Yesterday, a House committee slashed half of the federal funding for NPR and PBS, specifically targeting popular children's shows like "Sesame Street" and "Postcards from Buster." These cuts will decimate local stations and undermine quality news reporting. This is nothing less than an effort to kill off NPR and PBS.
But people like you are fighting back, making the petition to save NPR and PBS one of the most popular we've ever seen—750,000 signers to date! Already, the public outcry has delayed the effort to eliminate funding entirely, but we must fight to restore full funding at once. The House will vote on these massive cuts to NPR and PBS as soon as Tuesday, and representatives are making up their minds right now.
Make sure Rep. Doggett doesn't take away the programs you love. Call him today at:
Congressman Lloyd DoggettPhone: 202-225-4865
Tell the staffer who answers why you feel so strongly about saving NPR and PBS, and ask Rep. Doggett to restore all funding to public broadcasting. A personal story about how you and your family benefit from NPR, PBS or your local stations will have the greatest impact.
It's important to track our efforts. Please let us know you're calling at: American people trust NPR and PBS for balanced news and quality children's programming. But the House leadership will push hard to ram these cuts through: it's not to save money, it's to cripple public broadcasting.
Can you call Rep. Doggett today?
Congressman Lloyd Doggett
Phone: 202-225-4865
After you call, please pass this along to others in your area who want to save NPR and PBS.