violations took place as a result of their actions. There is also mounting data that, when presented with evidence that abuse was in fact taking place, they failed to act to stem the abuse."Generals Sanchez and Miller are among the officers whom the Army inspector general just exonerated; and, of course, the President has publicly praised (and rehired) Mr. Rumsfeld, while awarding the Medal of Freedom to Mr. Tenet. To restore honor and integrity, Human Rights Watch recommends appointment of a special counsel and independent commission to investigate torture, apportion responsibility, report findings and prosecute when warranted. As for State's annual terrorism report, which has been issued every year for decades, the department's spokespersons insist that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice omitted the usual numbers about incidents and casualties for purely bureaucratic reasons. Those numbers will henceforth be compiled and analyzed by the National Counterterrorism Center. But the spokespersons couldn't say when or whether those figures will ever be released to the public and the press.The real reason for withholding the numbers, according to independent experts, is that they don't support the boasts of the Bush administration. Larry C. Johnson, a former counterterrorism official at the C.I.A. and the State Department, reported on his Web log that the raw data already has leaked out--and didn't look very good. What the State Department terms "significant incidents" rose from 175 attacks in 2003 to 655 in 2004. Nearly one-third of those incidents occurred in Iraq, but that total only includes attacks on foreign aid workers and American civilians--not on Iraqi civilians or U.S. military personnel. As Mr. Johnson explained, the State Department "didn't want to have to explain to the press why they're 'winning' the war on terror, but the numbers are the highest ever in the 37 years since they've been reporting the data. If terrorist incidents had dropped 50 per cent, do you think they'd be eliminating the report?"Last year, the same State Department report hailed the administration's triumphs against terrorism. Ranking officials held a special press conference, with colorful charts and graphs, to announce its cheery findings. Unfortunately, the report turned out to be so badly marred by wrong statistics and false conclusions that then-Secretary Colin Powell withdrew the document and had it rewritten. The real numbers were considerably less uplifting--which seems to be true this year, too. So now the government will simply withhold the data. The Bush administration clearly doesn't believe that the American public can handle the truth about terror and torture. What we have to ask ourselves is why they're so confident that we will accept anything less.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Rally to Stop the Judicial Takeover and 1-party rule COALITION FOR A FAIR AND INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY
Any day now, radical Republicans are hoping to seize absolute power to appoint Supreme Court justices who favor right-wing, corporate interests over the rest of us. To do it, Vice President Cheney and Senate Republican leader Bill Frist are threatening to use what they call the "nuclear option"—a parliamentary maneuver to overturn the 200-year-old tradition that all judges have broad support in Congress. MoveOn PAC and our partners in the Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary are organizing a massive national wave of protest to stop them, culminating with emergency rallies across the country on Wednesday, April 27, at 5 PM (or earlier in a few cities). Bring your kids, your in-laws, your friends and neighbors! This is an "all hands on deck" moment, and we need everyone to turn out and be counted. Please sign up and come to the rally nearest you at: national media about your local event: , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MPossley@tribune.comAdd-on issue- sign the petition before 4/28 to stop the wanton destruction of our old-growth forests for Kleenex: drilling of our national treasure- the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: NO to oil!
