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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Tuesday, June 28, 2005

    Time to take action!

    Contact info:,
    Reach your Congressman through the Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

    1. Stop John Bolton! Please call and email your Senators TODAY. Especially if you have a Republican Senator. They need to be overcome with the following message to counter their usual rhetoric:

    It is certainly understandable that President Bush wants whom he himself nominated. That certainly is nothing new. It has been made amply clear now to the American people through numerous and detailed broadcasts that he is a thug and a liar. No one in this country wants a liar, a bully, and a dangerous individual to represent them!
    John Bolton has lied and has coerced intelligence officials to twist the truth, putting us ALL in peril. When those whose testimony we count on to defend us from foreign threats use coercive tactics to twist the truth, we will make incorrect and dangerous decisions!!!
    PLEASE do not put the American people in peril.
    PLEASE vote NO on Bolton!
    All Americans count on you and other honorable Senators to vote with integrity.
    Please do not vote the party line. Please do not allow this nomination to go through.
    Please work to block the Bolton nomination.

    2. Back all workers and fellow citizens to oppose the obscene profits and power of corporations over the well-being of us all. Oppose CAFTA now to prevent the loss of yet more jobs, and to prevent the further erosion of worker rights. From now on, make it your goal to add your voice and support to our worker unions- whether you belong to one or not. Please sign this letter:

    3. On Monday, June 20, using the Iraq war as an excuse, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the $409 billion Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, which included $45 billion in funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby bankrupting you, your parents, your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, etc.. Aren't you tired of being fleeced? Our children's futures have been mortgaged beyond repair and this administration refuses all accountability. Please join Nancy Pelosi's demand for a roadmap to getting our troops home:

    Vote on MSNBC's question of the day. Do you support negotiating with insurgents if it means bringing the troops home?

    4. Don't let them increase the voice of wealth and corporations in our government! Help prevent future CONGRESSMEN FOR SALE: The Ney-Pence-Wynn bill would allow individual donors to give much more money to influence politics in Washington: up to $3 million to a political party and its federal candidates during one two-year election cycle. Fat cats who hedge their bets and give to both parties can give up to $6 million every two years. That's 60 times what the current law allows.We need your help to defeat this pro-corruption legislation today. The Ney-Pence-Wynn bill may be on the House Floor very soon. Please call your Member of Congress today and ask him or her to vote against H.R. 1316, the so-called "527 Fairness Act of 2005". Enter your zip code and send the letter to your Rep. at and follow it up with a call:
    Then call and email the authors of the bill:
    Bob Ney (OH) 202.225.6265
    Mike Pence (IN) (202) 225-3021
    Albert Wynn (MD) (202) 225-8699
    Write up what you said into an opinion editorial for the media and send it to the newpapers in their home states. Click on their states, and send the letters, 5 at a time. Use your back arrow to send to 5 more, etc...

    Tell California Representative Randy Duke Cunningham that his sell-out to war profiteers is not appreciated. Also tell him to stop protecting Tom Delay. Vote the poll at: and CA folks sign the petition:

    5. Those of you who still have jobs- please help the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee with a monetary contribution before June 30- the date when the Republican and the Democrat campaigns must publically disclose their fundraising totals. The DCCC members will double whatever you can donate. Let's show the Republicans the strength of their opposition. Please counter the Bush fund-raising machine. Give $50 today and the Democratic caucus will make it $100:

    Make your commitment monthly to support Howard Dean's Democracy Bonds:

    6. The FDA has become a political arm of the Bush administration. We have already seen the disastrous results in the Bextra, Vioxx, and Celebrex fiasco. Call on your Senators to oppose the Lester Crawford nomination! We need a real protector of the people in the FDA position- not a pharma shill nor a sanctimonious evangelical shill who will give harmful drugs a stamp of approval to enrich their friends at the cost of thousands of citizen lives, or will obstruct communication between us and our doctors:

    7. The Patriot Act’s infamous Section 215 grants the FBI the power to seize a vast array of sensitive personal information and belongings including medical, library and business records using a secret intelligence court that does not require any suspicion of individual criminal activity. The FBI can use this new power to spy on innocent people. Those people forced by the FBI to provide this information -- whether a newspaper editor, librarian or website publisher -- could go to jail if they tell anybody anything about it. Fight back! Tell your Senators to oppose these assaults on our rights as American citizens:

    And tell your Representatives discussions on the Patriot Act must be public:

    Read the details here: and here: and here:

    Call and email Wisconsin Representative Sensenbrenner's office and tell him you object to his totalitarian methods of shutting down the hearings on the Patriot Act on June 10- which he did in an illegal manner: 1-800-242-1119 , (202) 225-5101, and call and email your Congressman and tell him to censure Sensenbrenner:
    More ways to fight Sensenbrenner:
    Click on Wisconsin, compose a letter to the editor, and send to media outlets, 5 at a time. Use your back arrow to send to 5 more, etc...

    Here's one guy who's had it. Let's keep track of his efforts and join!

    8. Stop the attempt to restrict our Bill of Rights! The hypocritical neo-cons have passed the "Flag Desecration Amendment". This is an attempt to further limit our rights and liberties under the "patriotic" ruse of defending the SYMBOL of those liberties! No one wants to burn the flag. But we should not let the neo-cons desecrate our Constitution with restrictions to our rights! We MUST win this battle. We should defend the values our flag stands for- not the cloth- which is now made in Communist China. Please send an urgent message to your Senators now and follow it up with a call demanding that they leave our Constitution and our Bill of RIghts alone:
    Multiply your voice and also sign the Veterans for Common Sense letter of opposition to this Flag Amendment:

    Sign all of the ACLU's petitions to protect and defend our free speech and citizen rights and protections. For example: Defend cable TV and the internet from government control:

    The FBI Witchhunts have begun! Check these 3 links and start adding your voice by notifying your local media and objecting to these witchhunts:

    9. Our world is suffering irreparable harm while we are desperately trying to counter the daily assaults on our freedoms and protections! The rate of destruction by global warming through the unregulated burning of fuels is visible, demonstrable, and REAL. We MUST add our efforts to our environmental associations and lend them support in every way we can. Please support the Union of Concerned Scientists in this battle. Start with this simple "virtual march". With folks already busy with work and daily lives, for many this is the only way to join a march. This is a tactic that helps us show our support for a cause without having to travel to far-away marches. Please add your name and support at:

    Also sign the petition for NO NEW NUKES:

    10. Don't let the Bush administration drug your kids through the federally-mandated "No Child Left Undrugged" program- which they have dishonestly mislabeled in order to further benefit the drug industry. (The presidential initiative calls it The “New Freedom Commission on Mental Health”.) Ask your Congressmen to add their support to the Ron Paul HR 181 Parental Consent Act to oppose this federal drugging of our kids:

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    # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:31 AM
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