PLEASE CIRCULATE TO YOUR PROGRESSIVE GROUPS:Like you, I have been extremely concerned that our government isn't concentrating more on preserving our freedoms here in the U.S. Many citizens are genuinely concerned for our democracy and we ask all the time "why don't they get it?" and "what can we do?" - I strongly believe that we need to form a very united front in our efforts, go to the trenches. Perhaps by all of us individually using a simple communication method, easily recognized in pop culture, we can collectively start the changes. Please visit this site: and view the customized wristbands that have been designed with the idea that preservation of our most important of values - freedom - needs to be communicated much more effectively. The items that are available, I hope, will permeate the American culture and restore a sense of pride and honor to those of us who are indeed concerned for our nation, as well as, hopefully, aid in a refocus to the needs here at home. I would very much appreciate your consideration of the site's products, as they are very reasonably priced in an effort to spread a unified message. However, if you choose not to take advantage of these items, please add it as a resource/link to your site and circulate the link to your contacts, other groups, family and friends!