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    Location: Austin, Texas, United States

    Joshua Angell, also known as Josh Angell (born June 3, 1979), is an outspoken Liberal activist who has run a news blog since 2004, entitled "Voice Of The Majority" Angell, a frequent caller to radio shows such as Lynn Samuels, is often outspoken on what he calls "the lies of the Bush Crime Family". Known locally in Austin, Texas to appear at rallies and anti-war demonstrations, Angell is self described as "The most famous gay activist in Austin that everybody knows OF but nobody KNOWS".

    Thursday, December 22, 2005

    Adam McKay, The Huffington Post
    Dick Cheney was on a tear yesterday. He got the ball rolling by firing off the following quote defending the President's right to spy on Americans with no approval from any court. "I believe in a strong, robust executive authority and I think that the world we live in demands it," Cheney said. "I would argue that the actions that we've taken there are totally appropriate and consistent with the constitutional authority of the president."Cheney then said he felt that after the Nixon administration executive power has been diminished and needs to be restored. Is it just me or is this a chilling quote? It seems like a line from the Emperor in the most recent Star Wars: "The Power of the Emperor must not be limited by the council or the Jedi in a time of war!"Cheney then cast the deciding vote on budget cuts that seriously limit Medicaid and Student Loans for Americans. This after Congress just made permanent large tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent in our country.Does Dick Cheney know he's evil? I mean it. Does he occasionally look up from his breakfast of one hard boiled egg and a plate of heart pills and say to himself, "Man, I'm an evil fuck"?Bush and Cheney have presided over one of the worst runs in American history: starting a war based on lies that has cost tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions; total failure to deal with Katrina and then blaming others for that failure; basically legalizing torture; outing a CIA spy; tax breaks for millionaires; huge no bid contracts to Cheney's former company; a crazily-divided country that has lost the respect and trust of the world; insane trade deficits...etc, etc, etc, etc.And now Cheney says they need even more power? Isn't this like the coach of the Toronto Raptors saying "Hey, we're 5 and 20. I think it's time I was also made Team President and GM. Plus I want to play point guard."?I think these greedy apes should be doing back flips that they're not in jail.And what is Cheney's reasoning for calling for more power? That there haven't been anymore terrorist attacks. Nothing's been blown up...lately. In case you forgot Dick, it was on your watch that the first big attack happened! And you had intelligence warning you of the attack. But I forgot, that was just, according to Rice, "An historical document." Kind of like if you yell to someone "Hey! Watch out! That car is going to hit you!" And they just stand there and get hit and then later claim that they thought you meant overall, for life, watch out for cars. In a general overall kind of way.Maybe they thought the explicit warnings about the levees in New Orleans were "historical." Or maybe they thought they were quoting the Led Zeppelin song "The Levee's Gonna Break..." After all, Bush liked to party in New Orleans and I'm sure he sometimes got the Led out.But as flagrant as the corrupt Bush administration is in their quest for power, money, and oh yeah, power, the American people still, for the most part, reside in a false reality of TV programming and sports and "Top Ten Gifts for 05!" And the Republicans treat all of this as though it's a big game of Red Rover, Red Rover. Honestly... Republicans... do you really, truly think these guys are doing a good job? Really? 'Cause you're killing us. And Dick Cheney is loving every second of it.

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