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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Tuesday, August 09, 2005

    On August 2nd, we sent a shockwave through the Republican Party. In case you don't know me, I was the Democratic candidate in the special election for Ohio's second congressional district. I am also a veteran of the Iraq War. In a district that has seen 40 point Democratic losses for 15 years, we came within four points. That was after Tom DeLay and the national Republicans poured in a half a million dollars to shore up my opponent. I couldn't be prouder of our campaign. The national Republicans promised to "bury" me, but we stood tough and put them in their place. On Thursday the Washington Post asked their spokesman whether they had fulfilled their promise, and the spokesman admitted simply: "we did not." Newt Gingrich himself called it "a wake-up call to Republicans." There are so many people who made this possible. Never having run for public office before, I was amazed by people's hard work, long hours and dedication to my campaign. I could not have run this race without the grassroots Democrats coming to my aid - in message, in boots on the ground, and in contributions to my campaign. And there was another team who was working on my behalf. At the most critical point of the campaign, the DCCC sent staff to direct a get out the vote operation unlike anything this district has seen in decades. They helped me turn my campaign into a well-oiled machine. Contribute to the DCCC for a Democratic Congress. While I took on my opponent head to head, unbeknownst to me the DCCC was quietly tracking the race, digging up the facts, and feeling out vulnerabilities. They lulled the Republicans into complacency for weeks - then unloaded a massive, devastating ad buy exposing my opponent's ties to the scandal-plagued Ohio Republican Party. My experience as a candidate taught me more than I can say, but I can tell you two things right now:
    This race shows that no Republican is safe, and
    The DCCC will be the key player in seeing that Democrats take full advantage of Republican vulnerabilities.
    Contribute to the DCCC for a Democratic Congress. After the chips have fallen in November of 2006, I hope we can look back at my race as the first page in a new chapter in history. A chapter where accountability and integrity were brought back to our government. A chapter where deceit and influence-peddling were not taken for granted from those in power. A chapter where the Democratic agenda of hope and prosperity can make the government work for the American people instead of against them. I am proud that my race for Ohio's 2nd can serve as a template for how we win seats across this country in 2006. Our success, and the help of the grassroots community in my race, gives confidence that we will win in 2006. Please help support Democratic candidates across the country. Contribute to the DCCC for a Democratic Congress. Thanks for listening, and thanks for your support in this thrilling experience. Please help the DCCC - I know they'll make us proud.
    Paul Hackett,
    proud Democrat

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