Nuclear Option is Tyranny of the MINORITY!I DID THE MATH. With population numbers from the 2000 Census and a calculator, I confirmed my suspicion that the majority Republican Party in the Senate represents fewer Americans than minority Democratic Senators. The 55 Republicans Senators represent states with a population of 112,858,577 residents or 49%, while the 45 Democratic and Independent Senators represent States with a total of 117,657,044 residents or 51% of the population. I divided population numbers equally in states with divided party representation. (Yes, I included the District of Columbia with Democrats even though they are technically not represented. Without DC the numbers only change by a tenth of a percent, but more importantly, since DC votes nearly 90% Democratic, their views are clearly represented by Democratic Senators.) Then I tried another angle with the help of CNN and added the numbers of votes received by each winning Senator in the 2004 election and came out with a surprising result. Even though Republicans won 19 of the 34 Senate races last year, Republican Senators received fewer votes than Democratic Senators. Democratic Senators won 15 seats in 2004 with 26,480,865 votes.Republican Senators won 19 seats in 2004 with 25,148,676 votes.That is a difference of 1,332,189 votes or 2.6%.We all understand that the Senate was set up as a "check and balance" to the inherently more politically populace driven House of Representatives. By choosing Senators by State instead of population, the founding fathers hoped to protect the rights of the minority against the "tyranny of the majority." But if population is considered, or the vote count received by each Senator, there is no doubt that our founding fathers' fear is being turned on its head. Republican Senators, in fact, represent a minority of Americans. If the "nuclear option" is utilized to strip Democratic Senators, who represent more Americans, of their right to dissent, then we will have a TYRANNY OF THE MINORITY!Thomas Jefferson must be rolling in his grave.PS - Help Democratic pundits argue this point by emailing and calling your local and national media. Find them here -
Task Force Calls Rise in Anti-Gay Crime a Product of America's Anti-Gay IndustryFear-Mongering and Demonizing Sermons Promote ViolenceStatement from Matt Foreman, Executive DirectorNational Gay and Lesbian Task Force "The leaders of America's anti-gay industry are directly responsible for the continuing surge in hate violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. While other forms of crime continued to fall, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs has documented a 4% increase in anti-LGBT crime in 2004, coming on the heels of a 26% increase in the last half of 2003. This spike in violence parallels the exact same period since the Right went into demonic, anti-gay hyperdrive following the Supreme Court's Lawrence v. Texas decision in July of 2003. Since then, church pews and the public airwaves have been awash in ugly, anti-gay rhetoric and fear-mongering. "These words obviously do not just vanish into the ether - as intended, they are absorbed and become fuel and justification for violence. To say otherwise defies reality. The literal blood of the thousands of gay people physically wounded by hate during 2004 is on the hands of Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, and so many others who spew hate for partisan gain and personal enrichment." See for more details on the NCAVP report................................................................................................................................Today's links:bush's resume ... My name is George Bush and I'm running for President ... history of televised news, holding only one White House press ... have fallen into the hands of terrorists or rogue countries - 21k - Cached - More from this siteTIME Person of the Year 2004: George W. Bush ... Year 2004. George W. Bush, the 43rd President ... lively, framing a point with his hands or extending his ... a very reflective mood," says the man who has just replaced - 71k - Cached - More from this siteFunny George Bush Pictures - Bush Cartoons - Funny Pictures A hilarious collection of funny pictures, political cartoons, doctored photos, and parodies poking fun at President George W. Bush - updated regularly. ... Man Date - Funny Bush PictureBush and Prince Abdullah Holding Hands - Funny Bush PictureBush and Saudi Prince Gay Union - Funny Bush PicturePope George Bush - Funny Bush - 142k - Cached - More from this siteThe Abu Ghraib Prison Photos - by News Highlights. Quotable. Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing. ... to walk a straight line with his ankles handcuffed. A US Soldier in a flak jacket appears to be using both hands. to - 37k - Cached - More from this siteGeorge Bush Loyalty Quiz - Bush Political Quiz - Fun Quiz Are you a true believer in George W. Bush, or do you think he is a miserable failure? Take this quiz to test your allegiance to President Bush. ... Prince Abdullah's Man Date - Funny Bush PictureBush and Prince Abdullah Holding Hands - Funny Bush - 32k - Cached - More from this - O'Neill: Bush 'like a blind man' - Jan. 9, 2004 President Bush was like a blind man in a roomful of deaf people during Cabinet meetings, his former Treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill, told CBS News' 60 Minutes in what the network said was his first interview about his work for the ... Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and - 42k - Cached - More from this siteFrom The Wilderness Publications Home Page ... A Con Job by Pakistan's Pal, George Bush - by Robert Scheer ... to the streets or holding rallies and symposia this ... can meet and shake hands with you - we ask - 129k - Cached - More from this siteNEOCONOMY by Daniel Altman - George Bush's Revolutionary Gamble With America's Future ... the White House is holding another economic conference - read: cheerleading ... would have helped George W. Bush, had it been released ... be run by one man, Lee Kuan Yew, from behind - 119k - Cached - More from this siteCommentary on American Politics Political opinion, news, polls, message boards and chats about current American National Political Issues especially the Bush Presidency. ... George Bush was on TV kissing and holding hands with a heathen blasphemer - apparently for money. Worse, though, it was a man ... on TV kissing a man, I'd be the ... RSS: View as XML - Add to My Yahoo! - More from this conservative radio host and leader of the Center Right Coalition. Includes columns, links, and more. Category: Political Radio - 284k - Cached - More from this site
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